
Since the late 2010s, rubber bridge guitars have been multiplying throughout indie rock music,
even making notable appearances in pop music.
Although people have been using various approaches throughout history to give guitars a more muted sound,
the concept of using a rubber bridge is thanks to Reuben Cox, luthier and owner of Old Style Guitar Shop in Los Angeles, California.
His unique addition of a rubber bridge tastefully dampens the guitar’s sustain,
giving notes a prominent/plucky attack with a swift, yet pure, decay.
自 2010 年代后期以来,橡胶琴桥吉他在独立摇滚音乐中成倍增加,
但使用橡胶琴桥的概念要归功于制琴师和加利福尼亚州洛杉矶 Old Style Guitar Shop 的老板 Reuben Cox。
Due to the naturally quiet volume of these guitars, which are commonly smaller sized parlor guitars, a high output pickup is typically installed for amplification.
Part of the rubber bridge guitar’s magical sound comes from the duality between the pristine, crisp acoustic sound of the instrument and the rich, beefy pickup signal.
Evolution Rubber Bridge was recorded using a nearly century-old parlor guitar,
converted into a rubber bridge guitar and fitted with a classic Tokyo-style gold foil pickup.
The pickup and stereo mic signals were recorded separately
so that you can blend between the warm, punchy sound of the pickup and the crisp, pure mic signal.
Evolution Rubber Bridge was recorded with the guitar tuned down a whole step from standard tuning,
giving it a deeper tone and naturally lower playable range.
Evolution Rubber Bridge使用近百年历史的客厅吉他录制,
Evolution Rubber Bridge录制时将吉他从标准调弦调低了整整一步,
We developed the library in collaboration with Rosewood Recording Company, one of Utah's most venerable recording studios.
Guy Randle, the owner and recording engineer at Rosewood Recording Company,
incorporated analog audio equipment to skillfully sculpt and emphasize the rich tonal qualities of the guitar.
Evolution Rubber Bridge includes both the as-recorded signal as well as an enhanced signal.
我们与犹他州最受尊敬的录音室之一的 Rosewood Recording Company 合作开发了该库。
Rosewood Recording Company 的所有者兼录音工程师 Guy Randle
Evolution Rubber Bridge既包括记录信号,也包括增强信号。
Evolution Rubber Bridge is based on our Evolution engine, which provides you with a wealth of appointments:
an innovative strumming pattern editor, automatic chord detection, and a comprehensive collection of built-in effects for adding the final polish to the guitar tone.
If you've used any of our guitar or bass libraries that use the Evolution engine, its interface and workflow will be very familiar to you.
Evolution Rubber Bridge基于我们的 Evolution 引擎,它为您提供了丰富的功能:
如果您使用过我们的任何使用 Evolution 引擎的吉他或贝司库,您会非常熟悉它的界面和工作流程。
The library includes many ready-to-use factory presets for a variety of guitar tones.
Some presets focus on the acoustic side of the guitar, with pristine, clean tones,
while other presets take advantage of the electric component of the guitar, running its pickup signal out a guitar cabinet,
sometimes with spring reverb or even distortion added.
Key Features:
Built-in effects collection for production-ready rubber bridge guitar tones.
Pattern editor and chord voicing system for authentic strumming and picking patterns.
Adjustable pick position using our proprietary physical modeling technology.
Powerful mapping system that lets you control how articulations are selected, using conditions such as velocity ranges, MIDI CCs, latching and non-latching keyswitches, and more.
强大的映射系统,可让您控制如何选择发音,使用诸如力度范围、MIDI CC、锁定和非锁定按键开关等条件。
Sampling specifications:
6.9 GB (compressed to 3.5 GB using the lossless NCW audio format) of 24-bit samples.
Articulations such as sustains, palm mutes, mutes, natural harmonics, plus special effects like string slaps, muted strums, body hits, and others.
Legato samples for slides, hammer-ons, and pull-offs.
The articulations have 3 dynamics, 2 pick directions (when applicable), and 2x round-robin.
6.9 GB(使用无损 NCW 音频格式压缩到 3.5 GB)的 24 位样本。
关节有 3 个动态、2 个选择方向(如果适用)和 2 个循环。
