伟大的 Kiive Audio 再次席卷而来!这次他们送上了昂贵的 Focusrite 传奇 Blue 315 母带均衡器建模!
Blue 315 是 Focusrite 历史上最昂贵的顶级均衡器(远超 Red 系列),插件不仅忠实还原还了这款硬件,
还为其增加了三种饱和功能,这也是这款插件名为 M5133 的原因!用起来非常好听不骗你!

Blue 315 是 Focusrite 历史上最昂贵的顶级均衡器(远超 Red 系列),插件不仅忠实还原还了这款硬件,
还为其增加了三种饱和功能,这也是这款插件名为 M5133 的原因!用起来非常好听不骗你!
The Kiive Audio M5133 is based on 3 Generations of a World-Renowned mastering EQ known
for being used on records across every genre imaginable.
Featuring 4 Variable Bands, High and Low Filters, as well as 3 additional saturation types
for adding that final touch of color to your tracks.
Kiive Audio M5133 基于第三代享誉世界的母带均衡器,
具有 4 个可变频段、高低切滤波器以及 3 种额外的饱和类型,

From the top to the bottom of your mix,
this EQ handles each frequency band with curves perfectly designed for your master bus.

Introducing The M5133 Mastering EQ
Get Access to an Extremely Musical Mastering EQ Based on 3 Generations of Legendary Hardware!
This EQ is a staple in many mastering studios around the world,
and it’s no surprise with its ability to shape up sounds perfectly without feeling “over EQ’d”.
介绍 M5133 母带均衡器
获得基于 3 代传奇硬件的极具音乐性的母带均衡器!

With its meticulously modeled circuits capturing the best features of each revision,
as well as additional saturation modes modeled by Kiive Audio,
this EQ can handle any genre’s needs.
以及由 Kiive Audio 增加的额外饱和模式,

Minimum System Requirements
1 GHz Intel Dual Core Processor or AMD equivalent (PC)
4GB of RAM
Mac OS X 10.7 or higher, 10.14 or higher recommended
Windows 7 & Above
Screen res: 1024 x 768 or higher
64 bit DAW support only
MacOS | 64bit / M1 Native: VST3, AU, AAX
Windows | 64bit: VST3, AAX
1 GHz Intel 双核处理器或 AMD 同等处理器 (PC)
Mac OS X 10.7 或更高版本,建议使用 10.14 或更高版本
Windows 7 及更高版本
屏幕分辨率:1024 x 768 或更高
仅支持 64 位 DAW
苹果系统 | 64bit / M1 原生支持: VST3, AU, AAX
Windows | 64bit: VST3, AAX
官网原价 139.99 美元,首发促销 79 美元。
中国区的新用户享有国区独家骨折价格 199 元 RMB,
对于购买过之前所有 Kiive 全家桶的用户享有折上折 99 元 RMB。
因 M5133 面世,Kiive 全家桶插件数增至 13 个,并以 1399 元 RMB 骨折供应。