Cherry Audio 现在已经成为了经典建模合成器插件的高产战士,这个月已经连发两款新插件。
Lowdown Bass 是一个往昔经典的脚踏合成器,专为贝斯而生,而高音区也能演奏领奏,这是一个完全与众不同的建模。

Lowdown Bass 是一个往昔经典的脚踏合成器,专为贝斯而生,而高音区也能演奏领奏,这是一个完全与众不同的建模。
The Sound of Thunder
The Lowdown Bass Synthesizer recreates the super-fat, room-rattling sounds of the most legendary dual-oscillator bass pedal synth ever made.
Heard on countless prog-rock and new wave tracks in the 70s and 80s, this floor pedal monster comes to the desktop for the very first time.
From the dual “constant-beat” oscillators to the girthy ladder filter, DSP wizard Mark Barton (MRB) has modeled every aspect of the original with exceptional accuracy.
Get down to the ground with Lowdown!
Lowdown Bass 合成器重现了有史以来最具传奇色彩的双振荡器贝司踏板合成器的超厚实、震耳欲聋的声音。
在 70 年代和 80 年代无数的前卫摇滚和 New Wave 风格中听到过,这个踏板怪物第一次出现在桌面上。
从双“固定节拍”振荡器到圆形梯状滤波器,DSP 大神 Mark Barton (MRB) 以极高的精度对原版的各个方面进行了建模。
与 Lowdown 一起凿穿地面!

Get the Lowdown
Outside of a handful of organ-oriented instruments, the original instrument was the first dedicated foot-controlled bass synthesizer,
and with its colossal tone, unquestionably the best sounding.
It was used by some of the top acts of 70s and 80s, including Rush, Yes, Genesis, U2, and The Police
(check out the intro of "Don't Stand So Close To Me" or Phil Collins' "I Don't Care Anymore.")
了解 Lowdown
它被 70 年代和 80 年代的一些知名演奏家所使用,包括 Rush、Yes、Genesis、U2 和 The Police。
(请查看 “Don't Stand So Close To Me” 或 Phil Collins 的 “I Don't Care Anymore”)

The original design used a Hz/oct oscillator scaling (as opposed to the more conventional volts/oct oscillator scaling),
allowing oscillator detuning amount to remain constant across the keyboard by minimizing the phase cancellation that can happen when two oscillators play simultaneously.
Along with a couple of other engineering tricks, this contributes to its beefy sound.
原版的设计使用 Hz/oct 振荡器比例(与更传统的 volts/oct 振荡器比例相反),

In order to create Cherry Audio's Lowdown, award-winning synth designer and DSP legend Mark Barton
carefully analyzed the original's synthesis circuits and precisely recreated them for a massive virtual bass experience like no other.
We're simply thrilled with the outcome of this fun and easy-to-use earth-moving bass experience and we hope you love it as much as we do!
为了创建 Cherry Audio 的 Lowdown,屡获殊荣的合成器设计师和 DSP 传奇人物 Mark Barton

Lowdown Features
Faithful virtual analog emulation of the renowned monophonic bass pedal synth
Every aspect precisely modeled in exacting detail with an ultra-realistic interface
Beyond bass: propel Lowdown from the fat deep end and up to soaring leads
Massive dual oscillators (Saw, Square)
Throaty 24dB/octave lowpass filter with controls for Cutoff, Emphasis, and Contour
Single-button access to Bull, Tuba, and Bass three factory presets
Variablelive-panel mode, available with a single click
Additional one-button controls to activate Glide, Decay, and Octave
Loudness and Filter master "foot" sliders
Recessed panel provides access to programmable functions: Tune, Beat, Glide, Octave, Mix, and OSC B Frequency
Rendered and animated foot pedal keyboard
Select from 14 under-the-pedals floor surfaces
Over 40 presets in an extensive preset browsing menu, and unlimited user preset storage
Full MIDI control
Full DAW automation for all controls
Lowdown 特性
超越贝斯:将 Lowdown 从肥厚的贝斯到高昂的领奏
Throaty 24dB/octave 低通滤波器,带有截止、强调和轮廓控制
一键访问 Bull、Tuba 和 Bass 三种原厂预设
嵌入式面板提供对可编程功能的访问:Tune、Beat、Glide、Octave、Mix 和 OSC B 频率
从 14 个踏板界面中选择
全面的预设浏览菜单中的 40 多个预设,以及无限的用户预设存储
完整的 MIDI 控制
所有参数都可以使用 DAW 进行自动化控制

Lowdown Bass Synthesizer is available in AU, VST, VST3, AAX, and standalone formats.
macOS Requirements: macOS 10.9 or above (including macOS 12), 64-bit required.
Native Apple M1 processor support. Quad-core computer with 8GB of RAM recommended.
Windows Requirements: Windows 7 or above (including Windows 11), 64-bit required.
Quad-core computer with 8GB of RAM recommended.
Lowdown Bass 合成器提供 AU、VST、VST3、AAX 和独立运行格式。
macOS 要求:macOS 10.9 或更高版本(包括 macOS 12),需要 64 位。
原生 Apple M1 处理器支持。 推荐使用 8GB RAM 的四核计算机。
Windows 要求:Windows 7 或以上(包括 Windows 11),
需要 64 位。 推荐使用 8GB RAM 的四核计算机。
产品标价 39 美元,首发促销 25 美元,