Tokyo Scoring Strings 2.0 正式发布,现已更新,老用户免费升级!

近两年火爆整个作曲圈的东京作曲弦乐 Tokyo Scoring Strings 在经历三年后终于迎来了 V2.0,
对于之前购买过 Tokyo Scoring Strings 1 的用户,现在已经可以通过 Pulse 下载器下载 2.0 了!

Tokyo Scoring Strings 2.jpg

TSS2.0 is a complete reworking of the entire library from the ground-up.
We've redone everything from the audio (from the original sessions) to the script engine
to create the very best version of this instrument possible.​

TSS2.0 是对整个音色库的彻底改进。
ISW 重做了从音频(来自原始工程)到脚本引擎的所有内容,
With this update we have what our team believes is the most playable,
versatile, AND easy-to-use string library out there.​

通过此更新,ISW 的团队认为这是目前演奏性最高、
Existing projects will not be affected or changed to maintain compatibility.​

重要提示:对于现有用户,这是 100% 免费更新!

Key Differences & Improvements from TSS1.0 to TSS2.0
* Vastly improved consistency in sample timbre, attack time, and dynamics across the board.
* Two brand-new mic mixes in addition to Aizawa's bright and cutting 'Board Mix': lead producer Sarah Mancuso well-rounded ‘Anima Mix’, and lead software architect Neblix 's more traditional ‘Cinema Mix’
* Stunningly realistic legato transitions using all-original DSP research to smoothly balance and blend between source, transition, and ending notes.
* Three brand-new legato articulations: emotional Lyrical legato, super-agile Runs legato, and powerful Marcato legato incorporating adjustable bow noise. This is in addition to the existing Legato Bow, Legato Slur, Porta Bow, and Porta Slur articulations.
* Save a potentially massive amount of CPU and RAM with new dynamic layer and vibrato layer purging, which can be done in just a single click and works seamlessly with existing automation (no bumps or messy crossfades).
* The super playable Smart Attack feature while playing Arco seamlessly shapes and blends short articulations with your playing based on velocity (while modwheel handles dynamics.) This has been carefully tuned to ‘feel’ just right for real-time playing.
* For the Mic Mixer patches, the Close position now uses a much more focused, solo spot mic with less bleed than in TSS1. We’ve also replaced the ‘Room’ and ‘Surround’ positions with the more distinct ‘Side’ (outtrigger) and ‘Rear’ mic signals.
* The already very powerful Poly Legato has now been improved to work seamlessly with sustain pedal changes. You can now play chords in a naturalistic way and get gorgeous smart legato between notes without a second thought.
* A brand-new Ensemble patch featuring entirely new and carefully-balanced samples, which is incredibly inspiring and a joy to play particularly in Poly Legato mode. This is not just a ‘big sustain’ patch. It has 100% articulation parity with all other sections making it completely capable as the ONLY patch you use!​

TSS1.0 和 TSS2.0 的主要区别和改进
* 大幅提高了采样音色、起音时间和动态的一致性。
* 除了 Aizawa 明亮而尖锐的 “Board Mix” 之外,还有两种全新的麦克风混音:首席制作人 Sarah Mancuso 全面的 “Anima Mix” 和首席软件架构师 Neblix 更传统的 “Cinema Mix”。
* 使用全原创 DSP 算法研究实现令人惊叹的逼真连奏过渡,以平滑的平衡和融合声源、过渡和结束音符。
* 三种全新的连奏技巧:情感抒情连奏、超敏捷的 Runs 连奏和强大的 Marcato 连奏,结合了可调节的弓噪。这是对现有 Legato Bow、Legato Slur、Porta Bow 和 Porta Slur 技巧的补充。
* 使用新的动态层和颤音层清除功能,节省大量 CPU 和 RAM,只需单击一下即可完成,并与现有自动化无缝协作(无连接的音符或混乱的交叉淡入淡出)。
* 可演奏的超级智能起音功能在演奏 Arco 时无缝开始和融合短音,并根据力度将短音与你的演奏融合在一起(而调制轮则处理动态)。这已经经过精心调整,以“感觉”恰到好处,适合实时演奏。
* 对于 Mic Mixer 预置,Close 位置现在使用比 TSS1 中更集中的单点麦克风,串音更少。ISW 还用更独特的 “侧方”(Outtrigger)和 “后方” 麦克风信号替换了 “房间” 和 “环绕” 话筒位置。
* 已经非常强大的 Poly Legato 现已得到改进,可以与延音踏板变化无缝协作。现在可以以自然的方式演奏和弦,并立即在音符之间获得华丽的智能连奏。
* 全新的 Ensemble 预置,包含全新且经过精心平衡的采样,非常另人振奋,尤其是在 Poly Legato 模式下演奏时非常愉快。这不仅仅是一个“大延音”预置。它与所有其他部分具有 100% 的清晰度对等性,完全可以作为你使用的唯一预置!


Lookahead 2.0
Our initial, groundbreaking Lookahead system analyzed notes during playback to create more realistic performances.
For example, rather than having to set messy off-grid transitions, Lookahead allows you to write 100% quantized notes and get perfectly in-time legato & portamento.
And with optional Easy Articulations enabled, you can write intricate parts with lots of articulation switching by only adjusting note length and velocity - no keyswitches needed.​

Lookahead 2.0
ISW 最初的开创性 Lookahead 系统在播放过程中分析音符,以创造更逼真的演奏。
例如,Lookahead 可以编写 100% 量化的音符并获得完美的连奏和滑音,而不必设置混乱的音符过渡。
并且启用可选的 Easy Articulations 后,只需调整音符长度和力度即可编写具有大量技穷切换的复杂声部 - 无需键位开关。
As part of the complete script rewrite, Lookahead 2.0 offers all of the above in a more stable and better-sounding package,
along with several new and extremely useful features.​

作为新写的完整脚本的一部分,Lookahead 2.0 以更稳定、更好的音质包提供了上述所有功能,
To save CPU, Lookahead now analyzes dynamics used on each note and disables any unused layers on a per-note basis.
So, even if you don’t use the aforementioned dynamic/vibrato purge feature above, Lookahead will greatly increase your possible voice count and CPU efficiently.​

为了节省 CPU,Lookahead 现在会分析每个音符上使用的动态状态并禁用每个音符上任何未使用的层。
因此,即使你不使用上述动态/颤音清除功能,Lookahead 也会大大增强你的可用复音数和 CPU 效能。
For greater compatibility across more DAWs and quirky plugin/wrapper setups, you can make use of Short Mode which reduces the Lookahead latency to 300ms,
and toggleable UI Parameter Sync which can fix playback situations where CC automation is out-of-sync with your parts.​

为了在更多 DAW 和特殊的插件/宿主设置之间实现更大的兼容性,你可以使用 Short 模式将前瞻延迟减少到 300 毫秒,
以及可切换的界面参数同步,它可以修复 CC 自动化与你的声部不同步的播放情况。
Complete Content Overview
World-class string ensemble recorded in a tight, focused studio space
8 violins 1, 6 violins 2, 4 violas, 3 cellos, 3 basses
Board Mix, Anima Mix, and Cinema Mix patches
Mic Mixer patch offering per-channel control over Close, Decca, Side, and Back positions
Five sustain dynamic layers
Three vibrato types (non-vibrato, regular vibrato, molto vibrato)
Long articulations: Arco, Trills (HT), Trills (WT), Tremolo, Harmonics
Legato articulations: Legato Bow, Legato Slur, Lyrical Legato, Run Legato, Marcato Legato, Portamento Bow, Portamento Slur, Rebow
Release articulations: Release (Natural), Release (Excited), Release (Staccato), Release (Decrescendo), Release (Harmonics)
Short articulations: Sforzando (Long), Sforzando (Short), Decrescendo (Long), Decrescendo (Short), Pizzicato, Staccato, Staccatissimo, Spiccato, Spiccato Secco​

8 把小提琴 1 组、6 把小提琴 2 组、4 把中提琴、3 把大提琴、3 把低音提琴
Board Mix、Anima Mix 和 Cinema Mix 话筒预置
Mic Mixer 预置提供对每组近场位、Decca 位、侧方位和后方位话筒的通道控制
连奏技巧:Legato Bow、Legato Slur、Lyrical Legato、Run Legato、Marcato Legato、Portamento Bow、Portamento Slur、Rebow
短音技巧:Sforzando(长)、Sforzando(短)、Decrescendo(长)、Decrescendo(短)、Pizzicato、Staccato、Staccatissimo、Spiccato、Spiccato Secco


Update Process
An important note for EXISTING TSS1 owners who want to upgrade with far less bandwidth and storage required!
If you want to install only TSS2, here's how it works.​

对于想要以更少的带宽和存储空间进行升级的现有 TSS1 用户,这是一条重要提示!
如果你只想安装 TSS2,请按照以下方法操作。
1. Go to and download the latest version (40.4.18).
2. Find and copy your TSS1 serial number (as a reminder, it's the same in Pulse & Native Access)
3. Open Pulse, select Add new Product.
4. Paste in your TSS1 serial number and add the text -CLEAN. For example if your number was 12345-12345-12345-12345-12345, it should now say: 12345-12345-12345-12345-12345-CLEAN
5. This will now allow you to install ONLY the TSS2 content to a NEW folder. You can also select which mixes you want here, which can greatly reduce the total download size/storage requirement.
Next, you must make a decision on what to do with TSS1 content.​

1. 到 并下载最新版本 (40.4.18)。
2. 查找并复制你的 TSS1 序列号(提醒一下,Pulse 和 Native Access 中的序列号相同)
3. 打开 Pulse,选择 Add new Product 添加新产品。
4. 粘贴你的 TSS1 序列号并添加 -CLEAN。例如,如果您的序列号是 12345-12345-12345-12345-12345,则写成:12345-12345-12345-12345-12345-CLEAN
5. 现在,这将可以让你仅将 TSS2 内容安装到新文件夹中。你还可以在此处选择所需的麦克风混音组,这可以大大减少总下载大小/存储要求。
接下来,你必须决定如何处理 TSS1 内容。


OPTION A: If you want to keep TSS1 content without breaking compatibility...
A6. Go to the folder you selected for the TSS2 content. Rename the "Instruments" folder to "Instruments 2.0".
A7. Select the 'Instruments 2.0', 'Samples 2.0', and 'Documentation' folders.
A8. Open up your old Tokyo Scoring Strings (1) folder. Move the folders selected above into this one.
You can now see both 'Instruments' and 'Instruments 2.0' folders in the Kontakt -> Libraries tab under Tokyo Scoring Strings, with no impact on previous projects.​

选项 A:如果您想保留 TSS1 内容而保持老工程打开不出问题...
A6. 转到你为 TSS2 内容选择的文件夹。将“Instruments”文件夹重命名为“Instruments 2.0”。
A7. 选择“Instruments 2.0”、“Samples 2.0”和“Documentation”文件夹。
A8. 打开旧的 Tokyo Scoring Strings (1) 文件夹。将上面选择的文件夹移动到此文件夹中。
你现在可以在 Tokyo Scoring Strings 下的 Kontakt -> Libraries 选项卡中看到 “Instruments” 和 “Instruments 2.0” 文件夹,而不会对以前的项目产生影响。


OPTION B: If you don't need the TSS1 content anymore...
B6. Find your TSS1 folder, and either rename or delete it.
B7. Open Native Access and go to your Installed products. You will see Tokyo Scoring Strings now has a 'broken' installation, like so:
B8. Click the Repair button, which will allow you to Relocate the library. Point this at your newly-downloaded Tokyo Scoring Strings folder, and everything will now work as expected.​

选项 B:如果您不再需要 TSS1 的内容...
B6. 找到您的 TSS1 文件夹,将它重命名或删除它。
B7. 打开 Native Access 并切到你的已安装产品。将看到 Tokyo Scoring Strings 现在提示黄色叹号状态,如下所示:
B8. 单击 Repair 修复按钮,这将弹出让你重新定位库。将其指向你新下载的 Tokyo Scoring Strings 文件夹,现在一切都将按预期工作。



正常价格 449 美元,10 月 23 日前首发促销 349 美元,
Tokyo Scoring Strings 2.0 Complete 完整版 RMB 899 元!
TSS2 + TSDK 东京弦乐+东京鼓组套装 RMB 1299 元!