号外!昔日鼓王 BFD 终于更新了!它真的更新了!新版本 BFD 3.5 带来大家期待的升级!
现在已经原生支持苹果 Apple Silicon 电脑,并且带来了 VST3 格式以及全新的界面和特性!
为了庆祝这一点,BFD 3 用户可以免费升级到 3.5,并且为新用户带来了一波促销,包含扩展!

现在已经原生支持苹果 Apple Silicon 电脑,并且带来了 VST3 格式以及全新的界面和特性!
为了庆祝这一点,BFD 3 用户可以免费升级到 3.5,并且为新用户带来了一波促销,包含扩展!
BFD 3.5 is the third generation of our flagship software acoustic drum studio: new levels of realism and ground-breaking features in an intuitive redesigned engine.
Designed for creating great-sounding, realistic acoustic drums. It delivers true, impactful, release-ready sound alongside a host of creative features and significant updates,
BFD 3.5 delivers uncompromising detail for the easiest BFD experience yet.
BFD 3.5 是我们旗舰软件原声鼓工作站音源的第三代产品:直观的重新设计引擎,带来全新水平的真实感和突破性功能。
BFD 3.5 提供真实、震撼、即开即用的声音以及一系列创意功能和重大更新,提供毫不妥协的细节,让你获得迄今为止最轻松的 BFD 体验。

Instant results with unlimited depth
BFD 3.5 is designed to sound great while offering as much depth as you need. Browse for entire presets,
quickly compile custom kits or mold any drum sound you desire by retuning, damping and processing multiple mics with the powerful internal mixing engine.
The built-in Groove section offers a versatile range of session drummer performances alongside pattern editing and creation functions.
Select from a wide range of musical drum rudiments and paint your own realistic parts.
BFD 3.5 旨在提供出色的音质,同时提供你需要的感受。
内置的 Groove 节奏提供多种多样的鼓手演奏以及律动编辑和创建功能。
Intelligent drum and dynamics modelling
BFD 3.5 introduces modelled tom resonance and bleed which provides a natural sounding 'glue' which blends the sound of the kit together.
The modelling varies with the characteristics and tuning of any combination of drums - something that cannot be achieved only by using samples.
BFD 3.5 also includes improved dynamics matching across drums and a swell-modelling algorithm for more realistic cymbal washes.
These features can be applied to your existing BFD libraries if you're upgrading (and to any expansion packs you buy in future).
BFD 3.5 加入了建模的通鼓共振和串音功能,可提供自然的“胶水”特性,将鼓组的声音融合在一起。
建模会根据任何鼓组合的特性和音高而变化 - 这是仅使用采样无法实现的。
BFD 3.5 还包括改进的交叉鼓动态匹配和膨胀建模算法,以实现更逼真的镲片声。
如果你要升级,这些功能可以应用于你现有的 BFD 音色库(以及你将来购买的任何扩展包)。
New effects and workflow enhancements
The internal BFD 3.5 mixing engine has DCAM-modelled compression, filtering and other effects alongside great-sounding EQ and algorithmic reverbs.
You can even use an external signal as a compression sidechain source.
New workflow enhancements let you hide multiple drums and ambient mics for simpler mixing approaches
and it's easy to route multiple channels to discrete outputs for processing with other plugins or outboard gear.
BFD 3.5 even provides multi-channel audio export direct to disk. Grooves can be exported using drag and drop - perfect for compiling loops.
BFD 3.5 内部的混音引擎具有 DCAM 建模的压缩、滤波和其他效果,以及音质出色的 EQ 和算法混响。
BFD 3.5 甚至提供直接到磁盘的多通道音频导出。可以使用拖放导出节奏 - 非常适合编译 Loops。

BFD 3.5 is an updated third generation of FXpansion's flagship software acoustic drum studio: new levels of realism and ground-breaking features in an intuitive redesigned engine.
With stunning new kits, mix-ready presets and modelling technology for tom resonance and cymbal swells, BFD 3.5 delivers uncompromising detail.
The revamped interface has a new mixer and sound browser for the easiest BFD experience yet.
BFD 3.5 是 FXpansion 旗舰软件原声鼓工作室的第三代更新版本:直观的重新设计引擎中具有新的真实感和突破性功能。
凭借令人惊叹的新套件、混音预设和用于通鼓共振和镲片声的建模技术,BFD 3.5 可提供不折不扣的细节。
改进后的界面具有新的混音器和声音浏览器,可提供迄今为止最轻松的 BFD 体验。
BFD 3.5 introduces Apple Silicon AAX support, cross-platform VST 3 compatibilities, an enhanced GUI, and a new Microphone Inspector panel.
This powerful drumming software builds on over two decades of pristine, articulate acoustic drum sounds trusted by musicians and producers worldwide.
BFD 3.5 offers robust, feature-rich parameter controls, enabling users to fine-tune every detail of their drum kits with precision.
BFD 3.5 带来了 Apple Silicon AAX 支持、跨平台 VST 3 兼容性、增强的全新界面和新的麦克风控制面板。
BFD 3.5 提供强大、功能丰富的参数控制,使用户能够精确微调其鼓组的每一个细节。

Core library featuring 51 kits
60 mix-ready preset BFD kits with customized parameters, articulations and effects
The Drum Editor’s Tech, Model and Mic sections: Users can dampen, tune, create customized mic perspectives, adjust pitch velocity per drum and much more for every sound in your kit.
82 ready to play drum Groove Palettes and dozens of individual grooves are available within the Groove Editor to add unique and instant flavor, feel and realism to your tracks and production process.
48 cutting-edge audio effects, including 13 AIR Music Tech effects that be utilized as either track Inserts or Sends with plenty of AUX channels to work with.
AIR Music Tech effects: AIR Compressor, AIR Lo-Fi (Decimator), AIR Distortion, AIR Dyn3 Compressor, AIR Economy Reverb, AIR Expander, AIR Maximizer, AIR Non-Linear Reverb, AIR Saturation Filter, AIR Spring Reverb, AIR Stereo Reverb, AIR Transient, and AIR Tube Drive.
New ‘Mics’ control in the Drum Editor panel. Allowing flexible per channel multi-mic level and individual mic attenuation aspects. The updated Mics control panel allows you to further adjust levels and other aspects of your drum sound signals.
Revamped GUI – Introducing new icons, new colors, and clearer fonts.
Apple Silicon AAX support
Cross-platform VST3 support
核心库包含 51 个鼓组
60 个已经做好了混音的 BFD 鼓组预设,具有自定义参数、技法和效果
82 个随时可用的鼓节奏型和数十个单独的律动可在 Groove Editor 中使用,为你的音轨和制作过程带来独特的风味、感觉和真实性。
48 种尖端音频效果,包括 13 种 AIR Music Tech 效果,可用作音轨插入或发送,并具有大量 AUX 通道可供使用。
AIR 音乐技术效果:AIR 压缩器、AIR Lo-Fi(抽取器)、AIR 失真、AIR Dyn3 压缩器、AIR 经济混响、AIR 扩展器、AIR 最大化器、AIR 非线性混响、AIR 饱和滤波器、AIR 弹簧混响、AIR 立体声混响、AIR 瞬态和 AIR 电子管驱动。
改进的界面 - 加入新图标、新颜色和更清晰的字体。
Apple Silicon AAX 支持
跨平台 VST3 支持
BFD 3.5 正常价格 199 美元,BFD 3 的老用户免费升级。
在 4 月 3 日前,BFD 3.5 庆祝首发促销 59 美元,并附带一堆扩展打折。