Native Instruments 发布影视配乐音源 SEQUIS
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Quickly create looping melodies, dynamic pads, and rhythmic patterns
Draw from a rich palette of sounds that can be tailored with creative editing controls
Developed in collaboration with innovative instrument design studio Orchestral Tools​

快速创建循环旋律、富有动态的 Pad 音色,以及节奏 Pattern
与创新乐器设计工作室 Orchestral Tools 合作开发而成
SEQUIS combines a deep library of meticulously recorded samples with an intuitive sequencing engine,
uniting rhythm and melody to infuse your productions with a richly organic, pulsing momentum.
Whether you're scoring otherworldly sci-fi films or crafting deep, dark, dancefloor moments,
SEQUIS gives you total freedom to explore new sonic pastures.​

全新的 PATTERN 音源典范
SEQUIS 将精心录制的声音采样与直观的音序引擎相结合,融合了节奏和旋律,
Heavyocity 发布交响毁灭声音设计音色 Symphonic Destruction
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重口味电影音色大牌厂商 Heavyocity 在这些年制作完弦乐铜管木管打击一系列声音设计产品后,
终于发布交响乐毁灭性声音设计音色 Symphonic Destruction,将重口味带到终极流程。


We've deconstructed the orchestra—rebuilding it from the ground up to push the bounds of power, creativity, and aggression in modern scoring.
Thrilling traditional combinations. Visceral sound design.
And the gnarliest Braams you've ever heard.​

还有你听过的最粗暴的 Braams 。
The heart of Symphonic Destruction (the SD Designer) is all about POWER.
We rebuilt the orchestra to combine creative organic, inspiring rhythmic, and signature sound design elements, unleashing a new generation of epic, cinematic scores.​

Symphonic Destruction(SD 设计者)的核心是权力。...​
AAS Multiphonics CV-1 模块化合成器软件升级 v1.1 新增2个新模块
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物理建模插件天花板品牌 AAS (Applied Acoustics Systems)为 Multiphonics CV-1 模块化合成器软件进行了 v1.1 大更新,
此次更新增加2个全新的模块,所有 Multiphonics CV-1 和 全家桶 正版用户都可以免费下载使用。

This new version enhances Multiphonics' module library with two brand-new modules:
a versatile Low-Pass Gate, which borrows ideas from West Coast synthesis; and a Ladder Filter,
an East Coast synthesis staple found in some of the most popular vintage subtractive synths.
This update is complemented with 15 exciting new patches featuring these two modules in a wide range of contexts.​

这一新版本通过两个全新的模块增强了 Multiphonics 的模块库:
一个是多功能低通滤波门限(LPG),它借鉴了 West Coast 合成器的想法;
另一个是梯形滤波器(LADDER FILTER),是 East Coast 合成器的主要产品,在一些最受欢迎的复古减法合成器中可以找到。

Multiphonics CV-1.1-3.jpg

Multiphonics CV-1 runs on both macOS and Windows in 64-bit host sequencers that support the VST2, VST3, Audio Units...​
Soundiron 发布氛围采样合成音色库 Quadral
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Quadral is an inspiration machine. Randomize your way to your next favorite electronic score using our 16 categories of hand-crafted atmospheric synth pads.
Combine quadrants to create layered organs, unique ambiences, or evolving textures using our Ouroboros modulation engine and tempo-synced XY pad.
Each sound has been sculpted with care, allowing you to weave layers together into sensational new presets.
We’ve also included over 200 factory patches of Arps, Basses, Leads, FX, Pads, and Plucks to get you started on your interstellar journey through space and time.

Quadral is a powerful sampled synthesis engine, ideal for film and game composers who need a fast workflow while maintaining their creative spark.
Dive in to tweak and automate every parameter with total control, or just click Randomize to generate a virtually endless universe of fresh ideas.
Good luck… We’re all counting on you.​
Acustica Audio 发布 60 年代建模混音插件组合 Desert
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来自 60 年代的声音,Acustica Audio 再次用插件进行建模。

Desert is a suite consisting of four different plug-ins embodying a unique, recapped recording/mixing desk from the early 1960s,
and other rare gear of the same brand that came from a recording studio located in Lagos, Nigeria, owned by a famous British record label.

Desert is the first in a new series of ‘Boutique Collection’ Acqua plugins that aims to reproduce the essence of unique gear,
those elusive, extremely hard to find devices, of which very few units were ever built and/or whose traces have almost been lost in the mist of time.

The centerpiece of this project is the recreation of an iconic vintage console module assembled with the best elements that British technology offered at that time,
sampled thanks to the invaluable contribution of ©Zarma Studio ( and music producer, composer and sound engineer Sodi Marciszewer, the owner of this...​
Sample Logic 发布氛围音色库 Empyreal Atmosphere Designer
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氛围音色设计大师:Sample Logic 音色库 Empyreal Atmosphere Designer。

1,100+ sound sources & presets with a limitless number of sonic combinations
5.75 GB Sample Content (using lossless compression)
Dynamic tag-based preset browsing system with sort and load filters
Drag-and-drop user loading technology for custom based atmospheres
Advanced interactive waveform window for sample looping manipulation
Dual core sound morphing engine with A/B blending features
Infinite randomization engine for instant inspiration
Hot-swappable FX chain technology with the latest Kontakt FX inserts
FX animators & LFO integration for tempo-synced rhythmic sound sculpting​

1,100 多个声源和预设以及无限数量的声音组合
5.75 GB 样本内容(使用无损压缩)
具有 A/B 混合功能的双核声音变形引擎
带有最新 Kontakt FX 插件的热插拔 FX 链技术
FX 动画师和 LFO 集成,用于节奏同步的有节奏的声音雕刻
Sonnox 牛津发布多功能音乐数字均衡插件 Toolbox Claro
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Sonnox 为全新的 Toolbox 系列添加新成员,实际上这已经不是 Oxford 系列了,但是大家还是习惯叫它为牛津。
Claro 是 Toolbox 系列的第2款产品,它是一个数字EQ,但是具备多种模式,并且专门为音乐家设计。

Toolbox Claro Main.jpg

Whether you're a bedroom producer or a Grammy-winning pro, you want to take control to develop your own musical voice.
Claro will empower you to make informed musical decisions in a unique and intuitive way.​

Claro 将使您能够以独特而直观的方式做出基于音乐性得明智决定。
Claro is a comprehensive EQ Plug-In that serves the production process from composition to final mix, with three distinct views,
progressively adding deeper insight and precision to prevent mud, clutter, or harshness, helping you blend your tracks into a clear and balanced mix.​

Claro 是一个全面的均衡插件,可用于于从合成到最终混音的工作流程,具有三种不同的界面,

Harrison 哈里森发布人声增强插件 32C Vocal Intensity Processor
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这次的新品叫做 32C Vocal Intensity Processor,简称 32C VIP,看样子是一键式增强人声用的。

Enhance the quality of vocals or spoken voice
The Harrison 32C Vocal Intensity Processor (32C-VIP) is a vocal processing plugin that offers a quick and easy way to enhance the quality of vocals or spoken voice.
It can be used for editing audio recordings or for processing signals in real time.​

Harrison 32C Vocal Intensity Processor(32C-VIP)是一个人声处理插件,
The Intensity knob controls the overall input level to the plugin.
The Intensity level feeds the Leveler which is a compressor with a fixed -24 dB threshold and a very low ratio.
Increasing the Intensity level will drive the Leveler harder and cause more compression to occur.
The vertical meter to the right of the right of the Intensity knob shows the level of gain reduction in dB.​
Kilohearts 发布卷积混响插件 Convolver 并首发促销
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板岩的亲戚 Kilohearts 以简洁直观的插件闻名,刚刚他们又发布了一款卷积混响插件 Convolver。

More than just reverb...
To convolve is to multiply one sound with another... sort of.​

不仅仅是混响... 卷积就是将一种声音与另一种声音相乘……有点像(回到现场)……
The most common, and very cool, use for convolution is for reverb.
If you go to a place with a nice ambience, like your local church or your grandmother's bathroom, and you record the echo from a short loud click,
you can convolve any other sound with the resulting impulse response (IR) and it will sound as if your were magically playing it in that location.​

But that's not all you can do with Convolver.
Because IRs are simply audio files, you can load any sample...​
Waves 升级到 V13 版本,支持 Mac M1 芯片
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Waves 勤奋的升级了,V13版本支持了 M1 芯片的 Mac 电脑。
也支持了Windows 11……

What's New In Waves V13
Native M1 Compatibility with ARM Silicon computers. See full list of supported DAWs
Compatibility for all DAWs providing Windows 11 support
Scheps Omni Channel, Abbey Road RS124 and Kaleidoscopes now with ultra-sharp HiDPI GUIs
Ongoing improvements, bug fixes, and additional updates. See full list of updates​

Waves V13 新特性
新特性:Apple M1 兼容
与ARM Silicon 计算机的 M1 芯片兼容
新特性:与Windows 11 兼容
与所有提供 Windows 11 支持的 DAW 兼容
新特性:精选插件的 HiDPI 高清界面升级
Schep Omni Channel、Abbey Road RS124和 Kaleidoscopes 现已配备超清晰 HiDPI 图形用户界面


Please note: The V13 update includes plugins only.
It does not include...​
ProjectSAM 发布打击乐音色 True Strike 1 V2.0 重大升级以及促销
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True Strike 1 是 ProjectSAM 的经典产品,它是一套管弦乐打击乐器音色库。
现在,ProjectSAM 对它进行了一次史无前例的超级大升级,简直让它脱胎换骨!

Experience the fully updated 2021 2.0 re-issue of True Strike.
Get the classic and acclaimed orchestral percussion sound in a brand-new interface offering a ton of new features:​

体验全面更新的2021年2.0再版的True Strike。
All-in-one browser
Positioning stage
Extensive articulation & mapping control
Adaptive Sync for crescendo rolls
New kits
And much more​

自适应同步功能 Adaptive Sync
支持 NKS 规范
Update 2.0 is 100% free for existing True Strike 1 users of the Kontakt Player Edition of the library.
If you have an older version than the Kontakt Player Edition, an upgrade path is available.​

2.0 更新对于 Kontakt Player Edition...​
Soundtoys 全线产品更新到 5.3.5,V5 老用户免费下载
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著名的效果器插件品牌 Soundtoys <声音玩具> 刚才进行了一次大型更新。

We are happy to announce the release of version 5.3.5 of all Soundtoys plug-ins.
This update includes stability and performance improvements, fixes an issue with offline rendering in certain hosts, and fixes the sound of PhaseMistress for certain styles.
This update is FREE for all version 5 product owners and can be accessed via the link below.​

我们很高兴的发布 SoundToys 所有插件的 5.3.5 版本。
此升级包括稳定性和性能改进,修复了某些 DAW 中离线渲染的问题,并修复了 PhaseMistress 在特定风格上产生的声音问题。
Highlights of this update include:
Fixes issues with offline rendering in Reaper and other hosts, where the effect might have a delayed onset or undesirable fade in.
Fixes audio artifacts that could happen when editing modulation patterns during playback.
Fixes issue where events could be edited to 0 level and then no longer modified.
Effect Rack now resets delay buffers on...​
福利 Zplane 推出音符检测插件 Tonic Beta 版
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zplane welcomes everyone to download the beta version of the TONIC Key Detection plugin and try it on any music, samples, or other audio in their favorite DAWs.
We have set up a beta forum where you can report any issues you find, discuss workflow issues, or make requests for changes or features—all to ensure that TONIC is the best product it can be.
We will be awarding full TONIC licenses to the 10 users with the greatest participation on the forum, so be sure to get involved to improve your chances of winning.
Continue scrolling down this page to learn more and obtain the beta materials!​

TONIC 公开测试版现已开放
立即加入,您将有机会赢得 Tonic 的许可证
zplane 欢迎大家下载 TONIC Key Detection 插件的测试版,并在他们最喜欢的 DAW 中尝试任何音乐、采样或其他音频。
我们建立了一个测试版社区,您可以在其中报告您发现的任何问题、讨论工作流程问题或提出更改或功能请求——所有这些都是为了确保 TONIC 是最好的产品。
我们将向社区中参与度最高的 10 位用户颁发完整的 TONIC...​
Sugar Bytes 发布模块化音序器与合成器软插件 Nest
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期待玩到更多的软件 Eurorack 模块?Sugar Bytes 也来加入了这个行列。

A Rule-Based MIDI Sequencer
Nest is a modular system which gravitates around the creation of MIDI.
The basic ingredients are: 20 modules inspired by classic integrated circuits and today's computer features,
a clever voice to synth assignment, 12 patch scenes and a quad VST/Synth/MIDI Interface.​

一种规则的基础 MIDI 音序器


What is Nest
Nest is a modular sequencer. It offers all kinds of modules to generate and process triggers and numbers.
You can build highly complex sequencing environments with the aim to produce music with a life of its own.
Nest is equipped with resemblings of classical, transistor based integrated circuits like Shift Registers or...​
Nugen Audio 发布立体声卷积混响插件 Paragon ST
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Paragon 是 Nugen Audio 最具代表性的环绕声高端混响器,价格非常昂贵!现在发布了立体声版本:Paragon ST,价格相对亲民。

Boundless reverb in stereo
Paragon ST is a true convolution reverb with the flexibility and control of a classic algorithmic reverb.
We’ve used the same reverb technology as the original Paragon and packed it full of new controls for music producers, including modulation, stereo width and more.
Via re-synthesis, Paragon ST offers full control of the decay, room size and brightness of reverbs modelled on recordings of real spaces.
There’s no time-stretching, which means no artefacts.​

Paragon ST 是一款真正的卷积混响,具有经典算法混响的灵活性和可控性。
我们使用了与最初的 Paragon 相同的混响技术,并为音乐制作人提供了全新的控制,包括调制、立体声宽度等。
通过重新合成,Paragon ST 可以完全控制模拟真实空间录音的混响的衰减、房间大小和亮度。


Real spaces reimagined
Unlike a traditional convolution reverb, Paragon...​
Soundyeti 发布钢琴与合成混合音色 Revelation Scoring Grand
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基于 KONTAKT 平台的音色库制造商 Soundyeti 发布了一款基于采样钢琴来进行合成音色塑造的配乐音色库 Revelation Scoring Grand。

The New Leading Role for Musical Storytelling
Revelation Scoring Grand uncovers truth telling musicality and unconventional storylines for composers, musicians, even sound designers at every level.
Gain inspiration and write your next chapter with sublime underscores, scintillating hybrid keys, complex and sophisticated rhythmics and rich pianistic textures.
All complimented with an ample medley of expressive solo grands.​

Revelation Scoring Grand 为作曲家、音乐家,甚至每个级别的声音设计师揭示了讲述真相的音乐性和非传统的故事情节。


Shatter the stereotypes and traditional orthodoxy of blending the acoustic with the synthetic.
Take melodic musings to concert hall...​
reFX 发布 Nexus 3 新扩展 Hollywood Piano
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Nexus 3 也发布钢琴音色扩展了,与友商肩并肩建议音乐人搞钢琴创作嘛。

Have you been looking for the best piano samples around? Look no further! Hollywood Piano offers a vast and truly gigantic multisample library of some of the best modern grand piano sounds available.​

您是否一直在寻找一个好的钢琴采样? 别再看了! Hollywood Piano 提供了一个真正庞大的采样音色库,其中包含一些极好的现代三角钢琴音色。
All of these best-in-class pianos were painstakingly recorded with countless velocity zones by Manuel Schleis himself, with state-of-the-art recording equipment, and a lot of care, time, and love.​

所有这些一流的钢琴都由 Manuel Schleis 本人用无数力度层精心录制,使用先进的录音设备,并对其注入大量的关怀、时间和爱。
Enjoy the finest nuances in touch and action with Hollywood Piano, including organic pedal noises when using the sustain pedal.
A variety of unique macro assignments will also empower you to tweak sounds precisely to meet your needs.​
VPS Avenger 复仇者合成器发布新扩展 Cinematic Grand
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The concert piano - the most versatile and most breathtaking instrument ever made, used in almost any musical genre and decade.
Now you have some of the best concert grands at your fingertips in your VPS Avenger!
Manuel Schleis puts months of work into this expansion pack, elaborate recordings, laborious multisampling and processing of thousands of samples for up to 23 different velocity zones.
You can even setup the string resonances, hammer noises or pedals with the macro buttons.
Explore two vastly sampled Steinway grands and a Yamaha concert grand as well as many bonus content like deep cinematic, house and ambient stuff
all done with pianos, a Fender Rhodes MKII54 or even a real harpsichord.
Strongly recommended is a 88key masterkeyboard and sustain pedal to get the full experience.​

Manuel Schleis...​
Orange Tree Samples 发布吉他音源 Evolution Dry Relic
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Product Details
Many acoustic guitar sample libraries focus on providing a clean, balanced tone: plenty of body, and a crisp high end.
These qualities are all great if you need a sound that blends in the mix,
but sometimes you need a guitar that brings its own personality to the table.

Presenting Evolution Dry Relic. Recorded using an early ‘50s Gibson J-45,
this is a guitar that’s seen a lot of history, and has plenty more stories to tell.
There’s nothing like the sound of aged wood that’s been soaking in more character with the passing of every season.
Paired with a set of well-worn strings, the guitar has a gorgeous, thunky low end with a spark of life in the highs.
The library is just what you need to give your song a boost in personality.​


这是 Evolution Dry Relic。使用 50 年代早期的 Gibson J-45 录制,...​
Soundiron 发布 KONTAKT 羽管键琴音色 Bentside Spinet
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Bentside Spinet derives from spinetta, a word used for all quilled instruments in 17th-century Italian.
The spinet was a preferred household keyboard since it took up less room than the harpsichord,
produced a dark & quiet tone, and was aesthetically stunning.
As one of the precursors of the pianoforte, the oldest artifact is dated 1490,
but started to gain popularity around 1631. By the 18th century,
bentside spinets were found all over Europe and were used for daily home entertainment and musical instruction.
The instrument shape resembled a harp laid horizontally, with the keys in the position of the sounding-board.
As a result, the spinet produced a rich and sustained timbre, but darker and less brilliant than the harpsichord.
It had a five octave range with natural keys re-covered with ebony and ivory topped accidentals, giving it a strikingly memorable look.​

Bentside Spinet 源于...​