还记得上次樱桃音频发布的那台贼猛的苏联合成器插件 Atomika 吗?
现在,那款超猛的合成器上的滤波器被单独做成了一个效果器插件 Filtomika!
Filtomika is an effect plugin that emulates the wild filter section of the 1980s Soviet Polivoks synthesizer
and is based on the expanded multi-mode filter introduced in Cherry Audio's award-winning Atomika virtual instrument.
Featuring circuit-modeled DSP designs by the acclaimed developer Mark Barton, Filtomika also includes other methods from Atomika that go beyond the original hardware.
These enhancements include an extended selection of waveforms for its syncable modulator, additional filter response modes,
and Atomika's unique Starve, Filter Drive, and Amp Drive controls, further expanding its twisted sound palette.
Filtomika 是一款效果插件,可模拟 1980 年代苏联 Polivoks 合成器的狂野滤波器部分,
并基于 Cherry Audio 屡获殊荣的 Atomika 虚拟乐器中引入的扩展多模式滤波器。
Filtomika 采用著名开发人员 Mark Barton 设计的电路建模 DSP 设计,还包含 Atomika 超越原始硬件的其他方法。
以及 Atomika 独特的 Starve、Filter Drive 和 Amp Drive 参数,进一步扩展了其扭曲的声音调色板。

With Filtomika, you can process any sound—whether it's drums, guitars, other synthesizers, or even vocals—
and achieve the radical, often mysterious sonic results characteristic of Atomika.
The plugin features a user-friendly preset browser with over 30 production-ready presets
and offers comprehensive MIDI control and DAW automation, complete with intuitive MIDI learn and mapping capabilities.
It can be used as an insert or bus effect and is fully compatible with mono and stereo sources.
使用 Filtomika,你可以处理任何声音 - 无论是鼓、吉他、其他合成器,甚至是人声,
并获得 Atomika 特有的激进、神秘的声音效果。
该插件具有一个友好的预设浏览器,其中包含 30 多个可用于工作的预设,
并提供全面的 MIDI 控制和 DAW 自动化,具有直观的 MIDI 学习和映射功能。

Filtomika Features:
Faithful virtual analog emulation of the programmable op-amp filter designed by sound engineer Vladimir Kuzmin, expanded with numerous new features for modern music producers
Features the precision-crafted and circuit-modeled DSP designs of award-winning developer Mark Barton
Reproduces the Polivoks’ distinctive filter and extends it with new controls unavailable in the original hardware: Starve, Filter Drive, and Amp Drive, plus highpass, notch, and peak responses in addition to standard lowpass and bandpass modes
Syncable LFO Modulator with ramp, sawtooth, triangle, square, noise, and random (sample & hold) waveforms
Envelope Follower allows the relative amplitude of input signals to control cutoff frequency, useful with guitar and bass, and drum loops for wicked autowah-type effects
Usable as an insert or bus effect
Compatible with mono or stereo input sources
Preset browser with over 30 Presets for Drums, Guitars, SoundFX, and Synths, with favoriting and user presets
Complete MIDI control and DAW automation for all controls, with easy-to-use per-preset or global MIDI learn and mapping
Gorgeously rendered and immersive UI
Cherry Audio’s popular Focus zoom-in feature, as well as standard UI zoom and resize via drag
Complete documentation available directly online from the plugin or in downloadable PDF format
Highly optimized DSP for optimal performance
Filtomika 功能:
由音响工程师 Vladimir Kuzmin 设计的可编程运算放大器滤波器的忠实虚拟模拟建模,为现代音乐制作人扩展了许多新功能
采用屡获殊荣的开发人员 Mark Barton 精心制作和电路建模的 DSP 设计
重现 Polivoks 独特的滤波器,并使用原始硬件中没有的新参数对其进行扩展:Starve、Filter Drive 和 Amp Drive,以及高通、陷波和峰值响应以及标准低通和带通模式
可同步的 LFO 调制器,具有斜坡、锯齿波、三角波、方波、噪声和随机(采样和保持)波形
预设浏览器,包含超过 30 个鼓、吉他、声音效果、合成器预设,收藏和用户预设
所有参数均具有完整的 MIDI 控制和 DAW 自动化,具有易于使用的每个预设或全局 MIDI 学习和映射
Cherry Audio 广受欢迎的 Focus 放大功能,以及通过拖动进行的标准 UI 缩放和调整大小
完整文档可直接从插件在线获取或以可下载的 PDF 格式获取
高度优化的 DSP 可实现最佳性能

Filtomika is available in AU, VST, VST3, AAX, and stand-alone formats.
A free 30-day demo of Filtomika is available. This demo will play white noise periodically, but is otherwise unlimited.
macOS Requirements: 10.13 or above. macOS 13 Ventura supported. 64-bit required.
Native Apple M1 or greater processor support, including Ultra. 3.4 GHz Quad-Core or M1 CPU with 8GB of RAM recommended.
Windows Requirements: Windows 7 or above (including Windows 11), 64-bit required. Quad-core computer with 8GB of RAM recommended.
Filtomika 提供 AU、VST、VST3、AAX 和独立运行格式。
提供 Filtomika 的 30 天免费演示版。此演示将定期播放白噪声,但除此之外不受限制。
macOS 要求:10.13 或更高版本。支持 macOS 13 Ventura。需要 64 位。
原生 Apple M1 或更高版本的处理器支持,包括 Ultra。建议使用 3.4 GHz 四核或 M1 CPU 和 8GB RAM。
Windows 要求:Windows 7 或更高版本(包括 Windows 11),需要 64 位。建议使用具有 8GB RAM 的四核计算机。
正常价格 19 美元,对于买过 Atomika 的用户可以打 8 折,