- 🧱星陨矿
- 113,763
- 🧊星能体
- 1,005
- 🍀星灵素
- 1,006
- 🏵️星元核
- 933

Drums Of War 战争之鼓系列是 Cinesamples 多年以来一直闻名于业内的电影打击音色库
现在战争之鼓迎来了第三卷 Drums Of War 3,主打现代类型的鼓组打击乐音色

现在战争之鼓迎来了第三卷 Drums Of War 3,主打现代类型的鼓组打击乐音色
Score-ready percussion for the modern Producer
Drums Of War 3 brings a fully modern sample set to the Drums Of War series with epic,
score-ready percussion instruments and performances.
Drums of War 3 is a must have for the modern Composer of Action, Suspense, Thriller, Sci-Fi and Fantasy genres,
and Music Producers looking to elevate a record with top-quality percussion.
Drums Of War 3 为 Drums Of War 系列带来了一个完全现代的采样库,
Drums of War 3 是现代动作、悬疑、惊悚、科幻和奇幻类型的作曲家
A collection of beautifully recorded and processed percussion instruments for the modern producer.
A new era of cinematic percussion has arrived that demands depth, clarity and punch.
Drums of War 3 is here to fill that demand. Designed to be both articulate and massive,
Drums of War 3 was recorded and mixed to maintain clarity and bring the score-ready sound you have come to expect from the Cinesamples team.
With top quality sound, and a convenient layout to optimize both performance and detailed programming,
Drums of War 3 is a must have for the modern producer of Action, Suspense, Thriller, Sci-Fi and Fantasy genres.
Drums of War 3 就是为了满足这一需求。
Drums of War 3 的设计既清晰又庞大,
经过录制和混音以保持清晰度并带来你对 Cinesamples 团队所期望的作曲音色。
Drums of War 3 是现代动作片、悬疑片、惊悚片、科幻片和奇幻片的制作人的必备之选。

2GB of original sample content (3.75GB uncompressed WAV)
23 instrument patches
Works with the free Kontakt Player 6.7.1+ and Komplete Kontrol plugin.
4GB hard drive space required*
Registered and installed through Native Access
2GB 原始采样内容(3.75GB 未压缩 WAV)
使用免费的 Kontakt Player 6.7.1+ 并且支持 Komplete Kontrol 插件一起使用。
需要 4GB 硬盘空间*
通过 Native Access 注册和安装
149 美元