Toontrack 发布用于 EZkeys 2 的管弦乐大钢琴扩展音色库 Orchestral Grand EKX

EZkeys 2 是 Toontrack 旗下的经典虚拟钢琴插件,可加载众多扩展和 MIDI 演奏包,深受用户喜爱。
Orchestral Grand EKX 是基于 EZkeys 2 的新扩展库,是一款达到管弦乐演奏厅级别的大钢琴音色。

Orchestral Grand EKX.jpg

Colossal in anything from size and musical scope, the grand piano is the unequivocal centerpiece in any orchestral setting.
With its limitless expression – resonant, wild and untamed while ever-so articulate – it can take on any thinkable musical scenario, from the roaringly loud to the velvety frail.
In this EKX expansion for EZkeys 2, we’ve taken arguably the grand piano of grand pianos and, to add, placed it in one of the most flawlessly crafted studio rooms ever built
and utilized the absolute best the world has to offer in terms of recording technology to capture it. The result is an immaculate grand, breathtakingly epic in any and all respects imaginable.​

在 EZkeys 2 的这个 EKX 扩展中,我们采用了可以说是大钢琴中的大钢琴,并将其放置在有史以来最完美的工作室之一中,


The instrument in question is a Steinway* D-274, one of the world’s most heralded instruments of its kind and a top pick for concert halls around the world.
Measuring 274 centimeters in length, this majestic and one-of-a-kind colossus is a marvel of engineering and craftsmanship involving 12,000 individual parts assembled with utmost detail.
To capture it, where better to turn than the main hall at Galaxy Studios – the very room in which the core library for Superior Drummer 3 and several other Toontrack libraries were recorded.
Boasting 330 square meters and a daunting floor-to-ceiling height, it has an ambience tailored for natural but controlled reverberation.
To offer flexible use in anything from the full-scale and orchestral down to the intimate and scaled-down, the recording setup included an array of 19 individual microphones.
In the final product, these mics are used to give you mix-ready presets showcasing the instrument in a wealth of different mic configurations and timbres.
In addition to the sounds and the presets, a basic collection of MIDI unique to the product and tailored for the instrument is included.​

使用的乐器是施坦威 D-274,它是世界上同类乐器中最受欢迎的型号之一,也是世界各地音乐厅的首选。
这个雄伟而独一无二的庞然大物长 274 厘米,是工程和工艺的奇迹,涉及 12000 个以最精细的方式组装的独立部件。
要采样它,最好的去处就是 Galaxy Studios 的主大厅——Superior Drummer 3 的原厂库和其他几个 Toontrack 库就是在这个房间里录制的。
它占地 330 平方米,地板到天花板的高度另人惊讶,氛围自然但可控。
为了灵活地用于从全尺寸和管弦乐到私密和缩小尺寸的任何场合,录音设置包括 19 个独立麦克风阵列。
除了声音和预设外,还包括产品独有的、为乐器量身定制的基础 MIDI 包。


If you’re looking for one exquisite EKX that bridges the entire scope from the nuanced and subtle to the expressive and majestic, this is it.​

如果你正在寻找一款精致的 EKX 音色库,能够涵盖从细微与精致再到富有表现力和雄伟气场的整个需求,那么这款产品就是你的优先选择。
A meticulously maintained and tuned grand piano
Recorded in the 330-square-meter hall at Galaxy Studios in Belgium
Ready for mixes in stereo up to 5.0 surround
Comes with mix-ready presets for different configurations, microphone setups and tonal flavors
Includes a MIDI library unique to the product​

在比利时 Galaxy Studios 的 330 平方米大厅录制
可进行高达 5.0 环绕立体声混音
包含产品独有的 MIDI 库


Measuring 274 centimeters in length, involving 12,000 individual parts and with a rim consisting of up to 20 layers of carefully selected wood, the majestic D-274 is a marvel of engineering and craftsmanship.
Built by hand and unchanged in design since the late 1800s, it is more than just an instrument, it’s just as much a unique piece of art that only exists in one specimen.
The particular one sampled for this EKX was handpicked by the owner out of a range of the same model at the factory in Hamburg back in 1992. It simply spoke to him.
No wonder, it sounds sublime in any and all ways imaginable –
from the most frail notes at the top of the range, where the high-tensile Swedish steel strings tremble and beautifully sing,
to the thunderous low end that resonate with power as much as with subtle delicacy.​

雄伟的 D-274 长 274 厘米,包含 12000 个独立部件,边缘由多达 20 层精心挑选的木材组成,堪称工程和工艺的奇迹。
它由手工打造,设计自 19 世纪末以来从未改变,它不仅仅是一件乐器,更是独一无二的艺术品,仅此一件。
这款 EKX 的采样用琴是 1992 年琴主在汉堡工厂从一系列相同型号中精心挑选出来的。它简直能与他对话。


With its 330-square-meter room and eight-meter ceiling height, the main hall at Galaxy Studios in Belgium was the ideal location for capturing these instruments with a surround setup of microphones.
In addition to having immaculate acoustic qualities, the entire studio complex is built on springs to ensure that any outside interference is literally nonexistent.
In fact, with only 14 dBA of environmental noise, this room is the most quiet recording space of this size in the world.​

比利时 Galaxy Studios 的主大厅面积为 330 平方米,天花板高度为 8 米,是使用环绕麦克风设置捕捉这些乐器的理想场所。
事实上,这个房间的环境噪音只有 14 dBA,是世界上这种规模的最安静的录音空间。


The included presets cover a wealth of different tonal colors and microphone configurations ranging from the close and intimate to the massively grand.
Each preset has its own bespoke set of macro controls. With these, you can easily alter, tweak or fine-tune the sound to perfectly suit your mix.
Should you wish to route an instrument to your DAW for further processing, use any of the various Multi-Out out presets.
In addition to offering unsaturated takes of each instrument, these settings will distribute all stereo microphones in each recorded configuration of the instrument to its own channels and allow you to mix in up to 5.0 surround.​

如果你希望将乐器连接到 DAW 进行进一步处理,可以使用各种多输出预置。
除了提供每种乐器的非饱和录音外,这些设置还能将乐器每种录制配置中的所有立体声麦克风分配到各自的通道中,让你以 5.0 环绕声进行混音。


This EKX includes its own unique collection of MIDI tailored specifically to illustrate the scope of the instrument.
Ideal for anything from subtle and heartfelt ballads to articulate jazz, epic piano-driven scores and classical,
it will give you a starting point of material to work from and be inspired by when exploring the sonic possibilities of the product.
As always, the profound set of features in EZkeys 2 designed for tailoring MIDI to fit your needs will let you expand on these basic ideas and take them to whatever musical space your songs call for.​

这款 EKX 库包括自己独特的 MIDI 合集,专门用于展现这款乐器的魅力。
与往常一样,EZkeys 2 为满足你的 MIDI 需求而设计的一系列强大功能将让你扩展这些基本想法,并将它们带入歌曲所需要的任何音乐空间。


7.5 GB free disk space (plus 7.5 GB for download), 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended).
A working EZkeys 2.1.0 (or above) installation.​

7.5 GB 可用磁盘空间(加上 7.5 GB 用于下载),4 GB RAM(建议 8 GB 或更多)。
需要基于 EZkeys 2.1.0(或更高版本)来使用。


正常价格 89 欧元,没有首发促销,必须基于 EZkeys 2 使用。