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Diamond Jazz Trio
DIAMOND Jazz Trio contains a couple of examples showcasing some of the huge variety available in the library’s full version.
DIAMOND Jazz Trio 包含几个示例,展示了库完整版中的一些巨大变化。
The Strezov Sampling “Diamond Jazz Trio Freebie” consists of a 3 instruments
- Piano, Alto Saxophone and Double bass, distributed in the following 4 patches"
Strezov 采样“Diamond Jazz Trio Freebie”由 3 种乐器组成
- 钢琴、中音萨克斯管和低音提琴,分布在以下 4 个补丁中”
Alto Sax Acc Sus Cresc Freebie - experimental patch
with a nice forte-piano attack and loopable sustain; after releasing the key, a crescendo is triggered
Alto Sax Leg Flutter Freebie - contains 4 different sustain types and legato transitions
Piano Freebie - upright piano with a classic pop jazz sound
Double Bass Freebie - an upright bass, recorded with true legato intervals,
so that when you play a line, you’ll hear a smooth and realistic transition
Alto Sax Acc Sus Cresc Freebie - 实验性补丁,
Alto Sax Leg Flutter Freebie - 包含 4 种不同的延音类型和连奏过渡
钢琴免费赠品 - 带有经典流行爵士乐音色的立式钢琴
Double Bass Freebie - 一种直立的贝司,以真正的连奏间隔录制,

FULL PRODUCT Pre-Order Price € 319 (Normal Retail Price € 479) Estimated Release Date: June 2022
完整产品预购价 319 欧元(正常零售价 479 欧元)预计发布日期:2022 年 6 月