Nx Virtual Studio Collection 将带有 Nx – Virtual Mix Room 技术的几个 Waves 插件都打成了一个套装,

Fine-tune your mixes in the world’s best studios
Get access to the acoustics and monitoring systems of world-famous mixing rooms, on any pair of stereo headphones,
so you can mix with confidence, wherever you are.
From L.A. to New York to Nashville, the Nx Virtual Studio Collection brings together precision acoustic models of multiple world-class studios.
Put on your favorite headphones, and enter Ocean Way Nashville, Chris Lord Alge’s Mix LA, Germano Studios New York (originally The Hit Factory),
and the original Nx Virtual Mix Room – so you can perfect your mixes in acoustically superior mixing environments.
从洛杉矶到纽约再到纳什维尔,Nx Virtual Studio Collection 汇集了多个世界级工作室的精密声学建模。
戴上你最喜欢的耳机,进入 Ocean Way Nashville、Chris Lord Alge 的 Mix LA、Germano Studios New York(原名 The Hit Factory)
和最初的 Nx Virtual Mix Room——这样你就可以在声学优越的混音环境中完善你的混音。

Now you can make your best decisions about balance, stereo image and panning, mix depth, low-end response, reverb usage, and more.
Get reliable perspective as you cross-check your mixes in trustworthy acoustic reference environments,
expertly tuned to ensure that your work translates properly to all systems.
Each Nx plugin comes complete with several monitoring systems from the original studios,
emulating the acoustic response of studio classics including NS10s, high-end Ocean Way and Exigy monitors, and more.
每个 Nx 插件都配备了来自原始工作室的多个监听系统,
模拟工作室经典的声学响应,包括 NS10、传奇的 Ocean Way 和 Exigy 监听等等。

Trusted by tens of thousands of producers and mixing engineers, all Nx plugins are powered by Waves’ pioneering Nx technology for immersive spatial audio.
Waves Nx uses channel crosstalk, inter-aural delays (ITD), filters (ILD), early reflections, and head motion tracking to replicate the immersive experience of hearing audio in the real world.
All these are coupled with precision measurements of the actual studios, to deliver a faithful three-dimensional representation of the original acoustic experiences.
受到数以万计制作人和混音工程师的信赖,所有 Nx 插件均由 Waves 开创性的 Nx 技术提供支持,以实现身临其境的空间音频感受。
Waves Nx 使用通道串扰、耳间延迟 (ITD)、滤波器 (ILD)、早期反射和头部运动跟踪来复制现实世界中听觉音频的沉浸式体验。
所有这些都与实际工作室的精确测量相结合,以提供原始声学体验的忠实 3D 表达。

Stellar acoustic reference for your mixes – on any headphones
The acoustics & monitoring systems of world-renowned studios
4 studios, 12 monitoring systems
Cross-check your mixes at Ocean Way Nashville, CLA’s Mix L.A., Germano Studios New York, and the original Nx Virtual Mix Room
Reliable reference for mix depth, balance, panning, reverb, low end
Powered by Waves Nx immersive audio technology
Compatible with all headphone models
Adjustable Studio Ambience control
Personalized head anatomy calibration
Stereo and virtual surround components
Supports head tracking for enhanced realism, via webcam or the Nx Head Tracker (purchased separately)
4 个混音控制室,12 个监控系统
在 Ocean Way Nashville、CLA 的 Mix L.A.、Germano Studios New York 和原始的 Nx Virtual Mix Room 交叉检查你的混音
由 Waves Nx 沉浸式音频技术提供支持
通过网络摄像头或 Nx Head Tracker(单独购买)支持头部跟踪以增强真实感

正常价格 699 美元,促销价格 79.99 美元,