LiquidSonics Illusion 升级到 v1.2,增加动态控制功能

LiquidSonics 的幻觉混响也进行大升级了,在全新 v1.2 版本中,居然增加了动态处理功能。


Illusion v1.2 introduces a pair of dynamics processors that are ideal for use in contemporary reverb production techniques that call for compression or ducking.
but read on to find out why Illusion’s processors can do so much more than a side-chained compressor ever could in your DAW!​

Illusion v1.2 加入了一对动态处理器,它们非常适用于需要压缩或闪避的当代混响制作技术。
但请继续阅读以了解为什么 Illusion 的处理器可以比侧链压缩器在你的DAW中做能发挥更大的作用!


Dynamics 动态控制​

Using compression or ducking (side-chaining a compressor inserted after the reverb with the dry signal) in Illusion allows you to control the dynamics of a reverb in specific parts of the reverb engine.
That could be the input, the entire wet signal, just the reverb, just the reflections, or some combination of these.
Illusion v1.2 provides many compression and ducking isolation options to allow greater control over what parts of Illusion have dynamics applied to them.​

在 Illusion 中使用压缩或闪避(在混响后插入的压缩器与干信号进行侧链连接)可以让您控制混响指定部分的声音动态。
Illusion v1.2 提供了许多压缩和闪避隔离选项,以便更好地控制 Illusion 的声音动态。
Ducking a the reverb can often increase clarity of a performance during a vocal phrase because there is less competition in the mix for the vocal,
but then when the singer takes a pause the reverb level can quickly recover allowing the reverb to move in to fill the space.
This means much ‘wetter’ reverbs can be tolerated because it doesn’t overwhelm the mix when the focus should be on the performer.
Intelligibility is improved greatly with little effort from the producer.​

The trouble with just running a compressor (with side-chain for ducking) over an entire reverb as a mixer insert effect is that it drags down the early reflections as well.
This creates collateral damage. I am a firm believer that well-designed reflections enhance the spatialisation and realism in a crucial way,
so pushing these down along with the reverb tail during a dry phrase usually isn’t very good news as you can often lose the beneficial effect of the reflections entirely.
Reflections rarely compromise intelligibility, so it is good to retain them at their full level while the reverb is subject to dynamics processing.​

That’s why in Illusion v1.2 you can now selectively compress or duck the reverb signal and leave the reflections at full volume.
You will get all the benefits of the reflections, and increased tail clarity during phrases or busy moments by pushing down the late reverb until the mix has the space to return.​

这就是为什么在 Illusion v1.2 中,您现在可以有选择地压缩或降低混响信号并使反射保持最大音量。
You may be familiar with reaching for the reverb onset controls (e.g. shape and spread in a Lexicon or envelope controls of Reverberate 3) to help control the envelope of this crucial region,
but it’s helpful to let a ducker do the work for you so it can react to the level of the music.​

您可能熟悉使用混响起始控制(例如在 Lexicon 中 Shape 和 Spread,或 Reverberate 3 的包络控制)来帮助控制这个关键区域的包络,
While ducking is great for increasing clarity you can also creatively compress a reverb tail in many ways.
For example by using a fairly low threshold, a large ratio value, a moderate attack and a slow release you can achieve a kind of non-linear reverb which holds steady for a period of time while the ducker works to compensate the level decay of the tail,
before entering the release period when the reverberation has decayed below the threshold and it then decays away naturally.
You could combine that with some non-linear reflections for very interesting effects!​



Bit Depth 比特深度​

Reverbs of old were often limited in their processing bit depth. That created a noisy, gritty atmosphere.​

That effect can now be revisited in Illusion by setting a 10 or 12-bit resolution on the inputs and outputs,
but you can have some fun by taking things to extremes as well by aggressively crushing the reflections and reverb itself which starts to exhibit very dirty gate-like effects.​

现在可以在 Illusion 中通过在输入和输出上设置 10 或 12 位分辨率来重新复现这种效果,
The bit depth can be selected down to an excruciating 6-bit through to a near-transparent 18-bit, or of course disabled entirely.​

位深可以选择到 6 位到 18 位,当然也可以完全禁用。
The 5-band master equalisers for the early reflections and late reverb modules are placed after the crushers,
so you can shape the effect of the bit-depth tools with roll-off or shelving filters very easily if you need to do so.​

用于早期反射和后期混响模块的 5 频段主均衡器放置在比特失真器之后,


Brick Wall Filtering 砖墙滤波​

Reverbs operating at low sample rates use sharp anti-aliasing filters within the audible frequency spectrum.
This accounts for important part of the very characteristic tone of many early digital reverbs from the 1970s and 1980s.
Dropping an 8 to 10 kHz brick-wall filter over a verb is excellent for creating a vintage atmosphere.
Many of the presets take that further by reducing the reverb density to reproduce the sparse sound of early reverberators.​

这是 1970 年代和 1980 年代许多早期数字混响的非常典型的音色重要组成部分。
在混响上放置 8 到 10 kHz 的砖墙滤波器非常适合营造复古氛围。
The brick-wall filter was already in use in Illusion before v1.2 and played a role in many of the vintage presets by introducing a sharp cut to the bandwidth of the reverb in a way that brings back memories of old devices
with limited bandwidth like the original Lexicon 224 (which operated at 20 kHz, this means audio was limited to a maximum of 10 kHz although there is not much going on above 8 kHz).
Pull up some of the vintage presets and you will see many with a cut-off around 8, 10 or 12 kHz.
Many of you won’t have spotted the control hiding in the settings menu before so probably never played with it directly – now you can and there’s more resolution to the control too.​

砖墙滤波器在 v1.2 之前已经在 Illusion 中使用,并且通过加入对混响带宽的急剧削减以一种方式重现带宽有限的老设备音色在许多预设中发挥作用,
例如早期的 Lexicon 224(以 20 kHz 运行,这意味着音频被限制为最大 10 kHz,尽管在 8 kHz 以上没有太多延伸)。
调出一些老式预设,您会看到许多具有 8、10 或 12 kHz 左右的截止频率。
The brick wall filter can be set between 6 to 18 kHz, and has two modes.
The ‘steep’ mode is a filter with a very fast roll-off but without the harsh corner frequency effects that the ‘sharp’ mode exhibits.
I found a very sharp filter was sometimes a little too abrasive so provided two options here.​

砖墙滤波器可以设置在 6 到 18 kHz 之间,并且有两种模式。


Maintenance 维护升级​

In Windows 11 a small graphical corruption was observed with the metering which has been corrected.
In macOS the use of OpenGL is now deprecated (Illusion did not use it in Windows).
This technology will ultimately be removed by Apple, and on Apple Silicon systems it has been noted that performance when using OpenGL can be degraded significantly with more than one plug-in window open at a time.
For this reason the default for new installations is to use the native macOS drawing APIs rather than OpenGL.
When Apple finally retires OpenGL it will be removed from Illusion as well. If you wish to re-enable it then a new option is available in the settings menu to allow you to do this.​

在 Windows 11 中,已经修正一个小的显示问题。
在 macOS 中,现在不推荐使用 OpenGL(Illusion 没有在 Windows 中使用它)。
这项技术最终将被 Apple 移除,并且在 Apple Silicon 系统上,
已经注意到使用 OpenGL 时的性能会因一次打开多个插件窗口而显着降低。
出于这个原因,新安装的默认设置是使用本机 macOS 图形 API 而不是 OpenGL。
当 Apple 最终退出 OpenGL 时,它也将从 Illusion 中删除。 如果您希望重新启用它,


Important: the plug-in requires iLok License Manager v5.4.0 or greater - please ensure you update the license manager if it is not new enough here.​

该插件需要 iLok License Manager v5.4.0 或更高版本 —— 如果你电脑中的 iLok 驱动程序不够新,请确保更新它:

Try Illusion NOW 现在试用​

If you've never tried Illusion it's a great time to check out the free 14-day demo.
If you like what you hear then don't forget to use your loyalty coupons for the best prices if you already own any LiquidSonics products.​

如果您从未尝试过 Illusion,那么现在是查看 14 天免费演示的好时机。

插播一段小教程:如何试用 Illusion 混响插件 ?

这里先提供一个14天的 Illusion 试用的 iLok 许可证兑换码:



搞定上述许可证授权后,在下面的下载地址中下载 Illusion 并安装即可。​

Illusion v1.2 更新 Windows 下载地址:
Illusion v1.2 更新 Mac OSX 下载地址:


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