AcousticSamples 的 VHorns 系列建模铜管深受用户喜爱,现在又来了一系列新品种!
VHorns Extended Brass 包含了 6 种特殊的铜管乐器,是喜欢特殊管乐编制的心头好!

VHorns Extended Brass 包含了 6 种特殊的铜管乐器,是喜欢特殊管乐编制的心头好!
Our final VHorns library is here! Following on from the success of VHorns Brass Section and VHorns Saxophones,
VHorns Extended Brass fills the gaps from missing standard instruments, offers a true muted trumpet to lead a section and also brings a new option to the table, in our choice of brass band and marching band instruments.
Thanks to our work on a revolutionary hybrid technology (which we call H.A.T.), we are able to blend the authentic recorded sound of world-class instrumentalists with state-of-the-art modeling techniques,
giving users unparalleled playability and impeccable sounds which are all but indistinguishable from the real thing.
AcousticSamples 最终的 VHorns 音色库来了!继 VHorns Brass Section 和 VHorns Saxophones 大获成功之后,
VHorns Extended Brass 填补了标准乐器的空白,提供了真正的弱音小号来引领乐器组,还为我们在铜管乐队和行进乐队乐器的编配上带来了新的选择。
得益于 AcousticSamples 在革命性混合技术(称之为 H.A.T.)方面的努力,AcousticSamples 能够将世界级乐器演奏家的真实录音与最先进的建模技术融合在一起,

We’re confident in saying that these VHorns are not only the most realistic and playable instruments of their kind,
but are among the most versatile and realistic virtual instruments ever made.
AcousticSamples 可以自信地说,这些 VHorns 不仅是同类乐器中最逼真、可演奏性最强的乐器,

6-Instrument Bundle
The VHorns Extended Brass contains 6 instruments: Cornet, Muted Trumpet, Euphonium, Valve Trombone, Bass Trombone and Sousaphone.
Each individual instrument has a distinct sound and was recorded by a different musician.
Each instrument can be purchased separately:
Cornet - Euphonium - Valve Trombone - Bass Trombone - Muted Trumpet
6 件乐器套装
VHorns Extended Brass 包含 6 种乐器:短号、弱音小号、悠风号、活塞长号、低音长号和苏萨大号。
短号 - 悠风号 - 活塞长号 - 低音长号 - 弱音小号

The H.A.T.
Thanks to our proprietary H.A.T. (Harmonic Alignment Technology), VHorns is not just another heavily multi-sampled instrument -
you can play articulations exactly like a live player would, with just a mod wheel to control air flow (or even just by drawing in automation).
There are no elaborate keyswitches involved to play staccatos, marcatos, legato, etc. -
you simply load up the instrument in your DAW and play. Vibrato can even be automated.
H.A.T. 技术
得益于 AcousticSamples 专有的 H.A.T.(谐波对齐技术),VHorns 不仅仅是另一种经过多重采样的乐器。
你只需将乐器加载到 DAW 中并演奏即可。颤音甚至可以自动化。
Multi Microphone Recording
Recording a brass instrument can be done in various ways and at different positions.
We used 4 different microphone positions to offer a variety of colors.
This can produce even better results when using the "virtual space”, detailed below.
You can apply reverb and EQ to mix it completely to your taste.
AcousticSamples 使用了 4 个不同的麦克风位置来提供各种音色。

Virtual Space
The Virtual Space perfectly replicates a real recording of an ensemble, using convolution reverb.
When you record a big band, you usually place a pair of microphones in front of the musicians and they naturally take position in the stereo field depending on where they are in the room.
The Virtual Space does exactly the same thing; you can place the musician wherever you like.
When using this with multiple tracks, you immediately have the feeling of being in front of a real Horns section.

Authentic Vibrato
We carefully measured the different parameters that change when a brass player uses vibrato and we combined everything into a highly realistic and customizable vibrato for VHorns.
There are multiple ways to control the vibrato: automatic, automatic depending on time, and manually.
AcousticSamples 仔细测量了铜管演奏者使用颤音时变化的不同参数,并将所有参数组合成高度逼真且可自定义的 VHorns 颤音。
Legato Transitions
Fast legato transitions are often the main give away that an instrument is virtual rather than real,
so we spent a considerable amount of time and effort carefully extracting every tiny detail of several recorded live transitions to make ours indistinguishable from a real performance.
These transitions range from lightning fast note changes to extremely slow bends, with and without extra attack. We covered everything - and you have complete control.
The legatos behaviour can be adjusted and even randomized for more life-like performances.
因此 AcousticSamples 花费了大量的时间和精力仔细提取几个录制的现场过渡中的每一个微小细节,以使过渡与真实演奏别无二致。
这些过渡范围从闪电般的快速音符变化到极慢的弯音,有或没有额外的音头。VHorns 涵盖了所有内容 - 你可以完全控制。

No Big Band horn section or Brass Band would be complete without mutes - they are an integral part of the sound.
VHorns offers a variety of mutes on all relevant instruments: Harmon, Plunger, Straight, Cup and Bucket.
Simply select the mute you want in the top right corner of the instrument’s interface and start playing.
Rather than vastly increasing the size of the libraries by recording all samples with all 5 mutes, we instead simulated each mute with hyper-precision, which also allows for changes in real time.
However, due to subtleties which are impossible to replicate, we knew that we wanted to one day record a true muted trumpet -
and so we made VHorns Muted Trumpet, a trumpet recorded with a Harmon mute.
没有弱音器,大乐队号角部分或铜管乐队就不完整 - 它们是声音不可或缺的一部分。
VHorns 为所有相关乐器提供各种弱音器:Harmon、Plunger、Straight、Cup 和 Bucket。
AcousticSamples 没有通过录制所有 5 个静音器来大幅增加音色库的大小,而是以超高精度模拟每个弱音器,这也可以实时更改。
然而,由于无法复制的细微差别,AcousticSamples 知道希望有一天能录制真正的弱音小号,
因此制作了 VHorns Muted Trumpet,这是用 Harmon 静音器录制的小号。

VHorns offers a wealth of control over pitch, controls that can be essential to achieving a colorful sound.
It's very rare for jazz musicians to play everything as in-tune and precise as you would expect to hear from their classical counterparts,
so we created a number of features to help adjust the accuracy of the pitch in order to achieve an even more lifelike performance.
Pitch bend is also a key part of the performance of some instruments, and our Advanced Pitch Bend engine helps with the realism of these bends,
from subtleties in trumpet solos, to small trombone slides, all the way to the openining Clarinet wail from Rhapsody in Blue.
VHorns 提供了丰富的音高控制,这些控制对于实现丰富多彩的声音至关重要。
弯音也是某些乐器演奏的关键部分,VHorns 的高级弯音引擎有助于实现这些弯音的真实感,
General / MIDI
Our general controls allow for different playing techniques such as flutter, control over the harmonic series and volume of every note, as well as extraneous noises, natural variation and round robins.
MIDI controls offer the possibility to finetune live ensemble playing, as well as the usual tranposition, pitch control, MIDI controller selection and a grid to tweak the shape of the airflow curve.
MIDI 控制提供了微调现场合奏的可能性,以及通常的移调、音高控制、MIDI 控制器选择和调整气流曲线形状的网格。
Please note all of the features in the preferences tab that have a small die next to them, which turns on randomization for an even more unpredictable and life-like performance.
Randomize means that the value for that setting will be randomized for each new note, between the minimum value and the value you set.

Keyboard, Breath Controller or Wind Controller
VHorns can be played using a keyboard by selecting the notes on the keyboard and controlling the air flow with a MIDI controller like the modulation wheel or a breath controller.
You can also use a wind controller like an EWI, an Aerophone a Sylphyo or any other brand, in which case you need to use the appropriate controller menu in the MIDI section.
VHorns 可以使用键盘演奏,方法是选择键盘上的音符并使用 MIDI 控制器(如调制轮或呼吸控制器)控制气流。
你还可以使用吹管控制器,如 EWI、Aerophone、Sylphyo 或任何其他品牌,在这种情况下,你需要使用 MIDI 部分中的相应控制器菜单。
If you load multiple instruments at the same time, it will play unisons exactly at the same time.
We added some smart features that first can change the timbre of the instruments, transpose everything by a fixed interval and also act on the MIDI performance.
For example, you can have all 6 instruments with a different transposition value play the same C minor scale, so no matter what you play on the keyboard, it will sound in key.
AcousticSamples 加入了一些智能功能,首先可以改变乐器的音色,按固定间隔移调所有内容,还可以对 MIDI 进行操作。
例如,你可以让所有 6 种具有不同移调值的乐器演奏相同的 C 小调音阶,因此无论你在键盘上弹奏什么,它都不会走调。
Sample player
VHorns Extended Brass comes with its own sample player, the UVI Workstation 3 (requires v3.1.6 or later).
We provide it for free with every library that you buy, you don't need to buy an expensive sampler to use our products.
It works on Mac (10.14 or later intel or arm processor) and PC (windows 10 or later),
in standalone or as a plugin (VST / VST3 / AU / AAX ) and in 64 bits only.
VHorns Extended Brass 配有自己的采样播放器 UVI Workstation 3(需要 v3.1.6 或更高版本)。
它适用于 Mac(10.14 或更高版本的英特尔或 Arm 处理器)和 PC(Windows 10 或更高版本),
独立运行或作为插件(VST / VST3 / AU / AAX),并且仅限 64 位。
Technical description
UVI Workstation v3.1.15 is required for the library to function properly, the VHorns will not work on windows XP, or OSX 10.13, it will not work on a receptor either.
430Mb compressed in lossless flac format (54 for sousaphone, 76 for valve trombone, 89 for cornet, 63 for euphonium, 73 for bass trombone and 76 for muted trumpet).
音色正常运行需要 UVI Workstation v3.1.15,VHorns 无法在 Windows XP 或 OSX 10.13 上运行。
以无损 flac 格式压缩为 430Mb(大号为 54,长号为 76,短号为 89,次中音号为 63,低音长号为 73,弱音小号为 76)。
VHorns Extended Brass 六合一套装原价 199 欧元,2 月 1 日前首发促销 149 欧元,
也可以单把购买,每把价格为 79 欧元,单把购买没有首发折扣。