
SSL X-Gate is a comprehensive and highly visual gating plug-in,
inspired by the workflow from SSL's digital broadcast consoles.
Featuring a rolling waveform graph, mid/side processing options & tweakable hysteresis using independent open & closed thresholds,
X-Gate builds upon SSL’s rich heritage in digital console gate design.
SSL X-Gate 是一个全面且高度可视化的选通插件,
灵感来自 SSL 的数字广播控制台的工作流程。
X-Gate 具有滚动波形图、中间/侧面处理选项和使用独立开闭阈值的可调整滞后,
建立在 SSL 在数字控制台门设计方面的丰富传统之上。
X-Gate delivers a range of unique control features for sound sculpting
– use the interactive sidechain filter interface and mid/side balance options to focus the gate on unwanted sounds
and process the signal as naturally as you’d like. In addition to visual feedback
including the hardware-inspired traffic light system for immediate visual confirmation of the gate’s current status,
the rolling waveform visualisation graph provides an intuitive display of the incoming signal against
which to set your open and close thresholds.
X-Gate 为声音雕刻提供了一系列独特的控制功能
The EXP and DUCK modes immediately drops the plug-in into two additional modes,
visualised by the I/O graph: fixed expander mode for transparent gating, and duck mode
for attenuating a signal only when it exceeds a threshold
– combine this with your DAW’s sidechain for intelligent ducking.
EXP 和 DUCK 模式立即将插件分为两种附加模式,
通过 I/O 图表进行可视化:用于透明选通的固定扩展器模式
- 将其与您的 DAW 相结合用于智能闪避的侧链。
Key Features
Gating made easy - The left-to-right design displays I/O metering, thresholds and the gate response
all at once for the most visual gating tool ever
DUCK mode - Duck background audio by triggering the duck from an external sidechain.
Combine with mid/side processing to focus the stereo field of surrounding audio during dialogue or vocal solos
Mid/side gating - Add punch and retain dynamics using the gate mid/side control.
Remove stereo room bleed while leaving the center signal intact – great for drums!
Intelligent lookahead - Several discrete lookahead modes allow you to improve gate response with the minimal amount of introduced latency – perfect for live tracking situations
Ballistics - Use the attack, hold and release in the ballistics section
- inspired by the controls on SSL hardware dynamic modules – to design the perfect gate response
门控变得简单——从左到右的设计同时显示 I/O 计量、阈值和门控响应,
DUCK 模式- 通过从外部侧链触发鸭子来鸭子背景音频。
中/侧门控- 使用门控中/侧控制添加冲击力并保持动态。
智能前瞻- 几种离散前瞻模式允许您以最小的引入延迟改善门响应 - 非常适合实时跟踪情况
弹道学- 使用弹道学部分中的攻击、保持和释放
- 灵感来自 SSL 硬件动态模块上的控件 - 设计完美的门响应