万年不更新的 Engine 终于要落幕了!现在这款新的名为 Engine Player 的引擎将逐渐替代老的,
并在最新的中美洲古代乐器音色库 Quetzal 中搭载,持有 ERA 系列音色库的老用户有交叉优惠价格!

并在最新的中美洲古代乐器音色库 Quetzal 中搭载,持有 ERA 系列音色库的老用户有交叉优惠价格!
Quetzal - Something between myth and reality
Fly with us on the back of the quetzal, a bird found in the cloud forests of Central America,
and discover the mystical expanses of the Mesoamerican jungle.
Quetzal by Eduardo Tarilonte captures the sounds of a sublime era
of mystical civilizations that seemed lost in the mists of time.
Quetzal - 在神话与现实之间
与我们一起乘坐 Quetzal(绿咬鹃:一种生活在中美洲云林中的鸟类),
爱德华多·塔里隆特 (Eduardo Tarilonte) 的《Quetzal》
Eduardo Tarilonte, creator of libraries such as NADA, Celtic ERA 2 and Dark ERA,
captured the sounds of that era and transports them to the keyboards of computer-based composition studios.
Discover a majestic collection of clay flutes, original recreations of the instruments of the time,
and be inspired by ancestral drums and over 80 dreamlike soundscapes.
Eduardo Tarilonte 是 NADA、Celtic ERA 2 和 Dark ERA 等音色库的创建者,
并从祖传的鼓组和 80 多种梦幻般的音景中获得灵感。

The instruments of Quetzal
With over 7,000 individual samples, Quetzal contains a large number of sounds made up of over 50 playable instruments
such as flutes, drums, vocals, and 80 breathtaking soundscapes.
Quetzal 的乐器
Quetzal 拥有 7000 多个单独采样,包含由 50 多种可演奏乐器
(如长笛、鼓、人声)和 80 种令人惊叹的音景组成的大量音色。
Quetzal offers a big amount of ancient mesoamerican instruments.
From the clay flutes like the tlapitzalli (flutes), the huilacapitzli (ocarinas),
the ehecalt (wind whistles), the water flutes, the atecocolli
or the incus to a set of percussion like the ayacachtli, huehuetl, panhuehuetl, clay drums, and shaker among others.
Quetzal 提供大量古代中美洲乐器。
从陶笛如 tlapitzalli(长笛)、huilacapitzli(奥卡利纳斯)、
ehecalt(风笛)、water flutes(水笛)、atecocolli
或 incus 到一套打击乐器如 ayacachtli、huehuetl、panhuehuetl、粘土鼓,以及摇床等。

You will also find inspiring vocal fx and sounds to add an authentic flavor to your tracks.
On top of that there are over 80 dream-like soundscapes that evoke mysterious temple, ruins, and deep jungles.
除此之外,还有 80 多个梦幻般的音景,让人想起神秘的寺庙、废墟和茂密的丛林。
Most instruments consist of extensive multisamples (24 bit/44.1 kHz)
with several dynamic levels, various articulations, round-robin, real legato as well as glissando samples.
大多数乐器都包含大量多重采样(24 位/44.1 kHz),

Easy to use user interface
Quetzal transports the sound of ancient civilizations of the Mesoamerican jungle into DAW-based production environments.
The carefully programmed user interface makes it easy for you to work with the library so that your creativity can fully unfold.
The Blow Intensity control, for example, allows you to create realistic flute performances using the pitchbend wheel.
Quetzal 将中美洲丛林古代文明的声音传送到基于 DAW 的制作环境中。
Most of the multi-sampled flutes have different velocity layers and different attacks triggered via velocity.
Glissando legato is also triggered via velocity. Soft velocity triggers glissando and normal velocity triggers regular legato.
滑音连奏也是通过力度触发的。 软力度触发滑奏,正常力度触发常规连奏。

Top Features:
More than 7,000 individual samples
50+ playable instruments
A collection of ancient flutes that whisper ethereal secrets
Ancestral drums that echo the primordial heartbeat of the Earth
80 dreamlike soundscapes
Voices that resonate with the wisdom of ancient priests
More than 80 presets
Most instruments consist of extensive multisamples (24 bit/44.1 kHz) with several dynamic levels, various articulations, round-robin, real legato as well as glissando samples
Requires Engine Player Version 1.0.2
Quetzal is the perfect tool for composers and sound designers to create music and atmospheric sounds for films, documentaries, video games or music of various genres.
超过 7000 个独立采样
50 多种可演奏的乐器
80 个梦幻般的音景
超过 80 个预设
大多数乐器都包含大量多重采样(24 位/44.1 kHz),具有多个动态电平、各种技巧、循环、真实连奏以及滑奏采样
需要 Engine Player 引擎播放器版本 1.0.2
Quetzal 是作曲家和声音设计师为电影、纪录片、视频游戏或各种风格的音乐创作音乐和氛围声音的强有力工具。

Do you already own Ancient ERA, Celtic ERA, Dark ERA, ERA (II) Medieval Legends, or ERA II Vocal Codex?
Then, crossgrade now to Quetzal and expand your creative palette!
你是否已经拥有Ancient ERA、Celtic ERA、Dark ERA、ERA (II) Medieval Legends 或 ERA II Vocal Codex?
新用户购买 159 美元,拥有 ERA 系列的老用户优惠到 99 美元,
没有首发促销,Engine Player 引擎不需要额外购买。