Klevgrand 发布房间模拟器 Rum
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Plenty good room for everyone.

Rum simulates different kinds of rooms – from acoustically treated studio booths to spaces found in an ordinary home.
Think of this plug-in as if the audio source was recorded in stereo from the other side of the room,
a common technique for recording acoustic instruments in order to breathe life into a dry sound source.

In addition to the ten multi-recorded rooms (with different mic settings and characters that can be cross combined) there’s an advanced stereo spread and modulation unit for even more tweakability.

This plug-in also comes with low cut and high cut filters, pre-delay (with tempo sync), a full set of factory presets and a built-in ducker making it easy to tame transients on the wet signal.​

Rum 可以模拟不同类型的房间——从经过声学处理的工作室隔间到普通家庭中的空间。
VGTrumpet 发布口琴音色 VG Harmonica
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NI Kontakt Sound Library, WAV, NKI​

  • Set up to work with breath controllers (TEControl, MRT Audio, Yamaha BC3), wind controllers (AKAI EWI, Yamaha, Aerophone AE-10, Pro AE-30) and MIDI keyboard controllers​
  • WAV files can be used directly in your DAW, or any other sampler plugin for further editing​
  • More than 210 unique samples​
  • VG Harmonica requires the full retail version of Kontakt 5.6.8 or later (Kontakt Player is not supported)​
  • Recorded sample quality: 24 bit / 48 kHz​
  • Custom designed, unique GUI​
  • Effects: Vibrato, Wah​
  • Reverb, delay and stereo control to fit the instrument in every mix​
  • Best Balance of Natural Velocity Resolution and Data Size​
  • Library Size: 148 MB​
  • Up to 4 velocity...​
Audio Modern 升级智能和弦插件 Chordjam 到 1.1.1
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Chordjam 升级到了1.1.1

Newest Release​

v1.1.1 – 14 Sept. 2021
• Added Voicing Inversions
• Lock Individual Voices
• Added Individual MIDI outputs (Sequencers/Keys/Pads)
• Added Voicing Distribution (individual MIDI channels)
• Added MIDI file Detection
• Added Arp Trigger
• Option to Trigger Pads & Presets from Keyboard
• Export/Share Presets across Different Devices
• Added Redo Button
• Option to Edit a Chord once it is stored into a Pad
• Added Modulation Functionality
• Added Sustain Pedal Functionality
• Added Velocity Input Detection Mode
v1.1.1 - 2021年9月14日

增加了 Arp 触发器

Musical Sampling 发布流行合唱音色库 Anthem Choir
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Anthem Choir 是一套摇滚合唱的音色库。

Atelier Series Anthem Choir is the first legato choir library produced for non-traditional settings, including pop, rock and big anthemic genres.​

Atelier Series Anthem Choir 是第一个为非传统环境制作的连奏合唱库,包括流行、摇滚和大型演唱会。
We had a very specific sound in mind which we felt could only be achieved by bringing in folks who could sing but didn’t necessarily do it professionally.
From people who used to perform in bands, karaoke enthusiasts to aspiring vocalists and members of the local church choir – the resulting sound and performance is truly unique, raw and very human.​

从曾经在乐队中表演的人、卡拉 OK 爱好者到有抱负的歌手和当地教堂合唱团的成员——由此产生的声音和表演真正独特、原始且非常人性化。

The brief given to the studio singers was to stay in their chest voice throughout their entire range while properly belting out non-vibrato performances.
Not an...​
Rast Sound 发布世界民族音色库 Atlas 2
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6 大洲的22 种完全不同的音乐文化的汇聚

What if we had an Atlas (map) and were able to select sounds and instruments from the map, combine and play?​

如果我们有一个 Atlas(地图)并且能够从地图中选择声音和乐器,并把它们组合起来进行演奏会怎样?
Over many years of recordings and design, this dream is finally coming true.
22 totally different music cultures from 6 continents is available to your workflow with new ATLAS 2.​

来自6 大洲的22 种完全不同的音乐文化可用于您的新ATLAS 2工作流程 。
ATLAS has solo instruments, patterns and build up kits from 22 different music cultures including
Africa to Andalous, Balkans to India, Middle East to Jakarta , Japan to South America and more.
This massive 2000 sample collection comes with an engine where...​
Expressive E 发布物理建模合成器 Imagine
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Expressive E 发布与 AAS 合作开发的强大物理建模合成器插件 Imagine
acoustic tones

Imagine digs deep inside the body of real life instruments, modifies and combines their acoustic characteristics to create an imaginary acoustic landscape.
Thanks to a playful multidimensional approach, Imagine offers texture manipulations, mysterious unknown sound dimensions that still sound familiar.​



Imagine 深入挖掘现实生活乐器的内部,修改并结合它们的声学特性,创造出想象中的声学景观。
多亏了一种有趣的多维方法,Imagine 提供了纹理处理,神秘的未知声音维度,听起来仍然很熟悉。

Imagine offers hundreds of instrument layers, meticulously modeled to bring their very own character.
Each preset combines two of these instrument layers to offer unprecedented acoustic timbres.​


Best Service 发布 The Orchestra Essentials 简化版管弦乐音色
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Best Service 发布管弦乐音色简化版 The Orchestra Essentials。

Best Service proudly presents The Orchestra Essentials by Sonuscore.
Have you ever tried to compose orchestral music? Your time has come to start scoring!​

Best Service 自豪地推出了 Sonuscore 的 The Orchestra Essentials。


Your Fast Track to Orchestral Composing
The Orchestra Essentials is your fast track to orchestral composing.
It comes with a carefully selected curation of instruments from The Orchestra, Strings of Winter, and Horns of Hell,
and is powered by our groundbreaking ensemble-engine.
Take your first orchestral steps and create amazing music in no time!​

The Orchestra Essentials 是您进行管弦乐创作的快车道。
它从The Orchestra, Strings of Winter, Horns of Hell这些音色库中精选出来的音色。...​
VPS Avenger 复仇者合成器发布新扩展 Chillout Lounge 1
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VPS Avenger 复仇者合成器发布新扩展 Chillout Lounge 1

Take a deep breath, sit down and relax: Chillout Lounge 1 is here and offers you the very best sounds, drums and melodies of all kind of slow tempo music,
like: Ambient, Lounge, Chillout, Meditation Music, Cinematic Music, Wellness and of course even modern Trance, Melodic Techno, Pop & EDM.​

深呼吸,坐下来放松:Cillout Lounge 1就在这里,为您提供各种慢节奏音乐中的好声音、鼓和旋律,
This expansion pack is packed with pure beauty and elegancy: Half tempo breakbeats,
the most wonderful pads you will ever hear, natural instruments like flutes, voices or pianos,
masterfully programmes sequences and arpeggios - a true must have for all relaxed music genres!​

这个扩展包充满了纯粹的美丽和优雅:半速的 Breakbeats,
精致地编程音序和琶音 - 这是所有放松音乐流派的必备要素!
This expansion adds to your library...​
福利 Boz Digital Labs 免费赠品:Guitar Pickup Selector
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该插件是为了 2016 混音比赛中制作立体声 DI 音轨而生。
把它放在你的吉他 DI 轨道上,你就可以完全控制你的拾音器。

福利 Norrland Samples 发布免费铜管独奏 Solo Trumpet
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我们的Solo Trumpet样本库,专为 Native Instruments Kontakt 5.8.1 或更高版本的 FULL 版本制作

5700 多个样本
使用 5 种不同距离的麦克风录制。
14 个模型静音



更新 1.0.1 版本
链接:Norrland Samples Solo Trumpet VERSION 1.0.1
福利 Echo Sound Works 发布免费黑胶吉他 Vinyl Guitar
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一个拥有完美的 Lofi 和 Trap 效果的独特的采样吉他。​

Vinyl Guitar is a character guitar plugin. We sampled a guitar through an actual vinyl record player and then made a playable instrument out of those samples.​

Vinyl Guitar 是一个角色吉他插件。

Vinyl Guitar Overview​

Vinyl Guitar comes with an easy to use interface allowing you to sculpt the sound as needed.

Fret Noise - Use this macro to control the level of the fret noise you hear when changing notes and chords.
String Buzz - This macro adds buzz to some strings randomly to more accurately recreate the sound of a real guitar.
Pick Noise - This macro adds a picked attack to the start of the sound.
Reverb - The reverb knob is a dry wet knob. The reverb settings panel opens a pop up box allowing you to dial in other settings.
Attack/Release/Dynamics - This section...​
Antonov Samples 发布 Bassgen 808 Bass Generator
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BASSGEN 是一款终极 808 低音发生器

BASSGEN – 808 Bass Module​

BASSGEN is a ultimate 808 bass generator with a huge collection of selected high quality 808 and other sub bass presets that you can often hear in many popular beats.
Every sound is carefully prepared and processed with effects for the best sound. The bass is well read in the mix.
if you need pumping, clean, dirty or deep bass for Trap, Hip-Hop, Drum And Bass and for other genres, then 808 bass generator is for you.​

BASSGEN – 808 低音模块​

BASSGEN 是一款终极 808 低音发生器,
其中包含大量精选的高品质 808 和其他超低音预设,
如果您需要针对 Trap、Hip-Hop、Drum 和 Bass 以及
其他类型的 pumping、干净、肮脏或深沉的低音,那么 808 低音发生器适合您。


Huge collection of powerful 808 and other sub-basses for Trap, Hip-Hop beats
Kick Drum module with a...​
Tone2 发布合成器插件 Saurus3
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Finally, true analog sound does no longer require compromises! Saurus is an extremely authentic emulation of analog synthesizers. It covers all aspects of the most famous and expensive synths, but without disadvantages.​

Saurus 是一个非常真实的模拟合成器。
Saurus 是一个极其真实的模拟合成器的仿真器。
True analog sound with state-of-the-art features!
Saurus can do an extremely authentic emulation of analog synthesizers. It covers all important aspects of the most famous and expensive analog synths, but without their disadvantages.Saurus comes with a clear, easy to use interface. It offers a larger sonic range and a more flexible synthesis engine than conventional subtractive synths...​
福利 NI 发布免费音色包:Girls Make Beats
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Girls Make Beats 是一个免费的慈善音色包。

With just 2% of music producers and 3% of audio engineers on the Billboard top 100 chart being female,
Girls Make Beats is dedicated to increasing the female presence of music producers,
DJs and engineers in the music space and creating real-world opportunities to break the barriers within the music industry.​
在 Billboard 前 100 名排行榜上,
只有 2% 的音乐制作人和 3% 的音频工程师是女性,
Girls Make Beats 音色包致力于增加音乐制作人、
DJ 和工程师在音乐领域的女性形象,
并创造真实的 -打破音乐行业壁垒的世界机遇。
To help support the next generation of producers, artists and engineers,
we’ve teamed up with 13 trailblazing artists and the girls from
Girls Make Beats to create a donation-based charity sound pack.​
我们与 13 位开拓性艺术家和 Girls Make Beats 的女孩合作,
The pack is free to download, but we encourage donations from those who are able to give.
We are proud...​
Evolution Series 发布编年史系列音色 Chronicles Brass & Wood
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Evolution Series 发布了一个新的音色库,集合了单簧管、萨克斯、小号、弗鲁格号。

A Unigue Collaboration
Multi-instrumentalists Dane Laboyrie and Mark Taylor.
As with any creative sampling endeavour, the quality of the product starts with the musicians.
All their decades of experience is showcased in this treasure trove of sounds.​



Organic Performance
Connecting Realism with Playability.
Our two primary goals for Chronicles is first to record performances that have a raw and human quality.
And second, to connect those sounds with an intuitive performance-based experience.
Simply put we wanted to make something creative and fun!​

Slate Digital 发布高级光电压缩模块 Custom Opto
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板岩发布了一个新的VMR模块,这是一个改进型的光电压缩器模块:Custom Opto

The warmth of classic opto circuitry—with no limits
Hot rod your sound to perfection in seconds with Custom Opto.
We took a classic opto compressor & removed every limitation to put you in charge.
Take control of timing and ratio, and dial in 4 new tone settings to shape every nuance of your music.
On individual tracks or your entire mixbus, Custom Opto makes your mix sound larger than life.​

Custom Opto在几秒钟内就能把你的声音变得温暖。
在单独的轨道或您的整个混音总线,Custom Opto使您的混音听起来生龙活虎。

Slate Digital Custom Opto.png

Decide how quickly the circuit responds with Speed,
and dial in just the right amount of compression with Ratio.
Get all the smoothness of a Classic Opto with the controls you need to hot rod your sound.​
Impact Soundworks 发布尖锤钢琴音色 Hammer Klavier
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Impact Soundworks 带来了新音色:Hammer Klavier,

What happens if you replace an upright piano’s felt hammers with real metal-tipped hammers?​



You get a sound that’s reminiscent of a powerful, full-voiced harpsichord,
with the dynamic responsiveness of a regular piano and the percussive nature of a hammered dulcimer.​

Hammer Klavier is the latest release from Impact Soundworks, created in collaboration with musical mad scientist Mattias Krantz.
It has been carefully sampled to the fullest so that it’s every bit as playable and realistic as a standard piano.​

Hammer Klavier是Impact SoundWorks的最新产品,与音乐疯狂科学家Mattias...​
Mixwave 发布KONTAKT鼓组音色库 Thomas Pridgen
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一个与 Thomas 亲自敲的鼓一样的鼓组音色库。

A sample library that stands on its own as much as Thomas does within the drum community,
MixWave: Thomas Pridgen is as versatile and idiomatic as his own performances.
Ready to conquer the needs of any genre,
Pridgen's sound, paired with the MixWave treament,
stands apart as a swiss army knife solution for even the most discerning studio ears.​
Thomas Pridgen 与他自己本人一样多才多艺。
Pridgen 的声音与 MixWave treament 配对,

Thomas Pridgen Drums - 3.jpg

Have Thomas’ production-perfect drums right out of the box.
Featuring 4 different snare options, and a one-of-a-kind set of 12 cymbals.​
具有4 种不同的军鼓选项和一套独一无二的12 钹
Have total control over how everything sits in the mix with the...​
福利 Ingram Audio 免费鼓音源 Drum Daddy One Shot Kit
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One Shot Kit 是一款功能强大的虚拟鼓乐器,
所有这些都一起加载到一个超级易用的 GUI 中。
使用 One Shot Kit,

24x16 Custom Savior Kick
14x8 Savior Maple Snare
12” Savior Tom
13” Savior Tom
16” Savior Tom
18” A Custom Crash
20” A Custom Crash
18” Zildjian Oriental China
10” A Custom Splash
22” A Custom Ride
14” Byzance Dark Hi-Hats

One Shot Kit 需要完整版的 Kontakt 5.8.1 或更高版本。

Physical Audio 发布 Dynamic Plate Reverb
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Dynamic Plate Reverb 是一个混响效果插件,

Innovative and creative plate reverb​

Dynamic Plate Reverb uses a physical model of a thin metal plate to recreate the classic sound of plate reverberation.
Our innovative algorithm gives creative control of the plate setup, allowing you to tailor the resonance to your material.
Five different plate materials, a pre-amp drive, and a powerful 8-band mode equalizer,
give a huge range of tonal variation that can be applied to vocals, drums or instruments.​


Dynamic Plate Reverb 使用薄金属板的物理模型来重现板式混响的经典声音。
五种不同的板材、前置放大器驱动器和强大的 8 频段模式均衡器


Pure physical...​