Nugen Audio 发布立体声卷积混响插件 Paragon ST
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Paragon 是 Nugen Audio 最具代表性的环绕声高端混响器,价格非常昂贵!现在发布了立体声版本:Paragon ST,价格相对亲民。

Boundless reverb in stereo
Paragon ST is a true convolution reverb with the flexibility and control of a classic algorithmic reverb.
We’ve used the same reverb technology as the original Paragon and packed it full of new controls for music producers, including modulation, stereo width and more.
Via re-synthesis, Paragon ST offers full control of the decay, room size and brightness of reverbs modelled on recordings of real spaces.
There’s no time-stretching, which means no artefacts.​

Paragon ST 是一款真正的卷积混响,具有经典算法混响的灵活性和可控性。
我们使用了与最初的 Paragon 相同的混响技术,并为音乐制作人提供了全新的控制,包括调制、立体声宽度等。
通过重新合成,Paragon ST 可以完全控制模拟真实空间录音的混响的衰减、房间大小和亮度。


Real spaces reimagined
Unlike a traditional convolution reverb, Paragon...​
Soundyeti 发布钢琴与合成混合音色 Revelation Scoring Grand
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基于 KONTAKT 平台的音色库制造商 Soundyeti 发布了一款基于采样钢琴来进行合成音色塑造的配乐音色库 Revelation Scoring Grand。

The New Leading Role for Musical Storytelling
Revelation Scoring Grand uncovers truth telling musicality and unconventional storylines for composers, musicians, even sound designers at every level.
Gain inspiration and write your next chapter with sublime underscores, scintillating hybrid keys, complex and sophisticated rhythmics and rich pianistic textures.
All complimented with an ample medley of expressive solo grands.​

Revelation Scoring Grand 为作曲家、音乐家,甚至每个级别的声音设计师揭示了讲述真相的音乐性和非传统的故事情节。


Shatter the stereotypes and traditional orthodoxy of blending the acoustic with the synthetic.
Take melodic musings to concert hall...​
reFX 发布 Nexus 3 新扩展 Hollywood Piano
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Nexus 3 也发布钢琴音色扩展了,与友商肩并肩建议音乐人搞钢琴创作嘛。

Have you been looking for the best piano samples around? Look no further! Hollywood Piano offers a vast and truly gigantic multisample library of some of the best modern grand piano sounds available.​

您是否一直在寻找一个好的钢琴采样? 别再看了! Hollywood Piano 提供了一个真正庞大的采样音色库,其中包含一些极好的现代三角钢琴音色。
All of these best-in-class pianos were painstakingly recorded with countless velocity zones by Manuel Schleis himself, with state-of-the-art recording equipment, and a lot of care, time, and love.​

所有这些一流的钢琴都由 Manuel Schleis 本人用无数力度层精心录制,使用先进的录音设备,并对其注入大量的关怀、时间和爱。
Enjoy the finest nuances in touch and action with Hollywood Piano, including organic pedal noises when using the sustain pedal.
A variety of unique macro assignments will also empower you to tweak sounds precisely to meet your needs.​
VPS Avenger 复仇者合成器发布新扩展 Cinematic Grand
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The concert piano - the most versatile and most breathtaking instrument ever made, used in almost any musical genre and decade.
Now you have some of the best concert grands at your fingertips in your VPS Avenger!
Manuel Schleis puts months of work into this expansion pack, elaborate recordings, laborious multisampling and processing of thousands of samples for up to 23 different velocity zones.
You can even setup the string resonances, hammer noises or pedals with the macro buttons.
Explore two vastly sampled Steinway grands and a Yamaha concert grand as well as many bonus content like deep cinematic, house and ambient stuff
all done with pianos, a Fender Rhodes MKII54 or even a real harpsichord.
Strongly recommended is a 88key masterkeyboard and sustain pedal to get the full experience.​

Manuel Schleis...​
Orange Tree Samples 发布吉他音源 Evolution Dry Relic
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Product Details
Many acoustic guitar sample libraries focus on providing a clean, balanced tone: plenty of body, and a crisp high end.
These qualities are all great if you need a sound that blends in the mix,
but sometimes you need a guitar that brings its own personality to the table.

Presenting Evolution Dry Relic. Recorded using an early ‘50s Gibson J-45,
this is a guitar that’s seen a lot of history, and has plenty more stories to tell.
There’s nothing like the sound of aged wood that’s been soaking in more character with the passing of every season.
Paired with a set of well-worn strings, the guitar has a gorgeous, thunky low end with a spark of life in the highs.
The library is just what you need to give your song a boost in personality.​


这是 Evolution Dry Relic。使用 50 年代早期的 Gibson J-45 录制,...​
Soundiron 发布 KONTAKT 羽管键琴音色 Bentside Spinet
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Bentside Spinet derives from spinetta, a word used for all quilled instruments in 17th-century Italian.
The spinet was a preferred household keyboard since it took up less room than the harpsichord,
produced a dark & quiet tone, and was aesthetically stunning.
As one of the precursors of the pianoforte, the oldest artifact is dated 1490,
but started to gain popularity around 1631. By the 18th century,
bentside spinets were found all over Europe and were used for daily home entertainment and musical instruction.
The instrument shape resembled a harp laid horizontally, with the keys in the position of the sounding-board.
As a result, the spinet produced a rich and sustained timbre, but darker and less brilliant than the harpsichord.
It had a five octave range with natural keys re-covered with ebony and ivory topped accidentals, giving it a strikingly memorable look.​

Bentside Spinet 源于...​
VSL 维也纳发布新的同步打击乐音色 Synchron Percussion III
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From Classical to Latin
Synchron Percussion III is the third and last installment in a series of exquisite instruments, recorded in an extraordinary environment where classic acoustics, groundbreaking technology and professional experience create the perfect formula for excellence.
All instruments of this collection were recorded with a multi-microphone setup in Stage A of Synchron Stage Vienna, giving you all the sonic flexibility you can imagine in a percussion library, from pure and pristine touches to heavily processed outbursts.​

Synchron Percussion III是一系列精致乐器中的第三部也是最后一部,在优秀的环境中录制,经典的声学、开创性的技术和专业经验创造了卓越的虚拟乐器。
这一系列的所有乐器都是在维也纳Synchron Stage的Stage A使用多麦克风录制的,为您提供了打击乐音色库中能够想象到的所有音响灵活性,从最原始的干净声音到经过严格处理的创意迸发。


UVI 升级 Falcon 合成器引擎以及原厂音色库到 2.5
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Falcon 是 UVI 的旗舰合成器工作站引擎,不但可以读取 UVI 的音色,而有很多专门的扩展音色库。
Falcon 已经升级到 v2.5,增加了新的功能,并且带来了非常值得入手的促销。

Since Falcon’s initial release we have been committed to keeping it fresh and innovative.
Listening to our user’s experience and feedback, we regularly add new factory content, modules, enhanced functionality and optimizations for FREE.​

自从 Falcon 最初发布以来,我们一直致力于保持它的新鲜感和创新性。


Falcon 2.5 ships with over 100 new factory presets.
New presets are divided into 5 categories including Lo-Fi, Retrowave, Sequence Exploration, Rain Sequencer, and MS-inspired, which uses a selection of all-new wavetables created on the classic MS monosynth.​

Falcon 2.5配备了100多个新的原厂预置。
Toontrack 发布 SD3 新扩展鼓组 Fields of Rock SDX
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七套鼓组套件囊括了从 70 年代到今天的摇滚鼓的精髓。

The Fields of Rock SDX features seven drum kits and a comprehensive collection of percussion instruments
recorded by multiple award-winning engineer/producer/mixer Tom Dalgety
(Ghost, Rammstein, Pixies, Royal Blood) and drummer Mat Hector (Iggy Pop, Gutterdämmerung).
It was captured at Rockfield, the Welsh dairy farm-turned-into-studio that ended up leaving colossal footprints in
its now-fifty-year-long path through music history.​

该摇滚 SDX 风格有七套鼓组,并通过多次获奖的工程师/制作/混频器记录打击乐器
它是在 Rockfield 拍摄的,威尔士奶牛场变成了工作室,
This unlikely studio, to which bands like Queen, Rush, Judas Priest, Hawkwind
and many of their contemporaries in the 1970s pilgrimaged,
became a creative haven where some of the best rock songs of our time materialized.
But even beyond the heydays of classic rock, Rockfield has...​
Impact Soundworks 发布太鼓音色库 Kageyama Taikos
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KONTAKT平台的音色大厂牌 Impact Soundworks 发布了全新的太鼓音色库,看来这是为TSS的到来做好铺垫了!

Kageyama Taikos
Taikos have been an essential part of traditional Japanese music for thousands of years.
Their deep, resonant, yet crisp sound is unmistakable, whether played solo or as part of a massive ensemble.
In the last century, their prominence has risen far beyond the borders of Japan, appearing in major film & television scores, video game soundtracks, and international events.
We wanted to devote a sample library entirely to taiko, with several accompanying percussive instruments, played by a master to open up as many options for inspiration as possible.​

Kageyama 太鼓
We brought these drums out of the more common ensemble or concert hall setting, focusing...​
Musical Sampling 发布影视风格鼓与声音设计音色 Renegade
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What's Included:
• Drums + Sound Design
• Kick, snare, cross stick, rimshot, three toms, ride (with crash), ride bell, two crashes, hihats, synced live hihat grooves (three recorded tempos – 90 / 120 / 140 BPM)
• 31 multi-genre playable sound design patches​

鼓 + 声音设计
同步现场踩镲槽(三个录制的节奏 – 90 / 120 / 140 BPM)
31 个多通道可播放的声音设计音色组
• Simple and intuitive mix interface
• Four interchangeable “baked-in” mix presets
• Live eighth-note hi-hat grooves recorded at 90 / 120 / 140 BPM that sync to your DAW’s tempo
• Crossfadeable hi-hat grooves (fades between four different hi-hat states; from tight to all-open)
• Groove Speed control (Half/Normal/Double)
• Adjustable Humanization feature (Off/Tight/Natural/Loose)
• Assignable Kontakt outputs for each drum group
• Reverb control for respective sound design patches
• CC assignment option for...​
LiquidSonics Reverberate 升级到 v3.2,并赠送 Lexicon PCM 91 采样扩展
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Reverberate 3 是以口碑著称的混响插件世家 LiquidSonics 发布的高性价比采样混响插件,
这一波除开升级了新功能,还为用户带来了一套新的扩展采样库,它来自于著名的 Lexicon PCM 91硬件混响。

Reverberate has been updated to v3.2, it's available to download right now from the downloads page!
In this update you will find a new contouring tab. It is perfect for simple reverb time editing jobs that before required the use of envelopes and cropping tools.
What's more it's now a cinch to dial in those high and low reverb time adjustments above and below crossovers as you are already familiar doing in regular algorithmic reverbs to tame low rumble or turn up the sizzle of a reverb's frequency high decay.​

Reverberate 已经更新到3.2版,现在可以从下载页面下载。(注:本文末尾会提供百度网盘)...​
福利 MonsterDAW 推出免费贝斯合成器 Monster Bass
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It's a FREE BASS VST with 3 sound categories (Synth Bass, Electric Bass, and Acoustic Bass)
suitable for any music genre and for all Music Arrangers and Music Producers!​

这是一个免费的 BASS VST,具有 3 种声音类别(合成贝司、电贝司和原声贝司),

Monster Bass is a complete Bass solution for the Low Frequency that your music needs!

It’s a FREE BASS VST with 3 sound categories (Synth Bass, Electric Bass, and Acoustic Bass)
suitable for any music genre and for all Music Arrangers and Music Producers!

It’s a ROMpler VST, meaning it’s a simple sampler without too many parameters,
just a simple and basic one like Filter, ADSR, Glide knob, and a simple LFO!​


Monster Bass 是针对您的音乐所需的低频的完整低音解决方案!

这是一个免费的 BASS VST,具有 3 种声音类别(合成贝司、电贝司和原声贝司),

它是一个 ROMpler VST,意味着它是一个简单的采样器,没有太多参数,
只是一个简单而基本的采样器,例如 Filter、ADSR、Glide 旋钮和一个简单的 LFO!...​
Vochlea 更新语音转 MIDI 插件:Dubler 2
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立即将您的语音转变成 MIDI

Make more of the music you love, without having to worry about how to get your ideas into your DAW.
Dubler 2 transforms your voice into a real-time MIDI controller,
allowing you to write music at the speed of thought.
If you can sing it, beatbox it, hum it, or whistle it— now you can play it.​

制作更多您喜爱的音乐,而不必担心如何将您的想法融入您的 DAW。
Dubler 2 将您的声音转换为实时 MIDI 控制器,


1. Quickly sketch out musical ideas
Got a melody in your head, but don’t know how to play it? Instead of recording your latest melody in a voice note,
you can now hum, or sing that idea straight into your DAW with real-time voice-to-MIDI notation.​

1. 快速勾勒出音乐创意
您现在可以使用实时语音到 MIDI 符号哼唱或直接在 DAW 中唱出这个想法。
W. A. Production 发布智能 MIDI 创作工具 InstaComposer
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Sometimes inspiration comes at you thick and fast... but sometimes not.
Instacomposer is your saviour when creativity runs dry, or when you just need your talent topped up.
This MIDI generation plugin can conjure melody, rhythm, bass, pads and chords at the click of a button
- all using artificial intelligence to create genuinely useful and musical riffs.
This is the next step in automatic composition, using a complex algorithm to determine notes, harmonies and chords based on your personal preferences.
With this much composing power at your fingertips, you’ll never be stuck in a musical rut again.​

当创造力枯竭时,或者当您只需要发挥您的才能时,Instacomposer 是您的救星。
这个 MIDI 生成插件可以通过点击一个按钮来召唤旋律、节奏、低音、垫和和弦
Artificial Intelligence
The backbone of Instacomposer is a behind-the-scenes...​
Softube 发布 Neve 风格通道条建模插件 British Class A
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Neve 通道条(自定义版本)Softube 已将其建模成为插件,名为 British Class A。

The British Console Sound is famous. You can hear its sweet and musical quality on hit records spanning more than five decades from artists such as Queen, Nirvana, David Bowie, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
When mix engineers need this unmistakable body, depth, and silky sweet top-end on individual tracks and busses, our British Class A channel strip is the one to grab.​

当混音工程师需要这款独特的躯壳、深度和丝绸般甜美的顶级音色带入到音轨时,我们的 British Class A 通道条就是最好的选择。
We modeled Gate, Compressor, EQ, Filters, and Drive on some of the most sought-after and costly console modules in existence using our renowned emulation methodology.
The result is the authentic tone and character of the classic British consoles with superb sound quality and four flexible formats: native plug-in, Console 1 channel strip, and Amp...​
Softube 发布谐波饱和处理器建模插件 Overstayer M-A-S
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Overstayer M-A-S 是一款模拟谐波饱和染色硬件,Softube 已将其建模成为插件。

Handmade in Los Angeles by Jeff Turzo, Overstayer is something of an underground phenomenon.
Turzo started out making gear for his personal use, but word of his exceptional designs spread like gossip down Sunset, and in 2009, Turzo gave the people what they wanted.
Overstayer Recording Equipment was born and created a near-fanatical following amongst the in-the-know pro audio crowd.​

Jeff Turzo 在洛杉矶手工制作的 Overstayer 是不公开的。
Turzo 一开始是为自己制造设备,但他的精湛设计就像流言一样在日落时分传开了,2009年,Turzo 给了人们他们想要的东西。
Overstayer 录音设备诞生了,并在知情的专业音频人群中拥有了狂热的追随者。
Our Overstayer M-A-S plug-ins offer the same saturation and peak-bending capabilities as the hardware in two new, enhanced versions: the do-it-all guru M-A-S and the tone-sculpting Svengali M-A-S Extended.
Masterfully modeled, the harmonic shaping duo is a professional mix engineer’s secret weapon for adding energy to...​
Zero-G 发布现代配乐合成器音色库 ELEMENTS
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Zero-G Ethera 的创作者 Stefano Maccarelli 制作了一款新的现代配乐作曲用途的合成器 KONTAKT 音色库。

From the creator of the award winning Ethera series Stefano Maccarelli, Zero-G ELEMENTS is an all-new, stupendously large, and powerful Kontakt Instrument.
A unique new tool for creating contemporary soundtracks, cinematic music, underscoring and sound design.​

来自获奖的 Ethera 系列的创作者 Stefano Maccarelli,Zero-G Elements 是一个全新且强大的 Kontakt 音色库。
All the samples included in Elements were created by recording organic sources, acoustic instruments, and particular environments.​

Elements 中包含的所有采样都是通过录制原始的声源、声学乐器和特定的环境来开发的。
Providing you with 3 powerful Layers, Elements is a unique wavetable Hybrid Synth.
It has a huge wave-rom of over 23Gb and comes with an incredible array of useful sounds specifically developed for sound designers, and soundtrack...​
福利 Evolution Series 提供免费的KONTAKT音色库 Clar-Duduk
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Evolution Series 的另一个系列:Colors 系列,第一个产品是都都克笛音色库 Clar-Duduk,此产品免费为大家提供。

World Colors Clar-Duduk
Welcome to our first 'Colors' entry 'Clar-Duduk'. Clar-Duduk is a cross between a clarinet and the Armenian Duduk.
Its warm worldly tones set in motion the beginning of a broader goal to see what could be created with minimal kontakt scripting.
The key to this experiment was to have a little bit of fun in the studio and push the sonic mojo to 11!​

欢迎来到我们的第一个 Colors 栏目 Clar-Duduk。Clar-Duduk 是单簧管和亚美尼亚 Clar-Duduk 的混合体。
Inspire to Create
This instrument is not part of a bigger library. It was created as an experiment to inspire the idea that anyone can create a fun and useful instrument for Kontakt with out any...​
Evolution Series 发布马头琴和呼麦音色库 Chronicles Bukhu
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Evolution Series 发布了编年史系列的第二套音色库,居然是来自于蒙古族的马头琴和呼麦人声。

Evolution Series presents Chronicles Bukhu
In collaboration with Mongolian composer and one of a kind talent Bukhu Ganburged Evolution Series introduces another chapter of inspiring sounds.
With state-of-the-art equipment, a world-class scoring stage they recorded voice and horse fiddle.
This combination of movement and textural based performances evokes a raw and human quality.
The beauty of Bukhu’s voice matched with horse fiddle opens a doorway to the early 13th century.​

Evolution Series 新成员:编年史系列 Bukhu
Evolution Series 与天才蒙古作曲家 Bukhu Ganburged 合作,开启了令人振奋的声音新篇章。
Bukhu 美妙的嗓音配上马头琴,打开了通往 13 世纪初的大门。


Product Highlights:
Modern clean UI
Movement and textural-based performances...​