七套鼓组套件囊括了从 70 年代到今天的摇滚鼓的精髓。

The Fields of Rock SDX features seven drum kits and a comprehensive collection of percussion instruments
recorded by multiple award-winning engineer/producer/mixer Tom Dalgety
(Ghost, Rammstein, Pixies, Royal Blood) and drummer Mat Hector (Iggy Pop, Gutterdämmerung).
It was captured at Rockfield, the Welsh dairy farm-turned-into-studio that ended up leaving colossal footprints in
its now-fifty-year-long path through music history.
该摇滚 SDX 风格有七套鼓组,并通过多次获奖的工程师/制作/混频器记录打击乐器
它是在 Rockfield 拍摄的,威尔士奶牛场变成了工作室,
This unlikely studio, to which bands like Queen, Rush, Judas Priest, Hawkwind
and many of their contemporaries in the 1970s pilgrimaged,
became a creative haven where some of the best rock songs of our time materialized.
But even beyond the heydays of classic rock, Rockfield has remained a lynchpin in the recording world,
attracting top-tier acts across all genres, like Oasis, Coldplay and Manic Street Preachers, just to name a few.
这个不太像工作室的工作室,有 Queen、Rush、Judas Priest、Hawkwind 等乐队
以及他们在 1970 年代的许多同时代人都曾到此朝圣,
但即使超越了经典摇滚的鼎盛时期,Rockfield 仍然是唱片界的关键,
吸引了所有流派的顶级演员,例如 Oasis、Coldplay 和 Manic Street Preachers,仅举几例。
This SDX sets out to capture the essence of the genre-defining rock albums recorded in the different rooms of the studio,
but also to add the modern technology, forward-thinking ideas and ingenuity that take your productions into tomorrow.
In addition to using all the great vintage microphones and outboard gear available at Rockfield,
the library was recorded through 14 channels of hardware tape emulation, recreating the unmistakable, warm and saturated sound of tape.
此 SDX 旨在捕捉在工作室不同房间录制的定义流派的摇滚专辑的精髓,
除了使用 Rockfield 提供的所有出色的老式麦克风和外置设备外,
该库还通过 14 通道的硬件磁带模拟录制,重现了磁带的明确、温暖和饱和的声音。
This SDX is just as much a nod to the past, an homage to the greats and a respectful bow to the gods of rock as it is a reach into the future.
Welcome to a collection of drum tones to last the entire range of rock and beyond.
这款 SDX 既是对过去的致敬,也是对伟人的致敬,也是对摇滚之神的敬意,同时也是对未来的展望。

Seven (7) drum kits and wide selection of cymbals and extra instruments
One comprehensive set of of percussion instruments featuring rototoms, congas, shakers, bongos and more, as well as various multi-sampled foley pieces (cutlery, chairs etc.)
Recorded at the iconic Rockfield Studios in the UK
Produced and engineered by Tom Dalgety (Ghost, Rammstein, Pixies, Opeth, Royal Blood)
Sampled by Mat Hector (Iggy Pop, Gutterdämmerung)
Features four individual libraries/configurations (three for drums and one for percussion)
Recorded with several ambience and character microphones offering a huge sonic palette
Includes a broad range of rock-oriented presets engineered by Tom Dalgety
Comes with a MIDI library customized for each included kit as well as a dedicated collection of grooves for percussion
七 (7) 套架子鼓和多种钹和额外乐器
一套全面的打击乐器,包括 rototom、康加鼓、振动器、手鼓等,以及各种多采样的拟音(餐具、椅子等)
在英国标志性的 Rockfield Studios 录制
由 Tom Dalgety 制作和设计(Ghost、Rammstein、Pixies、Opeth、Royal Blood)
Mat Hector (Iggy Pop, Gutterdämmerung) 采样
包括由 Tom Dalgety 设计的各种面向摇滚的预设
随附为每个包含的套件定制的 MIDI 库以及用于打击乐的专用律动合集