Soundiron 一直在与英国的打击乐演奏家 David Oliver 合作制作各种打击乐音色库,
Rhythmic Origins 是他们再次合作的一个新产品,使用大量手鼓等民族打击,号称 “节奏起源”。

Rhythmic Origins 是他们再次合作的一个新产品,使用大量手鼓等民族打击,号称 “节奏起源”。
Rhythmic Origins is a comprehensively multi-sampled catalog of UK percussionist David Oliver's globe-spanning collection of rare, specialty, ethnic concert drums and hand percussion instruments.
Recorded at Whitehouse Studios in Somerset, England, Bell Music in London, and David's Somerset Studio,
this massive library captures 73 different percussion instruments of all shapes and sizes offering a variety of primary and effect articulations.
You can custom mix your sound with close and room microphone positions,
along with additional mic positions for Bell Music's giant 54 inch Verdi Taiko Drum, David's custom Gran Casa and several African hand drums.
Rhythmic Origins 是英国打击乐器演奏家 David Oliver 收藏的稀有和专业的民族鼓和手鼓打击乐的全面多采样目录。
在英国萨默塞特的 Whitehouse 工作室、伦敦的 Bell Music 和 David 的 Somerset 工作室录制,
这个庞大的音色库收集了 73 种不同形状和大小的打击乐器,提供各种主要的演奏音色和各种效果。
以及使用 Bell Music 的巨型 54 英寸 Verdi Taiko Drum、David 的自定义 Gran Casa 和几个非洲手鼓的额外麦克风位置。

The tonal and dynamic balance for each instrument has been carefully engineered to bring out the full bodied bass,
rich tonality and high-end clarity in each sample, from the most subtle hand percussion to thunderous concert bass drum strikes.
This library is an extraordinary toolbox as a stand-alone collection and also serves as the perfect companion to David Oliver's Rhythmic Odyssey,
our popular multi-track percussion loop, phrase and construction library that features many of the same instruments.
这个音色库作为一个独立的合集将是一套非凡的工具,也是 David Oliver 的 Rhythmic Odyssey 的完美伴侣,

David Oliver is an esteemed percussionist known for his brilliant and expressive soundtrack work on numerous award winning films and television programs.
Working from his studio in Somerset, UK, he has an intuitively inventive approach which first brought him to the attention of multiple award winning composer William Goodchild in 2012.
David went on to create rhythm ensemble recordings for William Goodchild's soundtrack to National Geographic wildlife documentary Ultimate Honey Badger.
It was a fruitful first collaboration and received the highest number of Nat Geo views in its category in the history of the channel in 2014 (Earth Touch News Network Jan 9 2014).
大卫·奥利弗 (David Oliver) 是一位受人尊敬的打击乐手,以其在众多获奖电影和电视节目中出色而富有表现力的配乐作品而闻名。
他在位于英国萨默塞特的工作室中工作,他有一种直觉上的创造性方法,这让他在 2012 年首次引起了多次获奖的作曲家 William Goodchild 的注意。
大卫继续为 William Goodchild 的国家地理野生动物纪录片终极配乐创作节奏合奏录音。 这是一次卓有成效的首次合作,
并在 2014 年获得了该频道历史上同类频道中最高的 Nat Geo 观看次数(Earth Touch News Network,2014 年 1 月 9 日)。

Product Specs
Deeply sampled concert drums, hand percussion, and auxillary rhythmic instruments
Bass drums, Calabash, Box drums, Large & Small hand drums, Metal, Tonal, Wood, Miscellanous
11 Powerful Kontakt .nki instrument presets made for the full retail Kontakt 6.5.3+
24 bit / 48 kHz uncompressed PCM wav samples
77,156 stereo samples in unlocked .WAV format
30.4 GB Installed
Flexible and intuitive multi-layer user interface controls, with LFO, filter, glide, and arpeggiator
Full FX rack with convolution reverb with custom rooms, halls, chambers & FX environments
11 个强大的 Kontakt .nki 乐器预设,适用于完整的零售版 Kontakt 6.5.3+
24 位/48 kHz 未压缩 PCM wav 采样
77,156 个未加密的 .WAV 格式的立体声采样
安装后大小 30.4 GB

System Requirements
The full retail version of Native Instruments Kontakt version 6.5.3+ is required to use .nki instrument presets included in this library.
The free Kontakt "Player" and "Add Library" import process do not support this standard open-format Kontakt library.
Windows 7 or higher. Mac OSX 10.12 or higher. Dual Core CPU, 2 GB System Ram,
SATA or SSD hard drive recommended for this library.
要使用此库中包含的 .nki 乐器预设,需要 Native Instruments Kontakt 6.5.3+ 的完整零售版。
免费的 Kontakt Player 和 “加库” 导入过程不支持此开放格式的 Kontakt 音色库。
Windows 7 或更高版本。 Mac OSX 10.12 或更高版本。
推荐使用双核 CPU、2 GB 系统内存、SATA 或 SSD 硬盘使用此音色库。
正常价格 119 美元,首发促销 89 美元,