VSL 维也纳在前阵子发布完毕了同步系列管弦乐四大件后,果然不出预料,放出了四大件结合在一起的精选简化版,
这套 Synchron Prime Edition 就是集合了弦木铜打甚至还有竖琴的综合简化入门版本,价格相对来说还是便宜不少。

这套 Synchron Prime Edition 就是集合了弦木铜打甚至还有竖琴的综合简化入门版本,价格相对来说还是便宜不少。
The Essential Synchron Orchestra
Superb performers from our Synchron Stage Orchestra
Coherent performances, authentic in every nuance
Extremely versatile, flexible and light on memory and CPU
Perfectly mixed with production-ready presets
非常通用、轻量级的内存和 CPU 占用
Enter Vienna’s Synchron world with this powerful all-in-one package that provides you with everything you need to create stunning orchestral arrangements with breathtaking realism and pristine sound packed with emotion.
The Synchron Prime Edition gathers the essential instruments and articulations of our highly successful Synchron Series into one affordable and resource-saving collection that is easy to use, versatile and fun to play.
Synchron Prime 版将我们成功的 Synchron 系列的基本乐器和技巧汇集到一个经济实惠且节省资源的版本中,该系列易于使用、用途广泛且乐于演奏。

Ready for Prime Time!
The Synchron Prime Edition includes stellar performances by the acclaimed solo instrumentalists and ensembles of the Synchron Stage Orchestra,
who for many years have been lending their talents and artistry to clients from Hollywood and all over the world.
Captured with a state-of-the-art multi-microphone setup in one of the best scoring stages on the planet,
the recordings feature the outstanding ambience of Synchron Stage Vienna.
The large Stage A of our very own studio complex in Vienna elevates not only the sound of the musicians’ fine instruments,
but also the performances of the well-rehearsed players and ensembles as they respond to each other and to the outstanding acoustics of this hall.
Synchron Prime 版本包括著名的独奏乐器演奏家和同步管弦乐的合奏,
具有 Synchron Stage 维也纳的出色质感。
我们维也纳 Stage A 不仅美化了音乐家乐器的音色,

Everything in this collection is so well-balanced and matched that it’s easy to create entire orchestral arrangements or simple parts quickly and effortlessly.
The Vienna Synchron Player provides you with a wide and well-organized range of articulations, all following the same system.
Matching mixer presets for all the instruments and ensembles let you place them together in a variety of settings,
from close-miked to different types of ambience and reverb.
Vienna Synchron Player 为你提供范围全面的技巧,所有这些都遵循相同的系统。
You can also easily create your own sound using the Vienna Synchron Player’s integrated mixer and its host of effects.
Each instrument comes with a Room Mix that blends overhead Decca tree mics and surround mics to a stereo signal,
in addition to a close-mic signal for solo instruments and a mid-mic signal for ensembles.
你还可以使用 Vienna Synchron Player 的内置混音器及其众多效果器轻松打造自己的声音。
每个乐器都带有一个房间混音器,它将头顶 Decca Tree 麦克风和环绕麦克风混音成立体声信号。

What’s more, all patches are compatible with the Synchron Series Collections, which makes it easy to port over your arrangements to be used with these larger libraries.
The Synchron Prime Edition comprises instruments of Synchron Strings Pro, Synchron Woodwinds, Synchron Brass, Synchron Harp, and Synchron Percussion.
更重要的是,所有音色都与 Synchron Series Collections 兼容,这使得你可以轻松安排以与同系列更大的音色库一起使用。
Synchron Prime Edition 包括 Synchron Strings Pro、Synchron Woodwinds、Synchron Brass、Synchron Harp 和 Synchron Percussion 音色。
Notation Program Integration
You’ll find Expression Maps for Cubase and Dorico, Soundsets for Sibelius as well as Presets for Notion at MyVSL.
你会在 MyVSL 中找到适用于 Cubase 和 Dorico 的 Expression Maps、适用于 Sibelius 的 Soundset 以及适用于 Notion 的 Presets。

Sample Amount 146,774 Library Download File Size 23.9 GB Installed File Size 64.9 GB
采样数量 | 146,774 |
音色库 | |
下载文件大小 | 23.9 GB |
安装之后大小 | 64.9 GB |

正常价格 595 欧元,5月31日之前首发促销 445 欧元,