Strezov Sampling 要将自家引以为傲的 X3M 打击乐引擎最大限度的利用起来,

Look to the east, for a deeply sampled and pure collection of Darbukas in various ensemble sizes for the cinematic touch!
For years the Darbuka has been a constant colour in soundtracks and music productions all over the world.
Applying our sampling philosophy to the various instruments of the Darbuka branch yielded some very organic and fresh sounding results,
which combined with our X3M percussion engine are simply a joy to play.
结合我们的 X3M 打击乐引擎,演奏起来简直是一种乐趣。
One of our main goals was to have consistent Round Robins captured for as many playing techniques as possible to allow writing fast,
but at the same time smooth and realistic sounding percussion arrangements.
To achieve that we carefully edited every single sample of our 9 Round Robins manually
and did as many iterations as needed after extensively testing the articulations in a real life composing environment.
为了实现这一点,我们努力编辑了 9 个采样循环,
The recordings took place in the Sofia Session Studio where we also recorded the previous X3M libraries to allow smooth and easy layering.
录制是在 Sofia Session Studio 中进行的,我们还录制了以前的 X3M 库,以得到流畅和简单易用的音色层。

The X3M Percussion Engine
The concept behind this engine is fairly simple – the keyboard range is divided into 12 zones that you are able to assign different sounds to.
After creating a template of your choosing just plug in and play – nothing else needed!
X3M 打击乐引擎
这个引擎背后的概念相当简单——键盘范围分为 12 个区域,您可以分配不同的音色。
创建您选择的模板后,只需插入并播放 - 就是这么简单!
In addition to that the engine also allows you to tweak individual zones, as well as the whole mapped ensemble patch with various effects and mic positions.
Combining these with the natural and organic recordings you have maximum flexibility when it comes to sound.
The recently updated X3M Engine also features Round Robin Selection as well as Stereo Spread control for each microphone position.
最新版本的 X3M 引擎还具有循环选择以及每个麦克风位置的立体声扩展控制。
Once you load up the X3M Ensemble Builder you automatically load all samples inside the “Samples” directory.
However, the instrument is built in such a way that it actually keeps all samples purged, unless you load them up into a zone.
This means that not only do you have a single patch with all types of percussion you might need,
but it is also optimized and doesn't hurt your RAM ressources in any way!
加载 X3M Ensemble Builder 后,您会自动加载“Samples”目录中的所有采样。
但是,该乐器的构建方式是它实际上保持所有采样的数据(只是被 Purge),除非您将它们加载到一个区域中。

Native Instruments Kontakt 5.7.1+ FULL version required!
Kontakt Player NOT SUPPORTED
Approximately 13GB Hard drive space
(~6.5GB for the installation files and ~6.6GB for the unzipped folder)
需要 Native Instruments Kontakt 5.7.1+ 完整版!
不支持 Kontakt Player 版本
大约 13GB 硬盘空间
(安装文件约为 6.5GB,解压文件夹约为 6.6GB)

正常价格 129 欧元,2月23日之前首发促销 79 欧元。