Plugin Alliance 插件联盟发布动态均衡插件 TOMO Audiolabs LISA

插件联盟吸引新品牌 TOMO Audiolabs 发布一个新的建模动态均衡器插件,它建模了 TOMO Audiolabs 自己的 LISA 硬件设备。
与以往不同的是,这只是一个动态 EQ 但是带有插件联盟平时只有通道条才有的招牌 TMT 技术,这意味着 TMT 将会覆盖到更多插件上吗?

TOMO Audiolabs LISA.jpg

Don't call me EQ! Six bands of smooth opto compression per channel with TMT.​

别叫我均衡器! 我的每个通道都有六个平滑光电压缩频段,并且使用了 TMT 技术。
A new way to apply dynamic EQ
TOMO Audiolabs’ LISA is the only tool of its kind: An all-analog dynamic EQ, featuring a dedicated opto compressor cell for each of its 6 bands.
This exacting model of the original brings a new way of applying dynamic EQ to the digital domain.
Now you can take advantage of the character and workflow of this $15k mastering-grade hardware in the box.​

TOMO Audiolabs 的 LISA 是同类中唯一的工具:全模拟动态均衡器,其 6 个频段中的每一个频段都有一个专用的光电压缩器。
现在,您可以充分利用这款价值 15,000 美元的母带级硬件的特性和工作流程。


Six bands of smooth opto compression and expansion
LISA employs a dedicated, modern opto compression circuit for each of its six bands per channel.
Its program-dependent compression and expansion averages around a 3:1 ratio, or a selectable 10:1 ratio,
both with a soft knee, and the option to change between slow, medium and fast settings for attack and release.​

LISA 为每个通道的六个频段中的每一个都采用了专用的现代光压缩电路。
它的压缩和扩展平均比例约为 3:1 ,或可选择的 10:1 ,
Dials in like an old school EQ, controls like a high-end compressor
With a layout reminiscent of the high-end Sontec and Massenburg EQs, LISA invites an intuitive, ears-first approach to sculpting your tone.
Rather than simply applying a fixed EQ curve, the extent of your cut or boost breathes and dances along with your audio.
With its proportional bandwidths, deeper cuts become increasingly more narrow and surgical,
while larger boosts become tighter, more precise and note-like as they increase in intensity.​

LISA 的布局让人联想到高端 Sontec 和 Massenburg EQ,采用直观、聆听的方法来塑造你的音色。
不是简单地应用一个固定的 EQ 曲线,你的衰减或提升的程度将随着你的音频强弱而改变,就像呼吸一样。


A perfect complement to the master buss, and selected individual tracks
This dynamic EQ was designed with mastering applications in mind,
making it perfect for controlling kick and bass without reducing low frequency extension, or enhancing them without adding undue boominess to the mix.
It can reduce sibilance in vocals or harshness in cymbals without sacrificing brightness, and even precisely target specific elements in the mix,
especially in mid-side mode. Use the separate mono version of the plugin to elegantly reshape single instruments like bass guitar, drums and voice.​

它可以在不牺牲亮度的情况下减少人声的齿音或尖锐的刺耳声,甚至可以精确定位混音中的特定元素,尤其是在 M/S 模式下。


Parallel bands for more forgiving processing
Another unique feature of LISA is its parallel circuit concept. In the conventional series wiring found in most EQs, 100% of the distortion and rectification influences the signal path.
But LISA’s parallel circuitry allows individual bands to be processed in similar fashion to a mixing console, enabling more extensive, more sensitive and more subtle processing,
making it possible to musically apply extreme EQ settings that would be impossible with a traditional EQ.​

LISA 的另一个独特之处是它的并联电路概念。
在大多数 EQ 中发现的传统串联布线中,100% 的失真和整流会影响信号流。
但是 LISA 的并行电路允许以与混音控制台类似的方式处理各个频段,来实现更全面、更灵敏和更轻微的处理,
从而可以在音乐上应用传统 EQ 无法实现的极端 EQ 参数设置。
Plugin only additions including the new “TX Drive”
As always, the engineers at Brainworx have added new digital-only features that would be impossible in the analog domain.
In addition to regular favorites like the Mono Maker, Stereo Width, Auto Listen, Headroom and TMT controls, the LISA adds a new parameter for the first time: TX Drive.
This new parameter allows you to dial in more or less transformer saturation and character, separate from the other analog characteristics of the device.
The newly developed transformer model accurately reproduces both saturation and hysteresis distortions of the specific transformer, making it sound and behave exactly like its analogue counterpart.​

插件才有的技术,包括新的 “TX Drive”
与往常一样,Brainworx 的工程师带来了新的纯数字功能,这在模拟领域是不可能的。
除了 Mono Maker、Stereo Width、Auto Listen、Headroom 和 TMT 参数等常规技术之外,LISA 还首次加入了一个新参数:TX Drive。


Precise emulation of the unique TOMO Audiolabs LISA
Independent opto-compression based dynamic section for each of its 6 bands per channel, switchable between compression and expansion
Includes two parametric mid bands, parametric low and high bands with a shelving mode, and two dedicated boost bands - plus highpass and lowpass filters
Parallel circuits allows for greater changes in frequency with more transparency
Six EQ bands with a broad frequency overlap provide optimum processing flexibility
New TX Drive feature acts like a "Headroom" control for the transformer model only. A new Brainworx innovation!
Includes a separate mono version for individual tracks such bass, kick, snare and vocals
Scalable User Interface
Artist Presets to get you started on a variety of sources
Plugin-only features include Brainworx’ Mono Maker, Stereo Width, Headroom, Auto Listen, a dedicated mono version
TMT - Brainworx patented “Tolerance Modeling Technology” (US Patent No. 10,725,727)​

独特的 TOMO Audiolabs LISA 的精确建模
每个通道的 6 个频段中的每一个都具有独立的光电压缩的动态部分,可在压缩和扩展之间切换
包括两个参量中频、带搁架模式的参量低频和高频,以及两个专用提升频段 - 以及高通和低通滤波器
六个具有宽频率重叠的 EQ 频段提供了最佳的处理灵活性
新的 TX 驱动功能就像仅用于变压器建模的“余量”参数。 Brainworx 的一项新创新!
插件才具有的功能包括 Brainworx 的 Mono Maker、Stereo Width、Headroom、Auto Listen、专用单声道版本
TMT - Brainworx 获得专利的“公差建模技术”(美国专利号 10,725,727)



正常价格 399 美元,首发 " 促销 " 199.99 美元。​


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