Synth Anthology 是 UVI 出品的经典合成器合集,内含大量合成器型号采样。
最新的 Synth Anthology 4 又增加了更多型号进来,是一个性价比很高的合集!

最新的 Synth Anthology 4 又增加了更多型号进来,是一个性价比很高的合集!
Synth Anthology 4 delivers a dreamlike collection of 200 hardware synths,
professionally designed patches, fun and creative features, and powerful performance controls,
all in an easy-to-use interface with the authentic sound of real hardware.
Synth Anthology 4 提供梦幻般的 200 种硬件合成器、
The Best Keeps Getting Better
Synth Anthology 4 represents a massive leap in capability, creativity, workflow, and all-around synth goodness.
We've rebuilt the engine from the ground-up, added more synths, more presets, more effects, more filters,
more modulation, a dedicated browser, a second fully-customizable layer for creating hybrid and blended timbres,
an all-new smart suggestion engine that helps you quickly find similar sounds,
a more powerful arpeggiator/phraser, bus effects, native MPE support, and more!
Synth Anthology 4 在功能、创造性、工作流程和全面性方面都实现了巨大飞跃。
更强大的琶音器/乐句生成器、总线效果、本地 MPE 支持等!

Real Hardware Sounds
You won't find a more complete collection anywhere else.
There is something unmistakable about the sound of a real hardware synth,
from subtle differences between voice circuits and drift to the varied way filters bite into the sound;
there's a distinct character and energy.
Synth Anthology 4 delivers the authentic and uncompromising hardware sound with all the conveniences of a modern software instrument.
Every piece of hardware represents a unique creative vision, sonic character, innovations, and strengths.
Whatever you're looking for, from analog to digital, vintage classic to future classic, you will find it here.
Synth Anthology 4 delivers an incredible collection of hardware,
every major manufacturer, every type of synthesis, every era, 200 synthesizers in all.
Synth Anthology 4 不仅能提供真实的、毫不妥协的硬件音质,还具备现代软件乐器的所有便利功能。
Synth Anthology 4 收录了令人难以置信的硬件,
包括所有主要制造商、所有类型的合成器、所有时代的合成器,共计 200 种合成器。

Synth Anthology 4 includes 4,000+ sound layers created on 200 hardwares synthesizers,
expertly programmed, recorded, and edited.
Synth Anthology 4 包含 4000 多个音色层,由 200 种硬件合成器制作而成、
ACCESS (Virus C), AKAI (AX80), ALESIS (Andromeda, Fusion, Ion, Quadrasynth), ANALOG SOLUTIONS (Colossus),
ARP (2600, Odyssey, Quadra), ARTURIA (MatrixBrute, MicroFreak, MiniFreak, PolyBrute),
ASM (Hydrasynth), BALORAN (The River), BEHRINGER (DeepMind 6, Model D, Poly D), BLACK CORP. (Deckard's Dream),
BOOMSTAR (5089), CASIO (CK-500, CZ1, FZ-1, HZ-600, KX-101, PT-7, SA-2, VL-1, VL-5, VZ-8, VZ1),
CAVAGNOLO (Exagone), CHROMA (Polaris), CLAVIA (Nord Wave 2, NordLead, NordLead 3),
CRUMAR (Spirit), DAVOLI (Davolisint), DOTCOM (Modular), DSI (OB-6, Poly Evolver, Prophet Rev2, TETR4),
ELKA (EK44, Synthex), EML (ElectroComp101, SynKey), EMS (Synthi AKS), EMU (Emax, Emulator 2, Morpheus, UltraProteus),
ENSONIQ (ESQ-M, Fizmo, MR-61, SQ80, TS-10, VFX), FAIRLIGHT (CMI IIx), FORMANTA (Polivoks),
JEN (SX1000), KAWAI (K3, K4r, K5000, Synthesizer-100F), KODAMO (EssenceFM),
KORG (01RW, 800DV, DS-8, DSS1, DW8000, M1, M3, Minilogue, Minilogue XD, MS-20, MS-50, NTS-1,
Polysix, Prologue, PS3100, PS3200, Radias, Trident, Trinity, Triton, Volca FM, Volca Keys, Wavestate, Wavestation, X3R),
KURZWEIL (K2500), M (Liberation, Matriarch, Memory Moog, MiniMoog, Modular 3p,
One, Polymoog, Slim Phatty, Sonic Six, Source, Sub37, Subsequent 37), MELBOURNE INSTRUMENTS (Nina),
MELLOTRON (M400), MODAL (Argon8, Cobalt8), NED (Synclavier II), NONLINEAR LABS (C15),
NOVATION (BassStation 2, Nova, Peak, Summit, Ultranova), OBIE (Matrix 1000, Matrix 6, Matrix-12, OB-X8, OBX, SEM, XPander),
OSC (OSCar), One (Electron GX.2), PHILIPS (PMC 100), PIONEER (Toraiz AS1), POWERTRAN (Transcendent 2000),
PPG (1020, Modular, Wave 2.3), RADIKAL TECHNOLOGIES (Spectralis 2), RLD (D-110, D-Fifty, Fantom-G6, JD-990,
JD800, Juno-106, Juno-6, Juno-60, Jupiter 4, Jupiter 8, JX8P, SH-09, SH-5, System-100, System-700, TB303, U110, VP330),
RSF (BlackBox, Kobol, Modular), SCHMIDT (Eight Voice), SCI (Pro 8, Pro One, Prophet 2002, Prophet 3000,
Prophet 5, Prophet VS, Six-trak), SEIKO (DS310), SEIL (DK80), SEQ (Pro 3, Prophet 6, Take 5), STUDIO ELECTRONICS (ATC),
UDO (Super 6), VERMONA (Synthesizer, Tiracon 6V), WALDORF (Microwave XT, Pulse, Pulse 2, Q, Quantum, Wave),
YAMAHA (AN1X, AN200, AVX-1, CS20m, CS6x, CS80, DX100, DX200, DX7, EX5, FS1R, SY-2, SY22, SY77, V50).

Advanced Engine
Add depth, detail, and create sounds never heard before with Synth Anthology 4's powerful dual-layer engine.
Use it to layer any two synth sounds together, and modulate the mix.
Each layer is fully editable, providing deep sound design potential,
and with a truly massive library of hardware synths on-hand, the possibilities are endless.
Synth Anthology 4 强大的双层引擎可增加深度和细节,并创造出前所未有的音效。

Advanced Modulation
Synth Anthology 4 delivers a powerful modulation system
allowing everything from subtle to extreme movement to be freely added and customized across a wide range of parameters.
Choose between a number of sources including two flexible LFOs, two multi-step modulators with variable smoothing, velocity,
and modwheel, each assignable through a handy parameter-based editor.
Synth Anthology 4 提供了强大的调制系统,
你可以选择多种音源,包括两个灵活的 LFO、两个具有可变平滑功能的多级调制器、力度和调制轮,

Machine Learning
One of the coolest features of Synth Anthology 4 is the all-new proximity explorer,
a smart suggestion system that analyzes the sonic attributes of the currently loaded sound
and compares it against the entire Synth Anthology 4 library,
immediately providing another 8 sound options to explore and remix.
It's a fast way to create variation, audition related sounds, and a wonderful rabbit hole of exploration.
Synth Anthology 4 最酷的功能之一是全新的相似性探索器,
并将其与整个 Synth Anthology 4 库进行比较,
从而立即提供另外 8 种声音选项供探索和混音。
Infinitely Expressive
Synth Anthology 4 includes native MPE support,
giving adopters of this new generation of controller extended performance capability right out of the box.
Additionally, 5 main page effect macros and deep modwheel integration mean that
you are never more than a touch away from giving your sound a personalized edge.
Synth Anthology 4 包含本地 MPE 支持,
此外,5 个主页面效果宏和对调制轮的深度集成,
Whether you're a synth fanatic, sound designer, or producer looking to expand your range,
Synth Anthology 4 is jam-packed with powerful features and outstanding value
delivering the authentic sounds of 200 vintage and modern hardware in feature-packed software instrument.
Synth Anthology 4 都具有强大的功能和卓越的价值,
可在功能丰富的软件工具中提供 200 种复古和现代硬件的真实音色。
Size: 20.42 GB (FLAC lossless encoding, was 42.13 GB in WAV)
Content: 38,071 Samples and 4,767 Presets
Sample Resolution: 44.1 kHz. Recording at 88.2 kHz
License: 3 activations per license on any combination of machines or iLok dongles
硬盘空间占用:20.42 GB (FLAC 无损压缩,等价于 42.13 GB 的 WAV);
内容:38,071 个采样、4,767 个预置;
采样精度:44.1 kHz. 以 88.2 kHz 录制;
授权:每份授权可以授权三台电脑,可以任意在电脑上或 iLok USB 加密狗内激活。
Runs in UVI Workstation version 3.1.11+, and Falcon version 2.8.5+
iLok account (free, dongle not required) Internet connection for the license activation
Supported Operating Systems: macOS (10.14 to 13) or 64-bit Windows 10 to 11
Hard Drive: 21 GB of disk space. 7,200 rpm recommended or Solid State Drive (SSD)
4GB RAM (8 GB+ highly recommended for large UVI Soundbanks)
该插件需要通过 UVI Workstation version 3.1.11+ 或 Falcon version 2.8.5+ 来运行;
需要 iLok 帐号(USB 加密狗非必需);需要因特网以完成线上激活;
支持的系统有 macOS (10.14 至 13) 或 64 位的 Windows 10 至 11;
至少 21 GB 硬盘空间,推荐使用 7,200 转硬盘或固态硬盘;
4GB 运行内存(建议使用至少 8 GB 的运行内存、以载入大体积的 UVI 音色库)。
Supported Formats: Audio Unit, AAX, VST, VST3, Standalone
Tested and Certified in:
Digital Performer 8+, Pro Tools 2019+, Logic Pro X+, Cubase 7+,
Nuendo 6+, Ableton Live 8+, Studio One 2+, Garage Band 6+,
Maschine 1+, Tracktion 4+, Vienna Ensemble Pro 5+, Reaper 4+,
Sonar X3+, MainStage 3, MuLab 5.5+, FL Studio, Bitwig 1+, Reason 9.5+
支持的插件格式: Audio Unit, AAX, VST, VST3, 独立运行的应用;
Digital Performer 8+, Pro Tools 2019+, Logic Pro X+, Cubase 7+,
Nuendo 6+, Ableton Live 8+, Studio One 2+, Garage Band 6+,
Maschine 1+, Tracktion 4+, Vienna Ensemble Pro 5+, Reaper 4+,
Sonar X3+, MainStage 3, MuLab 5.5+, FL Studio, Bitwig 1+, Reason 9.5+

正常价格 149 美元,9月18日前首发促销 89 美元,