Soundiron 又发新品了吗?哦不!这次不是新产品,是组织了一个新的套装:Student Bundle。
学生套装?其实就是入门套装的意思,内含 5 套 Soundiron 为配乐玩家准备的 KONTAKT 标准音色库精简版,

学生套装?其实就是入门套装的意思,内含 5 套 Soundiron 为配乐玩家准备的 KONTAKT 标准音色库精简版,
The Soundiron Student Bundle is a collection of 5 great virtual instrument libraries specially designed for music students,
hobbyists and pros that want to take some of our most popular ensembles for a spin before diving into our more advanced professional products.
This bundle includes our Hyperion Strings Micro orchestral string ensemble, Hyperion Brass Micro orchestral brass ensemble,
Olympus Choir Micro symphonic choral ensemble, Apocalypse Percussion Micro drum ensemble and Antidrum Machine,
a completely bonkers sound designer's goldmine packed with thousands of creative instruments, objects and acoustic sources.
Our Student Bundle has just about everything you need to start scoring today, all for an incredibly small price.
Owners of this bundle can also upgrade to the Elements and Full editions to any of these included libraries at a big discount whenever they're ready to level up!
Soundiron Student Bundle 是 5 个很棒的虚拟乐器音色库的套装,专为音乐学生、爱好者和专业人士设计,
此套装包括我们的 Hyperion Strings 管弦乐团弦乐精简版、Hyperion Brass 管弦乐团铜管精简版、
Olympus Choir 交响合唱团精简版、Apocalypse Percussion 打击乐鼓乐团精简版和 Antidrum Machine,
我们的 Student Bundle 几乎包含你今天开始配乐所需的一切,而且价格非常低廉。
此套装的所有者还可以在准备升级时以大幅折扣升级到其中任何包含库的 Elements 和 Full 版本!

Hyperion Strings Micro is a compact and easy-to-use orchestral string ensemble with a brilliant modern sound and rich tonal warmth.
The violin, viola, cello and double bass sections each offer multi-dynamic sustains that can be smoothly swelled from pianissimo to fortissimo with full vibrato control,
as well as staccato, spiccato and pizzicato short notes and expressive crescendos and decrescendos.
Each articulation offers intuitive and flexible sound-shaping controls to sculpt every detail.
The Hyperion interface also provides full tonal control, stage positioning, environment options, integrated play-assist and an awesome arpeggiator,
giving you the powerful tool-set and outstanding audio quality you’re looking for in this compact and streamlined virtual instrument.

Hyperion Strings Micro 是一款紧凑且易于使用的交响弦乐合奏,具有出色的现代声音和丰富的温暖音色。
每个技巧都提供直观和灵活的音色来控制每个细节。 Hyperion 界面还提供完整的音调控制、舞台定位、环境选项、集成播放辅助和出色的琶音器,

Hyperion Brass Micro is a compact orchestral brass plugin that packs a huge punch. It delivers an intensely robust sound with clarity and bite.
The trumpet, tenor trombone, horn and tuba sections each offer multi-dynamic sustains that can be smoothly swelled from pianissimo to fortissimo,
as well as staccato, staccatissimo and triple-tongue short notes and expressive sforzandos, swells, crescendos and decrescendos.
Each articulation offers intuitive and flexible sound-shaping controls to sculpt every detail.
The Hyperion interface also provides full tonal control, stage positioning, environment options, integrated play-assist and an awesome arpeggiator,
giving you the powerful toolset and outstanding audio quality that you're looking for in this streamlined virtual instrument.

Hyperion Brass Micro 是一款紧凑的管弦乐铜管音源,具有强大的冲击力。它提供清晰而有力的声音。
小号、中音长号、圆号和大号声部都提供了多动态延音,可以从弱音到强音平滑地过度,还有断奏和短音以及富有表现力的 Sforzandos、Swells、渐强和渐弱。
每个技巧都提供直观和灵活的音色来控制每个细节。 Hyperion 界面还提供完整的音调控制、舞台定位、环境选项、集成播放辅助和出色的琶音器,

Olympus Choir Micro is a virtual symphonic chorus widely revered for its huge full-bodied tone, well-balanced character and natural realism.
The men's and women's sections each include fortissimo "Ah" and pianissimo "Oo" sustains and staccatos as well as a pair of tempo-locking Latin and Slavonic chanting poly-sustains,
all spanning a wide chromatic range with a full suite of tone and performance-shaping controls, convolution reverb with lots of real-world spaces to choose from and a full modular DSP effects rack.
Olympus Choir Micro is perfect for quick choral sketching, backing tracks or adding richness and soaring grace to any mix.

Olympus Choir Micro 是一套虚拟的交响合唱团,因其巨大而饱满的音色、平衡和自然的真实感而广受推崇。
所有这些都跨越了全面的半音范围,具有完善的音调和演奏整形控制,卷积混响,有很多现实世界的空间可供选择,以及一个完整的模块化 DSP 效果机架。
Olympus Choir Micro 非常适合快速合唱编写、背景音轨或为任何乐曲带来丰富的音色和高贵的优雅感觉。

Apocalypse Percussion Micro is the compact starter edition of our acclaimed Apocalypse Percussion Ensemble library.
This heavy cinematic drum library features a total of 28 hard-hitting ensemble articulations, including 6 concert snare drum sets, 5 large tom sets, 7 bass drum sets, 4 Indian Dhol sets,
3 Turkish Doumbek sets, 1 Irish Bodhrán (frame drum) articulation, one Egyptian Riq and a Greek Daf articulation, so you have access to a broad range of powerful sounds to create with.
Apocalypse Percussion Micro has a simple and intuitive user interface with full articulation control, modular kit-building, dynamic arpeggiation and customizable FX routing, with 119 real-world and special effect convolution spaces.

Apocalypse Percussion Micro 是我们广受好评的 Apocalypse Percussion Ensemble 库的简化入门版。
这个沉重的电影鼓音色库共有 28 个重击合奏音色,包括 6 个音乐会军鼓组、5 个大通鼓组、7 个低音鼓组、4 个印度 Dhol 组、
3 个土耳其 Doumbek 组、1 个爱尔兰 Bodhrán(框架鼓),1 个埃及 Riq 和 1 个希腊 Daf 音色,因此你可以使用各种强大的声音进行创作。
Apocalypse Percussion Micro 具有简单直观的用户界面,具有完整的清晰度控制、模块化套件构建、动态琶音和可定制的 FX 路由,具有 119 个真实世界和特殊效果卷积空间。

Antidrum Machine is the ultimate compendium of alternative instruments, experimental sfx, machines, toys, electronics, tools, spare parts and all manner of sonic oddities.
We call it the Antidrum machine because it has all of the bells and whistles of a powerful drum machine engine on steroids,
with an utterly massive variety of surprising and strange tonal and percussive sound sources, all captured in exsquisite and life-like detail.
Every sound can be tweaked, blended and customized in an endless number of ways.
Antidrum Machine will rock your world with over 21,000 samples, custom key mapping, arp sequencing, layering, shaping and FX routing options.

Antidrum Machine 是替代乐器、实验性音效、机器、玩具、电子产品、工具、备件和各种声音怪异的超级合体。
我们称它为 Anti 鼓机,因为它具有强大的鼓机引擎的所有花里胡哨的功能,
Antidrum Machine 将通过超过 21,000 个采样、自定义键映射、琶音器排序、分层、塑形和 FX 路由选项震撼你的世界。

This library has been licensed for use in the free Kontakt Player virtual instrument engine.
It can be used in Kontakt Player and the full version of Kontakt (version 6.2 and later) for VST, AU or AAX instrument plugin formats.
You can add this product to the Kontakt “Libraries” browser. It requires online serial number registration using the Native Instruments Native Access app.
This library is also fully compatible with Komplete Kontrol and all S-Series Keyboard Controllers by Native Instruments.
这些音色库都使用许可证授权,可在免费的 Kontakt Player 虚拟乐器引擎中使用。
它可以在 Kontakt Player 和完整版的 Kontakt(6.2 版及更高版本)中用于 VST、AU 或 AAX 乐器插件格式。
你可以将此产品添加到 Kontakt “音色库”浏览器。 它需要使用 Native Instruments Native Access 应用程序在线注册序列号。
该音色库还与 Native Instruments 的 Komplete Kontrol 和所有 S 系列键盘控制器完全兼容。
Product Specs
5 virtual instruments
99 Presets
Symphonic strings, brass, choir and percussion
Thousands of exotic, fun and experimental instruments and sfx
12.5 GB Installed
27,589 stereo samples
24-bit, 48 kHz Stereo Lossless NCW Audio Format
Made for the free Kontakt Player and Kontakt version 6.2 and later
Compatible with Komplete Kontrol, S-Series Keyboards and all NKS software and hardware by Native Instruments
Works with the Kontakt "Libraries" browser and Native Access
5 款虚拟乐器
99 个预设
安装后大小 12.5 GB
27,589 个立体声采样
24 位、48 kHz 立体声无损 NCW 音频格式
为免费的 Kontakt Player 和 Kontakt 6.2 及更高版本制作
兼容 Komplete Kontrol、S 系列键盘和 Native Instruments 的所有 NKS 软件和硬件
与 Kontakt “音色库”浏览器和 Native Access 一起使用
System Requirements
This Powered-By-Kontakt Player Edition is supported by version 6.2 and later of the free Kontakt Player (VST, AU, AAX) and the special “Libraries” rack.
Windows 7 or higher required for PC. OSX 10.12 or higher required for Mac.
Dual Core CPU, 4+ GB System Ram, SATA or SSD hard drive recommended for this library.
This software is delivered as a digital download, so a broadband connection is required.
此 Kontakt Player 版本支持 6.2 版及更高版本的免费 Kontakt Player(VST、AU、AAX)和音色库机架功能。
PC 需要 Windows 7 或更高版本。 Mac 需要 OSX 10.12 或更高版本。
推荐双核 CPU、4+ GB 系统内存、SATA 或 SSD 硬盘使用此音色库。

正常价格 315 美元,首发促销 129 美元。