PSPaudioware 推出 Datamix 控制台的均衡器模块建模插件 PSP Datamix A567

Datamix 控制台你可能没听说过,但是这台机器在 Eddie Kramer 大师手中完成了 Jimi Hendrix 等人的传奇作品,
PSPaudioware 将这个控台上的 EQ 模块专门进行了分析和建模,推出了 PSP Datamix A567,并由 Eddie Kramer 制作了预设。

Datamix A567.jpg

PSP Datamix A567 models an equalizer module from the classic first-generation Datamix console.
Officially approved and endorsed by Eddie Kramer - who recorded legendary bands such as Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, KISS,
and more on the original Datamix consoles during the golden era of The Record Plant and Electric Lady studios -
the plug-in captures the essence of that iconic sound. models an equalizer module taken out of the classic first -generation Datamix console.​

PSP Datamix A567 模拟了经典第一代 Datamix 控制台的均衡器模块。
该插件由 Eddie Kramer 正式批准和认可,
他在 The Record Plant 和 Electric Lady 工作室的黄金时代在原始 Datamix 控制台上录制了 Jimi Hendrix、Led Zeppelin、KISS 等传奇乐队,
该插件捕捉了标志性声音的精髓。模拟了经典第一代 Datamix 控制台的均衡器模块。
PSP Datamix A567 is designed in such a way that it almost never sounds “neutral” –
just putting it on a track as is, with all bands in the “0” positions, is enough to make you love it or hate it.
Even with all bands turned off, there is still plenty of sonic character coming from the preamp and output sections.
Give it a try – you’ll have to hear it to believe it!​

PSP Datamix A567 的设计方式使其听起来几乎从不“中性”,


“In today’s market, it’s great having the Datamix mic pre and equalizer available to use on contemporary Pop/Rock, R&B, Hip Hop, Metal –
where every producer/engineer is looking for something different. This is the weapon of choice!”
——Eddie Kramer (Engineer, Producer, Knob Twiddler Worked with: Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Kiss, Rolling Stones and more...)​

“在当今市场,Datamix 话筒前置放大器和均衡器可用于当代流行/摇滚、R&B、嘻哈、金属,这真是太棒了——
——Eddie Kramer(工程师、制作人、曾与 Jimi Hendrix、The Beatles、Led Zeppelin、Kiss、Rolling Stones 等合作过...)


Eddie Kramer behind the Datamix board at the newly completed Electric Lady Studio A.
Photo courtesy of John Veltri.​

Eddie Kramer 在新建成的 Electric Lady Studio A 的 Datamix 电路板后面。
照片由 John Veltri 提供。


The photo of the original Datamix console from The Record Plant.
Photo courtesy of Eddie Kramer.​

The Record Plant 的原始 Datamix 控制台的照片。
照片由 Eddie Kramer 提供。


The rack of eight EQ modules from the original Record Plant console.
Thanks to the courtesy of the current owner, Adam Piskorz,
we were able to model the plug-in.​

原始 Record Plant 控制台的八个 EQ 模块机架。
感谢现任所有者 Adam Piskorz 的帮助,
PSP 能够对插件进行建模。


With over 100 presets designed by pro users from around the world, including a few by Eddie Kramer himself,
you’ll have the perfect starting point to kick off your mixes!​

拥有来自世界各地的专业用户设计的 100 多个预设,其中包括 Eddie Kramer 本人设计的几个预设,


Three bands of equalization: Low (peaking on boost, peaking or shelving on cut depending on the frequency), Mid (peaking boost and notch type cut), and High (peaking boost, shelving on cut).
FAT double sampling: In PSP Datamix A567, FAT is automatically switched on for low (below 50 kHz) sample rates, and off for higher sample rates. This ensures accurate processing independent of the sample rate.
64-bit double precision floating point math for ultra-low cumulative errors in the filters and proper filter characteristics across entire frequency spectrum.
Preamp section modeling on input.
Output section with transformer emulation.
Variation of sound character via selecting the tuning of a specific channel, an average setting, or an “ideal” setting corresponding to the precise frequencies on the control labels.
Adjustable left/right channel tuning spread.
Alt Q mode allows for a gentler effect by fixing Q for each band regardless of selected frequency.
Sharp mode adds pronounced resonance in the High band.
All actual parameter values, like gain and frequency, may differ from displayed values. This is a typical characteristic of analog equalizers.​

FAT 双采样:在 PSP Datamix A567 中,FAT 会自动打开以适应低(低于 50 kHz)采样率,并关闭以适应更高的采样率。这确保了独立于采样率的精确处理。
64 位双精度浮点运算,可实现滤波器中的超低累积误差和整个频谱中的正确滤波器特性。
Alt Q 模式通过固定每个频段的 Q 值(无论所选频率如何)来实现更柔和的效果。
Sharp 模式在高频段增加了明显的共振。


正常价格 149 美元,11 月 15 日前首发促销 99 美元,