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一年一眨眼就过去了,希望大家包括我自己把所有不好的东西都留在即将过去的一年,预祝大家新春快乐 ,群里的小妹子求助混音,帮她个忙,混个混着来感觉,因该是这一年内,我混的自己比较满意的作品 跟大家分享下
完整试听地址 5sing.kugou.com/fc/17892766.html
演唱 疼西
混音 我
You are the only
The only one who heals me
When I look into your eyes
I heard my heart beat oh oh
Please be my only
The only one who I need
How can I imagine life without you
Never leave me alone
Don't go far away
Just stay with me
You are my only
The only one who found me
In the darkness but only you saw me
Tomorrow just let it be
Cause I know you'll come with me
You are my only
Always believed in me
I will never be that weak-willed me
I'll be strong with you by me
How can I let you go away
You are my only
Always on my mind
But it's so hard to find out why
Dreaming of you every night
I wonder why you never know
You are my only
Always be there waiting for me
I will never leave
I will be right there for you
It seems like the real meaning
To me
完整试听地址 5sing.kugou.com/fc/17892766.html
演唱 疼西
混音 我
You are the only
The only one who heals me
When I look into your eyes
I heard my heart beat oh oh
Please be my only
The only one who I need
How can I imagine life without you
Never leave me alone
Don't go far away
Just stay with me
You are my only
The only one who found me
In the darkness but only you saw me
Tomorrow just let it be
Cause I know you'll come with me
You are my only
Always believed in me
I will never be that weak-willed me
I'll be strong with you by me
How can I let you go away
You are my only
Always on my mind
But it's so hard to find out why
Dreaming of you every night
I wonder why you never know
You are my only
Always be there waiting for me
I will never leave
I will be right there for you
It seems like the real meaning
To me