The Hoser 2 以及其母带强化版 The Hoser XT 2 是 Boz Digital Labs 推出的 David Bendeth 签名插件,
The Hoser 系列建模自强大的硬件均衡器 M462B,分为基本声道版本和立体声强化版本,现已推出第 2 代!

The Hoser 系列建模自强大的硬件均衡器 M462B,分为基本声道版本和立体声强化版本,现已推出第 2 代!
The second in the series of David Bendeth signature plugins.
Modeled off of a Ward-Beck Systems M462B hardware EQ unit,
The Hoser makes a great channel EQ to give that cohesive feel to your mixes.
这是 David Bendeth 签名插件系列中的第二款。
The Hoser 以 Ward-Beck Systems M462B 硬件均衡器为原型,
The Hoser takes advantage of some of the benefits of working in the digital domain,
all while staying true to the analog sound.
It is really the best of both worlds.
Hoser 充分利用了数字领域工作的一些优势,

It must sound just like the hardware
You should be able to use this plugin on every track without worrying about your CPU overheating.
After much trial and error, we finally accomplished this.
The plugin stays true to the analog sound, allowing you to add extreme amounts of gain without adding the harshness of digital EQ.
It does all this while using small amounts of processing power, to preserve your CPU for other plugins.
It’s really the best of both worlds.
你应该能够在每条音轨上使用此插件,而不必担心 CPU 过载。
它在完成这一切的同时并不占用太多资源,为其他插件节省了 CPU 算力。
3 Channel Modes
While we were using the hardware, we couldn’t help but wish that we could use it in a mid/side configuration.
It was just begging for it.
So what was stopping us from making the plugin work in mid/side mode?
Nothing, that’s what.
3 种通道模式
当我们使用硬件时,我们忍不住希望能够在 M/S 模式中使用它。
那么有什么理由阻止我们让插件在 M/S 模式下工作呢?

You can also process your left and right channels separately,
which is a great way to add some stereo width to a mono track, or match the tone of a stereo source.
The Hoser vs The Hoser XT
When you buy The Hoser XT, The Hoser also comes with your download,
but what is the difference?
Hoser 对比 Hoser XT
当你购买 The Hoser XT 时,The Hoser 也会一起给你,

The Hoxer XT
Separate Mid/Side and independent stereo control,
as well as standard stereo/mono mode
The Hoxer XT
拥有独立的 中/侧 和 独立立体声控制能力,

The Hoser
More compact design,
stereo/mono mode only
The Hoser

The Hoser 2 正常价格 99 美元,8月26日前首发促销 29 美元,
The Hoxer XT 2(含The Hoser 2)正常价格 149 美元,首发促销 39 美元,