Cherry Audio 发布建模 Rhodes 标志性经典合成器的同名致敬插件 Chroma

势必将各种经典老式合成器再现到你电脑中的专注品牌 Cherry Audio 再次上膛新品 Chroma,
Chroma 是根据 Rhodes Chroma 这款标志性合成器而建模的同名合成器插件,
原版硬件在二手市场价值超 10000 美元,音色像极了!


A Legacy of Innovation
A year and a half in the making!
The long-awaited and often requested Cherry Audio Chroma synthesizer is a virtual instrument
that brings back the spirit and sounds of the iconic Rhodes Chroma
polyphonic analog synthesizer from 1982 with the utmost accuracy.
Due to its highly complex nature and sheer number of parameters,
this has been among the most challenging virtual instruments Cherry Audio has ever created.
We’ve painstakingly emulated every aspect with exacting precision
while making the sound programming experience more intuitive
with easy-to-use pop-up menus and informative real-time display
directly built into the parameter buttons.​

Cherry Audio Chroma 历时一年半打造,
具有 Rhodes Chroma 标志性的精神和声音,
以极高的精度再现了这款 1982 年的复音模拟合成器。
这是 Cherry Audio 有史以来制作的最具挑战性的虚拟乐器之一,


Topping it off, switching the standard single instrument mode to double mode
adds a Chroma Expander - an entire additional Chroma Synthesizer
that can run in layer or split modes!​

会增加一个 Chroma 扩展器,也即额外的 Chroma,
The Story of Chroma
In 1979, the pioneers at ARP Instruments began researching
and developing one of the most ambitious synthesizer designs of that time - the Chroma.
The Chroma was a 16-voice polyphonic marvel, controlled by a microprocessor,
with aftertouch and advanced signal routing and modulation.
Unfortunately, ARP was entering bankruptcy in 1981.
Fortunately, the Chroma design was preserved by Rhodes,
which produced it from 1982 to 1984, at the dawn of the new digital era.
While it was a feat of engineering, the flat panel interface of the Chroma
wasn’t up to the task of accessing its immense sound and feature set.
Despite its challenges, the Chroma was a monumental final achievement for ARP’s visionary engineering team.
Explore the heritage of the Chroma synthesizer in our video documentary
The Story of Chroma, featuring exclusive interviews
and insights through the firsthand accounts of those who stood at the forefront of its creation.​

Chroma 的故事
1979 年,ARP 乐器公司的先驱们开始研究和开发当时最雄心勃勃的合成器,
并开发出当时最具雄心的合成器之一 Chroma。
Chroma 是一款由微处理器控制的 16 声道复调合成器,
不幸的是,ARP 于 1981 年破产,
但同样幸运的是,Chroma 的设计被 Rhodes 保留并生产,
这一切发生于从 1982 年到 1984 年,新的数字时代到来之际。
虽然 Chroma 是一项工程壮举,
尽管困难重重,但 Chroma 依然是 ARP 远见卓识的工程团队最后的成就。
在我视频纪录片《Chroma 的故事》中,
可以见证 Chroma 合成器的传统,其中包括独家采访,
通过创作前沿的第一手资料,探索 Chroma 合成器的历史传承。


The Chroma is a rare and exceptional synthesizer,
with only around 3,000 produced by Rhodes and as few as 150 keyboardless Expanders.
It is highly regarded by synth luminaries and is still cherished for its unique sound.
The Chroma was famously used by musicians
including Herbie Hancock, Joe Zawinul, Jethro Tull, and Oscar Peterson.
It’s also the source of the signature “wah-wah” chords
heard throughout Spandau Ballet’s smash 1983 hit, “True.”​

Chroma 是一款罕见的合成器,
Rhodes 只生产了约 3000 台,而无键盘扩展的则只有 150 台,
使用 Chroma 的著名音乐家包括,
Herbie Hancock、Joe Zawinul、Jethro Tull 和 Oscar Peterson。
它也是标志性的 wah-wah 和弦的来源,
来自于 Spandau Ballet 在 1983 年的歌曲《True》。
Rhodes introduced the Chroma in 1982 at just over $5,000
and the Expander for $2,500.
Today, either of these fetch between $8,000 and $16,000 on the used market!​

Rhodes 公司于 1982 年推出了价格略高于 5000 美元的 Chroma,
而 Expander 的价格为 2500 美元。
如今,这两款产品在二手市场上的售价在 8000 美元到 16000 美元之间!


A Chroma - Expanded! - for Everyone
Cherry Audio’s Chroma synthesizer is a stunning virtual instrument
that meticulously revives the essence and sonic capabilities of the legendary original.
This endeavor has been one of Cherry Audio’s most ambitious projects,
presenting a formidable challenge due to the original’s complexity
and the vast array of parameters it comprises.
The result is an instrument that not only matches but elevates the original’s experience,
offering an unmatched level of innovation and authenticity worthy of the original.​

适合所有人的扩展版 Chroma
Cherry Audio 的 Chroma 合成器是一款令人惊叹的虚拟乐器,
这一努力是 Cherry Audio 最雄心勃勃的项目之一,

Chroma faithfully reproduces every nuance of the Rhodes Chroma with astonishing accuracy.
Remarkably, it allows direct import of SysEx patch data from the original instrument
and even WAV-format cassette tape data,
bridging four decades of sound design into a modern workflow.
Cherry Audio has painstakingly recreated each component of the original Chroma hardware,
from its 16 oscillators, filters, VCAs, and LFOs to its 32 envelope generators.
These highly modular elements can be selected from 16 distinct preconfigured signal paths,
ranging from straightforward VCO-VCF-VCA setups
to intricate configurations involving oscillator sync, filter FM, ring modulation,
and variable or serially connected filters.​

Chroma 以极高精确度忠实再现了 Rhodes Chroma 的每一个细节。
值得注意的是,它可以直接从原始乐器中导入 SysEx 音色,
甚至 WAV 格式的磁带数据,
Cherry Audio 精心重现了原版 Chroma 硬件的每个部分,
包括 16 个振荡器、滤波器、VCA 和 LFO、32 个包络发生器。
这些高度模块化的元件可从 16 个不同的预配置信号路径中进行选择,
从简单的 VCO-VCF-VCA 设置,


Central to the Cherry Audio Chroma’s design is an improved user interface
that dramatically simplifies programming.
Intuitive pop-up elements and real-time displays integrated directly into parameter buttons
make sound design an effortlessly rewarding experience.
All of the original Chroma’s unprecedented modulation capabilities
have been precisely replicated to create a powerfully flexible modular synthesizer-like programming experience.
Modulation paths are configured quickly
and easily using comprehensive modulation pop-up menus.​

Cherry Audio Chroma 设计的核心是改进的用户界面,
原版 Chroma 所拥有的前所未有的调制功能,
The original Chroma was renowned for its expressive capabilities,
including velocity sensitivity and aftertouch,
and keyboard assignments for six monophonic modes (including unison),
four polyphonic modes (including poly unison), and six arpeggiator modes.
Cherry Audio Chroma captures these features and enhances them significantly
by including an emulation of the Expander,
effectively doubling the possibilities with layers and splits
and 16 polyphonic voices across all modes.​

最初的 Chroma 以其表现力著称,
Cherry Audio Chroma 不仅捕捉到了这些功能,
还通过 Expander 大大增强了这些功能,
并且可在所有模式下使用 16 复音。


Loaded with the original 250 factory presets
and enriched by an additional 450 custom presets crafted by our sound design virtuosos,
the Chroma synthesizer offers an expansive library
that caters to every musical genre and production style.
Chroma also includes seven studio-quality integrated effects,
including distortion, phaser, flange/chorus, delay, and reverb,
and a global EQ and limiter.​

Cherry Audio Chroma 不仅有 250 个原厂预设,
还有由声音设计大师制作的 450 个自定义预设,
Chroma 还包括七种录音棚品质的集成效果,
Cherry Audio Chroma is more than just a virtual replica
of the original synthesizer's complex structure and expressive depth.
It goes beyond that and incorporates Cherry Audio's own characteristic innovation
to finally make Chroma's unique sonic qualities accessible to today's musicians and producers.​

Cherry Audio Chroma 不仅仅是一个虚拟复制品,
不仅如此,它还融入了 Cherry Audio 自己的创新特色,
使当今的音乐家和制作人终于可以享受 Chroma 的独特音质。


Faithful emulation of the analog polyphonic synthesizer released by Rhodes in 1982,
16 polyphonic voices, expressive velocity, polyphonic aftertouch
16 Oscillators, Filters, VCAs, and LFOs, and 32 Envelope Generators
16msignal paths,mfrom VCO-VCF-VCA setups to intricate configurations
Intuitive menus and real-time displays
All of the original Chroma’s modulation capabilities
Comprehensive modulation pop-up menus
Chroma Expander module
SysEx Import
Tape Data Import
Seven studio-quality onboard effects
700 extraordinary presets
Standalone virtual instrument and plug-in versions
MIDI control and DAW automation
Focus zoom-in
Complete documentation PDF format
User-adjustable oversampling control
AU, VST, VST3, AAX, and standalone formats
Free 30-day demo​

忠实模拟 1982 年 Rhodes 推出的模拟复音合成器
16 个复音、富有表现力的力度、复音触后效果
16 个振荡器、滤波器、VCA 和 LFO 以及 32 个包络发生器
从 VCO-VCF-VCA 设置到复杂配置的 16 种信号路径
原 Chroma 的所有调制功能
Chroma 扩展器模块
700 种牛逼的预置
MIDI 控制和 DAW 自动化
PDF 格式的完整文档
30 天免费试用


System Requirement
macOS 10.13 or above. 64-bit required.
Intel or Apple Silicon processor.
3.4 GHz Quad-Core or Apple Silicon CPU with 8GB of RAM recommended.
Windows 7 or above. 64-bit required.
3.4 GHz Quad-Core computer with 8GB of RAM recommended.
Hard disk space: 74 MB
NOTE: Internet connection required for product activation
Rhodes® is a registered trademark of Rhodes Music Ltd.
There is no association, affiliation or endorsement of Cherry Audio or its products by Rhodes Music.​

macOS 10.13 或更高版本,需要 64 位
Intel 或 Apple Silicon 处理器
建议使用 3.4 GHz 四核或 Apple Silicon CPU,8GB 内存
Windows 7 或更高版本,要求 64 位
建议使用 3.4 GHz 四核电脑,配备 8GB 内存
硬盘空间:74 MB
Rhodes® 是 Rhodes Music Ltd. 的注册商标
Cherry Audio 或其产品与 Rhodes Music 没有任何关联、从属关系或背书


正常价格 89 美元,首发促销 69 美元,