Sonuscore 将世界民族吹奏乐器 Phrases 系列再次扩充,古代嘟嘟克笛 Ancient Duduk 为其家族增添新的沙漠风情。
Ancient Duduk Phrases 为双格式音色库,不但拥有 KONTAKT 格式,还拥有 HALion 格式,这样对于没有完整版 KONTAKT 的用户就友好了!

Ancient Duduk Phrases 为双格式音色库,不但拥有 KONTAKT 格式,还拥有 HALion 格式,这样对于没有完整版 KONTAKT 的用户就友好了!
Ancient Duduk Phrases lets you travel through space and time.
Originating over 1,500 years ago in Armenia, the duduk instrument is listed on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List and has found its way into endless music productions.
The large reed creates a colorful timbre, perfect for atmospheric soundtracks, and is a wonderful complement to the orchestral palette.
This imaginative instrument comes with live recorded phrases and a haunting legato patch.
Ancient Duduk Phrases 让您穿越时空。
嘟嘟克笛起源于 1,500 多年前的亚美尼亚,被列入联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产名录,并已进入无数音乐作品。
The duduk has created evocative atmospheres for many hundreds of years.
Ancient Duduk Phrases delivers these remarkable sounds from the past, recorded using today’s state-of-the-art technology.
All phrases are split into 10 lyrical main themes in three keys (C, F, A) and seven bonus themes in one key each.
Every theme is unique in its style and includes sets of expressive and emotive phrases.
Ancient Duduk Phrases 提供了这些过往的非凡声音,使用当今先进的技术录制。
所有乐句都分为三个键(C、F、A)的 10 个抒情主题和一键式的七个附加主题。
600+ live recorded phrases in 17 themes
Fully playable legato instrument
7 sustain variations with diverse ornaments
Deeply emotive and panoramic sound
17 个主题中的 600 多个现场录音乐句
7 种不同装饰的延音变化
Merging the power of both traditional and phrase-based sampling, Ancient Duduk Phrases comes with its own beautiful legato instrument.
In addition, we have included sustain articulations with seven diverse ornaments like trills, vibratos and accents, offering you the full magnificence of the duduk.
The legato instrument can be easily used to either connect or to advance existing phrases, even to craft your own, letting you easily bring your creative vision into musical scores.
融合了传统采样和基于乐句采样的强大功能,Ancient Duduk Phrases 带有漂亮的连奏音色。
此外,我们还包含了带有七种不同装饰的延音发音,如 Trills 颤音、Vibratos 颤音和重音,为您提供嘟嘟克笛的全部表现力。
Ancient Duduk Phrases includes modern tools, like built-in EQ, delay and reverb.
Get instant access to the most essential features, as well as the freedom to dive deeper to perfectly shape your sound.
Ancient Duduk Phrases 包括现代工具,如内置均衡器、延迟和混响。

- 制作花絮 -
For any ancient, mystical, or otherworldly sound, there’s one instrument that stands above them all: the duduk.
The duduk is an ancient Armenian double-reed woodwind instrument known for its long, mournful dirges.
It’s featured in music throughout the South Caucasus and Middle East, creating a perfectly haunting atmosphere for any parched, dry landscape.
“There are a lot of ethnic instruments with a great sound, but they have limited ranges – the duduk has such a wide range,” says project manager Olajide Paris.
“What can be done with the note after the initial attack is also very diverse: You can start from a very strict tone to a wide vibrato to something more subtle.
It’s a very emotional instrument because of that subtlety and plays well in a lot of different genres.”
“有很多民族乐器的声音很棒,但它们的音域有限——嘟嘟克笛的音域如此之广,” 项目经理 Olajide Paris 说。
The authentic Armenian duduk is made of the wood from apricot trees and is first mentioned in texts written during the Armenian king Tigran the Great in the first century BC.
It is most often played in a duet. One duduk is used for a drone, or dum, which employs a circular breathing technique to carry on a limitless note.
The main melody is played over the dum and can carry a wide range of expression, from the typical haunting timbres it’s known for to raucous wedding music and festival dances.
“The duduk is very common in film music,” Christian Wirtz, the project lead, explained.
“Hearing the duduk reminds me of classic adventures taking you to the desert, pyramids, and forgotten tombs all across the globe.
Thinking of The Uncharted Series, Prince of Persia, The Mummy, or something like Black Hawk Down.
That style is exactly what we are going for with this library.”
“duduk 在电影音乐中很常见,” 项目负责人 Christian Wirtz 解释说。

Recording the duduk
For the project, Christian and Olajide wanted to capture all the evocative peculiarities of the duduk.
To play these phrases, Olajide departed to Armenia, the home of the duduk. “I actually travel to Armenia as much as I can,” Olajide says.
“It’s one of my favorite countries and Yerevan is one of my favorite cities, there are so many great musicians here.
I last came here to do the Origins libraries for Tar & Chonguri and Oud & Qanun before coming back to do the duduk library.”
对于这个项目,Christian 和 Olajide 想要捕捉嘟嘟克笛的所有令人回味的特点。
为了演奏这些乐句,Olajide 前往嘟嘟克笛的故乡亚美尼亚。 “实际上,我尽可能多地去亚美尼亚旅行。” Olajide 说。
我上次来这里是为 Tar & Chonguri 和 Oud & Qanun 做 Origins 音色库,然后再回来做嘟嘟克笛音色库。”
Olajide met up with the skilled Anna Mkhitaryan at the Composers Union of Armenia to do the recording.
It is a kind of shared workspace for musicians and recording artists. Olajide was first introduced to Anna in 2018 through friends in the music industry.
They had worked together on various projects since then, so that when Olajide heard that we were planning a duduk library, he said he knew just the right person.
Olajide 在亚美尼亚作曲家联盟会寻求技艺精湛的 Anna Mkhitaryan 来进行录音。
在一次音乐家和录音艺术家的交流工作坊上,Olajide 于 2018 年通过音乐界的朋友首次认识 Anna。
从那时起,他们就在各种项目上合作过,所以当 Olajide 听说我们正在计划一个嘟嘟克笛音色库时,他说他可算是找对了人。

The woman behind the woodwind
“Anna is a great player and it’s great working with her,” Olajide said.
He went on: “Duduk is almost exclusively played by men in Armenia.
So the fact that we have such a great female duduk player is really extraordinary.
People in Armenia were very surprised, because it’s not thought of as being the most feminine instrument.”
“Anna 是一名伟大的演奏家,和她一起工作很棒,” Olajide 说。
Anna Mkhitaryan has played duduk since she was 18 and also plays other Armenian folk spiritual instruments: the pku and zurna.
She studied music at the Yerevan State Conservatory and is with her sister the founder of several ethno-music groups,
including Tshakhruk, a group composed of physically disadvantaged youths.
Anna Mkhitaryan 从 18 岁起就开始演奏嘟嘟克笛,还演奏其他亚美尼亚民族乐器:Pku 和 Zurna。
其中包括 Tshakhruk,一个由 Physically Disadvantaged(*译注:不确定是否是残障人士的意思,如有不敬请指出修正)青年组成的团体。
As only Olajide was able to make the trip to Yerevan to record Anna, Christian was left monitoring the process on livestream, which is a frequent happening in today’s recording sessions.
Olajide was leading the session on site and translating everything for Christian. Languages were bouncing back and forth across the studio, from Armenian to Russian to English.
“I was trying to explain our concept for the library, which was quite hard as it was translated over several people and a library like that is very complex.
Anna is an expert in duduk traditional music, but a cinematic sample library is something else entirely.
At one point, we played an example of Hans Zimmer’s score to Black Hawk Down.
She played that phrase perfectly a second later. That’s when I knew that we had the right musician at hand.”
由于只有 Olajide 能够前往埃里温给 Anna 录音,因此 Christian 只能在直播中监控整个过程,这在现代的录音流程中经常发生。
Olajide 在现场主持会议并为 Christian 翻译所有内容。这里充满着不同语言,从亚美尼亚语到俄语再到英语。
Anna 是嘟嘟克笛传统音乐的专家,但对于电影配乐音色的采样音色库完全是另一回事。
“My main inspiration is from Armenian ethnic music,” Anna says. “
When I received the offer from Sonuscore, I immediately imagined the duduk would be ideal for any film.”
“我的主要灵感来自亚美尼亚民族音乐,” Anna 说。
“当我收到 Sonuscore 的报价时,我立即想象嘟嘟克笛将是任何电影的理想选择。”
About the library
All the phrases in the library are split into 10 lyrical main themes in three keys (C, F, and A), with seven bonus themes in one key each.
They are each unique in their style and include sets of expressive and emotive phrases.
“These improvised phrases will give a production directly much more of a live musician feeling,”
Christian says, “something which is hard to do with just single note samples otherwise.”
音色库中的所有乐句都分为三个键(C、F 和 A)中的 10 个抒情主题,每个键中有七个附加主题。
Christian 说,“否则仅用单个音符采样很难做到这一点。”
FULL VERSION of Native Instruments’ KONTAKT Version 6.6.0 or higher or Steinberg’s free HALion Sonic SE
Mac OSX.10.13 or higher, Intel Core i5
Windows 7 or higher, Intel Core i5
at least 1GB of free hard disc space
6.6.0 或更高的完整版本NI KONTAKT 或 Steinberg 的免费 HALion Sonic SE
Mac OSX 10.13 或更高版本,Intel Core i5
Windows 7 或更高版本,英特尔酷睿 i5
4GB 内存
至少 1GB 的可用硬盘空间
