Audiomodern 升级智能和弦发生插件 Chordjam 到 1.5 并促销!

Audiomodern Chordjam 刚刚发布了一个具有新功能和改进的重大更新,
现在最新版本 1.5,集成了 MPE 功能,现在也能指引 MPE 合成器发挥更多特效!

Chordjam 1.jpg

Chordjam is an innovative plugin that builds chords and progression patterns through intuitive user-guided randomization.
It automatically randomizes a unique combination of parameters, serving up unpredictable but always-musical variations.​

Chordjam 是一个创新的插件,它通过直观的用户引导随机化建立和弦进行模式。
The new update (version 1.5) introduces a brand-new presets and packs manager system.
With this new feature, Chordjam comes pre-loaded with a wide range of built-in presets and expansion packs.
This means that you'll have an extensive collection of sounds and chord progressions at your fingertips, allowing for even more creative possibilities.​

有了这一新功能,Chordjam 预装了一系列内置的预设和扩展包。


Other New Cool Features
- MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE)
- Chord Bending (Polyphonic Portamento for Gliding Chords)
- Updated Preset Manager allowing Import/Export of Expansion Packs
- Various Performance Improvements​

- MIDI 复调表达(MPE)
- 更新的预设管理器,可以导入/导出扩展包
- 各种性能改进
If you already own Chordjam, you can download the update for free from your account at the Audiomodern website.
Just log in and go to the downloads section.
If you don't own Chordjam yet, now is the perfect time to get it! For a limited time only.​

如果你已经拥有 Chordjam,你可以从 Audiomodern 网站上的账户上免费下载更新。
如果你还没有拥有 Chordjam,现在是购买它的好机会!

在 6 月 8 日之前,原价 59 美元的 Chordjam 促销为 39 美元,