著名的老牌虚拟乐器制造商 8Dio Instruments,在经过了一段时间的准备后,终于在2021年年底公布了这一新框架:
一款名为 Soundpaint 的虚拟乐器平台横空出世,这意味着以后 8Dio 将全面拥抱新平台了吗?让我们拭目以待!

一款名为 Soundpaint 的虚拟乐器平台横空出世,这意味着以后 8Dio 将全面拥抱新平台了吗?让我们拭目以待!
Soundpaint™ is a free and advanced software technology designed to offer the highest degree of fidelity and realism possible for digital music instruments.
Soundpaint renders all instruments by morphing velocity layers and generating new velocities and samples from them.
Soundpaint™ 是一种免费且先进的软件应用程序,目的是为虚拟乐器提供最高程度的保真度和真实感。
Soundpaint 通过变化力度层并从中生成新的力度和采样来渲染所有乐器。
The technology has taken 8 years to develop. Everything is built from the ground up, including a new proprietary algorithmic audio format that allows us to render instruments in real-time.
The Soundpaint™ engine uses all the natural (im) perfections of instruments and can sound completely realistic or synthetic. It also has analog behaviors built-in.
这项技术的开发历时8年。 一切都是从头开始创建的,包括一种新的专用算法和音频格式,它允许我们实时渲染乐器。
Soundpaint™ 引擎让所有乐器展现出完全自然的一面,可以听起来非常真实,又或是非常具有合成感。 它还具有内置的模拟电路行为。
Intuitive Technology
The Soundpaint engine is designed for fast and intuitive music making.
Overall workflow is approximately 40% faster than competing technologies. Load-speeds are up to 10X faster with super-optimization for SSD.
We spent years usability testing the engine and ensuring that every action is the most logical possible.
Want to assign something to your controller? Right click, wiggle your controller and you are set.
Want to reorganize your effects chain? Just drag'n'drop each effects module.
Want to morph a piano and a water drop? Just click morph.
Soundpaint is simple on the surface. Complex underneath.
Soundpaint 引擎专为快速直观的音乐制作而设计。
整体工作流程比竞品技术快约 40%。 通过对 SSD 的超级优化,加载速度最多可提高 10 倍。
想要为您的控制器分配一些参数吗? 右键单击,摆动你的控制器,你就设置好了。
想要重新排列您的效果器链? 只需拖放每个效果模块。
想塑形钢琴和水滴? 只需单击变形。
Soundpaint 表面上很简单,但是里面复杂。
Fast User Interface
The User Interface is based on a modern, modular, minimalistic design scheme. Everything is easily configurable.
The ultra-fast browser let’s you find any of your instruments in seconds. The UI is super optimized for a minimal amount of clicking.
We employed deep classification principles from classic library science for the fastest and most logical way of saving and retrieving instruments.
The search engine is highly optimized for compositional workflow and instruments can be found both by name, emotions, playing techniques, genres and articulations.
用户界面基于现代、模块化、简约的设计方案。 一切都很容易配置。
超快的浏览器让您可以在几秒钟内找到您的任何乐器。 用户界面针对最少的点击进行了超级优化。

Analog Effects
The effects suite contains dozens of different analog models to augment your instruments.
True modeled algorithmic reverbs based on the world's most famous vintage reverbs. Analog style filters with natural variation.
12 Distortion Models. Granular verb and delays.
True vintage modeled BBD delays and delays modeled on the falling of rain. Infinitely large shimmer reverbs with pitch-shifting capabilities.
Industry leading EQ designs both parametric and dynamic. True modeled vintage chorus effects (used by the Weeknd).
The meanest retro modeled bit-crusher with adjustable bit-resolution. The ultimate cinematic gate tool and dozen others.
基于世界上最著名的复古混响的真实建模算法。 具有自然变化的模拟风格滤波器。
12 种失真模型。 粒子变化和延迟。
真正的复古模拟 BBD 延迟和模拟流状延迟。 具有音高变换功能的无限光线混响。
行业领先的均衡器设计参数和动态。 真正建模的复古合唱效果(由 Weeknd 使用)。
具有可调节位深的肮脏复古建模饱和失真器。 终极配乐门限工具和其他十几个工具。

Soundpaint™ is advanced artistic expression in your computer.
Designed by artists and for artists. There are no VC investors here. Soundpaint is entirely a community-sponsored platform.
We take pride in our independence and being able to develop creative tools designed around every day workflow.
Soundpaint is designed in such a way that all instruments live together.
This offers an extraordinarily fast creation environment where anyone can make an entirely new music instrument in less than 5 seconds.
All running with infinite dynamic layers and without any perceivable load-times on SSD.
This means all developers instruments live side-by-side with everyone elses, including our internal instrument catalog, which is the largest deep-sampled catalog of instruments in existence.
Soundpaint™ 是您电脑中的高级艺术表现形式。
由艺术家设计并面向艺术家使用。这里没有资本介入。 Soundpaint 完全是一个社区赞助的平台。
Soundpaint 的设计方式使所有乐器都可以共存。这提供了一个非常快速的创作环境,
任何人都可以在不到 5 秒的时间内制作出全新的乐器。
所有这些都以无限力度层运行,并且在 SSD 不会感受到任何需要被加载的过程。
We estimate our Soundpaint and 8Dio instruments are used in about 40% of all large-scale commercial music today and featured in virtually any movie, TV-show, video-game, TOP-40, Broadway show in the world.
The reason is simple. We put soul and emotion into our technologies and instruments and we are looking for other artists and plugin developers with the same desire. We embrace OCD and attention to detail.
Being a developer in Soundpaint can mean many things. We are both looking for extending the Soundpaint universe with internal 3rd party plugins,
but we are also looking for individuals and/or companies that want to publish their sampled instruments in Soundpaint.
We are especially looking for individuals and companies with unique voices. The amazing artist that haven't been seen or heard ...
yet - and whom we can help bring into the limelight of the professional music community.
我们估计我们的 Soundpaint 和 8Dio 乐器在当今所有大型商业音乐中约有 40% 的占用率,并且几乎出现在世界上任何电影、电视节目、视频游戏、TOP-40 和百老汇节目中。
成为 Soundpaint 的开发人员意味着很多事情。我们都在寻找使用内部第三方插件扩展 Soundpaint 的世界,
但我们也在寻找想要在 Soundpaint 中发布采样乐器的个人或公司。
Soundpaint can offer your instruments to a rapidly expanding base of over 115.000 active customers.
This is includes all product pages and targeted marketing, publishing, support, accounting, socials, advertising and so forth.
You have real-time access to your account, so you can see how your instruments or plugins are performing in real-time.
We also offer our expertise in strategic matters.It is our mutual interest to offer instruments that are surfing the rising waves of tomorrow - rather than the echoes of yesterday.
Soundpaint 可以将您的乐器提供给迅速扩大的超过 115.000 名活跃客户群。
我们还提供战略事务方面的专业知识。提供能够在未来上升的浪潮中冲浪的乐器是我们的共同利益 - 而不再回望过去。
If you are interested in becoming a Soundpaint Developer. Please send us an email at troels@soundpaint.com and include examples of your work.
Examples of work includes: Instruments you have recorded, edited and/or programmed yourself. Legato doesn't hurt. And/or code examples if you are interested in developing plugins for the engine.
Only serious applicants with portfolios will be considered. Hope to hear from you and help change the landscape of music together.
We believe in a future where both artists and plugin developers can thrive and be paid fairly. We offer both full buyouts or royalty based collaborations.
We think you will be positively inspired.
如果您有兴趣成为 Soundpaint 开发人员。请发送电子邮件至 troels@soundpaint.com,并附上您的作品小样。
工作小样包括: 您自己录制、编辑和/或编程的乐器。 无所谓有没有连奏的代码示例,如果您有兴趣为引擎开发插件。
PS:早在大半年前,8Dio 的老板 Tawnia 先生就向我介绍了他雄心勃勃的 Soundpaint 项目,