Zynaptiq 也明白这一点,推出了 Punch,基于背后的算法经验,争取在瞬态处理中获得优势!

Zynaptiq 也明白这一点,推出了 Punch,基于背后的算法经验,争取在瞬态处理中获得优势!
Intelligent Dynamics Contouring
Add organic, musical punch and contour to your sounds, tracks, stems or mixes with our mastering-grade, intelligent impact inductor PUNCH.
Built on our expertise in source separation, signal statistics, frequency domain processing, and filter design,
PUNCH adds anything from airy snap to beefy long attack compressor overshoot impact to smooth dynamics contouring to your audio easily, quickly, and with zynaptiq quality.
使用 Zynaptiq 的母带级智能冲击感应器 PUNCH,为你的声音、音轨、分组或混音带来动感的音乐冲击力和轮廓。
基于 Zynaptiq 在声源分离、信号统计、频域处理和滤波器设计方面的专业知识,
PUNCH 可轻松、快速的为你的音频增加从空灵的脆响到强劲的慢启动压缩器过程冲击,再到平滑的动态轮廓,并且具有 Zynaptiq 的品质。

PUNCH works equally well for individual sounds and complex material like mixed music,
even if excessive dynamics processing was applied that would leave traditional transient shapers nothing to go on,
and applies its processing to all sound components separately, with up to more than a hundred bands of exquisitely engineered filtering.
Throw in two alternative algorithms, a transparent sounding output clipper, support for up to 16 channels for immersive workflows,
and our trademark workflow, and you're all set for punchy, present and transparent sound in seconds!
PUNCH 同样适用于单个声音和已混音音乐等复杂素材,
加上两种替代算法、透明声音输出削波器、支持多达 16 个通道以实现沉浸式工作指标以及 Zynaptiq 的标志性工作流程,

Add punch to your audio, with adjustable release time ranging from very short snap transients via medium length impact attacks right up to smooth dynamics expansion, for individual sounds or full mixes.
Add airy presence, mid-range twang, meaty ooomph, give your sounds more contour, or reduce over-compression effects on mixes...and anything in-between.
Intelligent, advanced statistics based CRYSTAL and SMOOTH processing algorithms with reconstruction based on 10 or 100+ super-clean minimum phase bands, respectively.
Easy frequency dependent processing using our BIAS functionality and visual hover menus.
Transparent sounding, oversampled or multi-band output clipper.
Near-Zero latency processing (5 samples, actually).
Support for up to 16 channels for immersive workflows.
Optional 64-bit processing.
Fully vectorized GUI with zoom up to 200%.
基于智能、高级统计数据的 CRYSTAL 和 SMOOTH 处理算法,分别基于 10 或 100+ 超干净最小相位带进行重建。
使用 Zynaptiq 的 BIAS 功能和可视悬停菜单轻松进行频率相关处理。
接近零延迟处理(实际上是 5 个采样点)。
支持多达 16 个通道,实现沉浸式工作流程。
可选的 64 位处理。
完全矢量化的界面,缩放比例高达 200%。

System Requirements
macOS 10.15.x or newer, 64 bit. Apple Silicon CPU, or Intel CPU with at least 2 Cores (i7 or better recommended).
Windows 10 or newer. CPU with at least 2 Cores; Intel CPU recommended, i7 or better recommended.
64 bit Apple AU (AudioUnits), Steinberg VST 3 or Avid AAX Native compatible Host software, processing audio as 32 bit float.
iLok.com account for machine- or iLok 2/3 based activation (of full as well as demo versions)
Internet Connection for Software Activation (though not necessarily on the computer used for audio)
macOS 10.15.x 64 位或更新版本。 Apple Silicon CPU,或至少具有 2 核的 Intel CPU(建议使用 i7 或更高版本)。
Windows 10 或更新版本。至少具有 2 核的 CPU;建议使用 Intel CPU,建议使用 i7 或更高版本。
64 位 Apple AU(AudioUnits)、Steinberg VST 3 或 Avid AAX Native 兼容宿主软件,将音频处理为 32 位浮点数。
iLok.com 帐户基于电脑或 iLok 2/3 的激活(完整版和试用版)

正常价格 169 美元,2 月 7 日前首发促销 99 美元,