Premier Sound Factory 是一家专注于高精度 Hi-Res 格式采样的 KONTAKT 音源厂牌,
其下产品都使用 96kHz 高精度码率采样,KAWAI Legend 是基于 KONTAKT 标准库的卡哇伊大钢琴音源!

其下产品都使用 96kHz 高精度码率采样,KAWAI Legend 是基于 KONTAKT 标准库的卡哇伊大钢琴音源!
This piano is Formula 1!
The Shigeru Kawai EX (SK-EX), a top-of-the-line full concert grand piano made by Kawai Musical Instruments Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
is the ultimate model born to win at world competitions.
Shigeru Kawai EX(SK-EX)是 Kawai 乐器制造有限公司制造的顶级全尺寸音乐会三角钢琴,
The touch is extremely delicate, playing a rich and luscious sound from a weak touch.
It has a silky smooth bass, and the treble coexists with warmth in its brightness.
When you play its keys, you will understand why the KAWAI “SK-EX” is chosen by many top pianists
and has won awards at prestigious competitions, including the Chopin International Piano Competition.
当你弹奏琴键时,你就会明白为什么 KAWAI“SK-EX” 被许多顶级钢琴家选中,
The SK-EX takes ten years to naturally dry a single soundboard.
The processing and assembly are done by hand by master craftsmen specialized in SK-EX.
This is an extraordinary super machine imbued with Japanese craftsmanship spirit.
SK-EX 需要十年时间才能自然干燥一块音板。
加工和组装由专门从事 SK-EX 的大师级工匠手工完成。

Miraculous Collaboration
PIANO Premier “KAWAI Legend” has been carefully recorded, with the full cooperation of Kawai.
We selected the best one from the multiple top SK-EX models that are active in world competitions.
PIANO Premier“KAWAI Legend”在 Kawai 的全力配合下经过精心录制。
我们从活跃于世界大赛的多个顶级 SK-EX 型号中挑选出最好的一款。
It was a miracle that we were able to keep the best model for the entire 10-day recording period,
as it is a highly sought-after ace model that is constantly flying around the world for competitions.
We were also fortunate enough to have a dedicated SK-EX concert tuner (MPA tuner) accompany us throughout the entire period,
and we pursued the team’s ideals by taking our time to adjust each key several times in a luxurious studio environment.
奇迹般的是,Premier Sound Factory 能够在整个 10 天的录音期间保留最好的型号,
我们也很幸运,在整个期间都有专用的 SK-EX 音乐会调音器 (MPA 调音器) 陪伴我们,
After recording, we spent two years fine-tuning the responsiveness of the instrument, brushed up and perfected the sounds,
and developed new technologies that help reproduce each sample.
The KAWAI Legend is a miraculous SK-EX digital clone born from a dream collaboration.
KAWAI Legend 是梦幻合作中诞生的神奇 SK-EX 数字克隆。

SUPER Hi-Res 96kHz
We want to create the best piano library. We want to leave a piano that serious producers can truly be satisfied with.
The premier team has done everything possible, and it is now complete.
超高码率 96kHz
Premier 团队已竭尽所能,现在已完成。
The PIANO Premier “KAWAI Legend” package contains only one piano.
The parameters are also very simple because nothing else is needed.
We believe you can experience our true worth, “overwhelming density,” thanks to our unique quality control technology for both analog and digital audio,
which we have pursued and cultivated over many years.
PIANO Premier“KAWAI Legend” 就是这一架钢琴。
We achieved very accurate velocity distribution, including expression and texture, throughout all keys using our original key-striking device.
我们使用 Premier 团队独创的击键设备在所有琴键上实现了非常精确的力度分布,包括表现力和质感。
To bring out our unique rich sound 100% of the time, we recommend using it in a 96kHz session. Please launch Kontakt on a stereo track.
To use the sound without the Kontakt automatic converter in a 48kHz session, we have included a 48kHz program from v1.2.0. (It can be used in sessions in 44.1kHz, 88.2kHz.)
为了 100% 的时间呈现我们独特的丰富声音,我们建议在 96kHz 工程中使用它。请在立体声音轨上加载 Kontakt。
为了在 48kHz 工程中使用避开 Kontakt 自动转换采样率的声音,我们从 v1.2.0 开始包含了一个 48kHz 程序。 (可在 44.1kHz、88.2kHz 的工程中使用。)

Entirely Sample Based
The PIANO Premier series does not use any synth modeling, including harmonic resonance, and reproduces all expressions and resonances using only recorded samples.
PIANO Premier 系列不使用任何合成器建模,包括谐波共振,仅使用录制的采样重现所有表达和共振。
By pressing the sustain pedal while holding down the keys, harmonic resonance is added.
A “Note On” message generated while pressing the sustain pedal plays the sample layer actually played by striking the keys while holding down the pedal.
踩下延音踏板时产生的 “Note On” 信息将播放在踩下踏板的同时敲击琴键实际演奏的采样层。

As you know the maximum velocity of the standard MIDI is 127. However, if the sound of a real piano played with full force is assigned to 127,
it may frequently occur depending on the type of MIDI keyboard, resulting in a strangely stiff and unnatural piano sound.
On the other hand, if “moderate strength” is assigned to 127 in anticipation of this, you will feel like you need a stronger touch, especially in classical music.
如你所知,标准 MIDI 的最大力度为 127。但是,如果将全力弹奏的真实钢琴的声音分配为 127,
则根据 MIDI 键盘的类型,可能会经常产生奇怪的僵硬和不自然的钢琴声音。
另一方面,如果为了应对这种情况而将“中等强度”分配为 127,你会觉得需要更强的触感,尤其是在古典音乐中。
KAWAI Legend proudly cleared this problem. Regardless of the keyboard, if it has aftertouch after detecting a keystroke of velocity 127,
our patented Velocity+ (VelocityPlus) feature engages a new functionality that effectively achieves a new maximum velocity of 254(127+127).
This is done by detecting an overflow of velocity intensities of 127 by aftertouch (within 20 msec) and replaces the original 127 velocity sound with an extremely natural “limit-breaking sound” which is played according to the overflow degree.
This product is equipped with three additional limit-breaking velocity layers after exceeding 127. It is also possible to monitor the value of Velocity+ in real-time.
KAWAI Legend 自豪的解决了这个问题。无论键盘是什么,如果在检测到 127 力度的击键后具有触后功能,
我们专利的 Velocity+(VelocityPlus)技术将启用一项新功能,有效地实现新的最大力度 254(127+127)。
这是通过检测触后(20 毫秒内)127 的力度强度溢出来实现的,并用根据溢出程度播放的极其自然的“突破极限的声音”替换原始的 127 力度声音。
超过 127 后,本产品配备了三个额外的突破极限力度层。还可以实时监控 Velocity+ 的值。
This is a new function with excellent upward and downward compatibility, which means that there is no negative effect even if existing MIDI data is played back with this function.
There is no negative effect even if MIDI data recorded with this function is played back on existing equipment or sound sources that do not have Velocity+. (Velocity+ has the OnOff switch too.)
这是一项具有出色向上和向下兼容性的新功能,这意味着即使使用此功能播放现有 MIDI 数据也不会产生负面影响。
即使在没有 Velocity+ 的现有设备或声源上播放使用此功能录制的 MIDI 数据也不会产生负面影响。 (Velocity+ 也有 OnOff 开关。)
The ultimate experience for performers and listeners.
We have reconstructed the playback system of all sounds using new technology, including harmonic resonance, release trigger, damper, and half pedal.
We pursue the natural resonance and playing feel to the fullest, allowing players to enjoy a very natural piano touch without any conscious effort.
For each key, there are Total 42 layers, including velocity (up to 18 levels for pedal on, up to 18 levels for pedal off, 5 levels for release trigger, and 1 level for harmonic resonance).
All of the below are newly developed.
每个音色共有 42 个层,
包括力度(踏板开启最多 18 层,踏板关闭最多 18 层,释放触发器 5 层,谐波共振 1 层)。
正常价格 270 美元,该品牌通常不进行促销。