传奇的莱斯康 Lexicon 480L 是上个世纪最出名的数字混响器硬件,Relab Development 因打造了它的建模插件而声名鹊起。
LX480 就是忠于传奇的 Lexicon 480L 硬件混响的建模插件,现在,Relab Development 已经将它升级到了第 4 代版本。

LX480 就是忠于传奇的 Lexicon 480L 硬件混响的建模插件,现在,Relab Development 已经将它升级到了第 4 代版本。
Get The Reverb Sound Used On Countless Hit Songs & Films
The LX480 Dual-Engine Reverb Plug-in is the only sample accurate dual-engine recreation of the original hardware that gets you that legendary reverb sound.
LX480 Dual-Engine Reverb Plug-in 是唯一一款对原始硬件进行精确双引擎再造的产品,可为你带来传奇般的混响声音。
With two independent algorithmic engines you get unprecedented flexibility and creative control so you can:
Create distinctive, deep & wide mixes that are second to none
Enjoy instantly recallable unique dual-effect chains
Explore hundreds of new hand-crafted premium presets to spark your imagination
Finally experience the same industry-leading sound quality that top mixers and producers have trusted for years.

Introducing The LX480 Dual-Engine Reverb V4
The LX480 Dual-Engine Reverb Plug-in is the definitive recreation of a legendary digital reverb from the mid-1980s and early 90s.
It is the next evolution in our critically-acclaimed LX480 reverbs, used on countless hit records and films by the top mixers in the world.
介绍双引擎混响 LX480 V4
LX480 双引擎混响插件是对 1980 年代中期和 90 年代初传奇数字混响的忠实再现。
它是我们口碑爆炸的 LX480 混响的新一代发展,全世界的混音大师在无数热门唱片和电影中使用它。
As the only plug-in version with two independent effect engines, the LX480 gives you unprecedented flexibility and control.
作为唯一具有两个独立效果引擎的插件版本,LX480 为你提供了前所未有的灵活性和控制力。
And it doesn’t stop there…
The LX480 also includes an ultra-modern high definition 32-bit reverb algorithm, stereo width controls, lush reverb chorus & twin-delays with cross-feedback.
Plus, you get continuous controls, flexible filters, enhanced ER delay lines, intuitive quick controls, and a resizable display.

LX480 还包括超现代的高清 32 位混响算法、立体声宽度控制、丰富的混响合唱和带有交叉反馈的双延迟。
此外,你还可以获得连续和灵活的滤波器、增强的 ER 延迟线、直观的快速控制和可调整大小的显示设置。
With this combination of industry-leading sound quality, and modern versatility,
the LX480 is the perfect tool for discerning mixers and producers looking to create distinctive, deep & wide mixes that are second to none.
LX480 是独具慧眼的混音师和制作人的超级工具,他们希望创建首屈一指的独特、深沉和宽广的混音。
正常价格 349 美元,V4 首发促销和黑五促销价格 174.5 美元,