VI LABS 发布现代施坦威 D 型采样三角大钢琴音色库 Modern D

钢琴世家 VI LABS 是一个只关注于钢琴采样音源的品牌,旗下的 Ravenscroft 275 因高品质风靡整个制作界!
时隔很多年之后,VI LABS 终于带来了新品:Modern D——全新的现代施坦威 D 型采样钢琴软音源。

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The Modern D is our impeccable simulation of the world's most well-known concert grand.
Sampled from a 2021 New York Steinway© Model D, chosen for its exquisite tone and immense power,
the Modern D is our most ambitious and largest piano sample library ever.
The library contains 34,615 pristine samples in five stereo microphone setups, all controlled from a beautiful, easy-to-use interface.
Our new Natural Response method recreates the full dynamic range of each key within each mic,
so every touch input generates the true and accurate response of the real piano.
Many notes have over 50db of dynamic range and some sustains can last well over two minutes.
This is the ultimate studio concert grand simulator, at your fingertips.​

Modern D 钢琴是我们对世界上最著名的三角钢琴无可挑剔的模拟。
Modern D 钢琴采样自 2021 年纽约施坦威 D 型钢琴,因其音质细腻、强劲有力而被选中,
是 VI Labs 有史以来最雄心勃勃、规模最大的钢琴采样音色库。
该库包含 34615 个原始采样,采用五种立体声麦克风设置,所有采样均由一个漂亮、易用的界面控制。
VI Labs 的全新 “自然响应” 方式可在每个麦克风中重现每个琴键的全部动态范围,
许多音符的动态范围超过 50db,一些延音可持续两分钟以上。

As always with VI Labs, 100% of the sound is sampled from the real piano, nothing is synthesized or faked at all.
Legendary microphones like the M49 and 4006 were chosen to capture everything,
including 2,500 release trails per mic, multi-layered sympathetic resonances, fully sampled Una Corda with its own release samples,
plus sampled Muted Strikes, Half Pedal, Silent Strikes, along with Pedal and Key noises.
With its massive range in both timbre and volume, this piano can do it all.
Whether it's bright, mellow, or anywhere in between is entirely dependent on how it is played.
Everything you want from the softest yet detailed pianissimos, up to the most aggressive growling fortissimos, the Modern D delivers.
This truly is the pianist's virtual piano.​

与 VI Labs 的一贯做法一样,100% 的声音都是从真实钢琴中采样,没有任何伪造或合成的。
我们选用了 M49 和 4006 等传奇麦克风来捕捉所有声音,
包括每个麦克风的 2500 个释放轨迹、多层次共鸣、
带有自身释放采样的完整 Una Corda 录音、制音击弦、半踏板、静音击弦以及踏板和琴键噪音采样。
从最柔和细腻的钢琴小调,到最激昂的重击音,Modern D 钢琴都能满足你的需求。


34,615 samples composing 118GB wave data in a tidy 18GB file.
Massive library, small footprint thanks to lossless compression and complex scripting.
This also means fast loading and efficient CPU usage.​

34615 个采样组成 118GB 波形数据,但文件大小为 18GB。
这也意味着加载速度快,CPU 使用效率高。


Five stereo phase-aligned menu-based microphones with interactive mic display.
World class mics and gear with diverse perspectives cover every way of recording a concert grand all around, close and far.​



Real deeply sampled resonance for both pedal down and sympathetic resonance types.
Powerful scripting recreates real pedal resonance behavior adding complex depth and sustain to the tone, all fully adjustable.
Complete control of up to 4 pedals including sampled Una Corda. Repedal and adjustable Half pedal features included.
Sostenuto, Una Corda, plus Muted Strikes all MIDI CC controllable make for a highly expressive piano.​

最多可完全控制 4 个踏板,包括采样的 Una Corda。以及包括重踏和可调半踏板功能。
Sostenuto、Una Corda 和 Muted Strikes 均可通过 MIDI CC 控制,使钢琴极具表现力。


New MIDI panel with unique split controls for both timbre and volume.
High resolution discrete tables and controls allow custom curves for any response imaginable.
Many presets included, or create your own.​

新的 MIDI 面板具有独特的音色和音量分离控制功能。


2,500 release samples per mic including staccato releases that respond to the quickest playing, no articulations needed.
Release samples capture the resonant ring of the Model D concert grand and are crucial for realism.​

每个麦克风有 2500 个释放采样,包括能对最快速的演奏做出反应的顿挫释放,无需触动技法控制。
释放采样能捕捉到 Model D 音乐会大钢琴的共鸣音环,对逼真度至关重要。

34,615 pristine samples, originally 118GB in wave, stored in a small 18GB library thanks to lossless FLAC compression.
100% sample-based, no modeling or synthesis used.
Very efficient use of RAM and CPU resources.
5 discrete microphone setups with a menu-based interactive interface
Fully sampled Una Corda Pedal for a soft ethereal tonal option
Fully sampled Sympathetic and Pedal Down Resonance
Adjustable Sympathetic Resonance Polyphony
Repedal and True Pedal Action for realistic sustain pedal control
Half Pedal option is sample-based and fully adjustable
Muted Strikes samples with a percussive attack and short decay
Customizable MIDI and Dynamics response
37 pristine Convolution Reverbs included with deep controls
2,500 release samples per microphone including true staccato trails
Full Imaging control with Stereo Width, Tone, and Timbre Shift
Tuning panel includes many presets and supports micro-tuning
Easy computer-based activation. Use on up to 3 machines at a time with no dongle required.​

34615 个原始采样,最初为 118GB 的波形,经无损 FLAC 压缩后存储在一个 18GB 大小的文件中。
100% 基于采样,不使用建模或合成。
非常高效地使用内存和 CPU 资源。
5 组独立麦克风设置,带菜单式交互界面
完全采样的 Una Corda 踏板,提供柔和空灵的音色选择
可定制 MIDI 和动态响应
包含 37 个具有深度控制功能的原始卷积混响采样
每个麦克风有 2500 个释放采样,包括真实的顿挫音符
基于电脑的简易激活。无需软件狗,最多可同时在 3 台机器上使用。


正常价格 249 美元,10 月 11 日之前首发促销 199 美元,