UVI 迈出了新的一步,全新的灵魂鼓手 Soul Drums 在 UVI 引擎中诞生,这是一套复古审美的架子鼓音色库,
但是更大的意义是证明了 UVI 引擎搭载专业鼓音源的可能性(虽然以前 AcousticSamples 用过不少)……

但是更大的意义是证明了 UVI 引擎搭载专业鼓音源的可能性(虽然以前 AcousticSamples 用过不少)……
Modern instrument design with authentic 1960s/1970s heritage
Deeply recorded and edited, immediate and inspiring sound
Highly versatile, comprehensive mix and tone controls
现代乐器设计与真正的 60 / 70 年代艺术遗产
Meet Your New Drummer
Soul Drums was designed to give you an immediate and inspiring drum partner, the perfect drum session anytime you need it,
with advanced controls and a vintage soul, able to adapt to the changing needs of modern production.
Soul Drums 能够为你提供一位懂你的鼓手伙伴,随时随地为你演奏鼓音色,
Modern Sound, Vintage Soul
An antithesis to the clean and clinical, Soul Drums echoes the greats of Motown with an old-meets-new foray,
fusing the best of vintage and modern hardware and techniques with a forward-thinking design to create a drum instrument larger than the sum of its parts and unlike any other.
当你真正的审核它时,Soul Drums 呼应了摩城的光荣历史,

Ready To Play
Meticulously hand-crafted kit presets let you instantly change your sound from dry to fully-produced, and tailored to genre.
Meanwhile over 1000 of built-in patterns get you going instantly, with everything from '60s/’70s grooves and breakbeats to hip-hop, funk, jazz and much more.
同时,超过 1000 种内置节奏型让你立即上手,从 60 / 70 年代的律动和碎拍到嘻哈、放克、爵士等等,应有尽有。
Deeply Editable
Soul Drums sounds amazing right out of the box, but for those that want full control it goes deep, offering extensive per-drum controls,
14 mixable mics, a fully-customizable bleed matrix, per-element send effects, a bus effects rack, full multi-out, and integrated mapping presets for most electronic drums.
Soul Drums 开箱即用听起来令人惊叹,但对于那些想要完全控制的人来说,它更深入,为每个鼓部件提供全面的控制、
14 个混音麦克风、可自由调节的矩阵、独立的发送效果、总线效果机架、 适用于大多数电子鼓的多输出系统和集成映射预设。
A Pedigree of Soul
Starting with a hand-picked selection of drums and microphones in Studio C at Criteria Recording Studios (formerly The Hit Factory) in Miami,
the recording studio of seminal greats like James Brown, Michael Jackson, Bob Marley, Aretha Franklin and many more, Soul Drums was created with heritage at the forefront.
We wanted an instrument that would embody the golden age of soul and allow a new generation to create within it.
从迈阿密 Criteria Recording Studios(前身为 The Hit Factory)的 Studio C 中精心挑选的鼓和麦克风开始,
这里是 James Brown、Michael Jackson、Bob Marley、Aretha Franklin 等著名巨星的录音室,Soul Drums 是在最前沿创建的。

Dynamic Possibilities
In order to make Soul Drums as versatile as possible multiple drum models were sampled.
The bass drums were recorded using both felt and wood beaters, and all others recorded separately using both sticks and brushes.
In addition to your choice of drum models and exciters, multiple play modes are available,
with up to 9 velocity layers, and up to 6 round robins for a consistently natural and fluid sound.
为了使 Soul Drums 尽可能全面,我们对多个鼓部件进行了采样。
最多有 9 个力度层和最多 6 次循环,可一直为你提供自然和流畅的音色。
An Epic Undertaking
With Grammy award-winning engineer Eric Schilling at the helm, along with Bob Olhsson from the famous Motown Hitsville studio,
over 150,000 samples played by legendary session drummer Joe Galdo were recorded through the original Neve 8078 console.
Editing was a slow and painstaking process, taking time to explore different directions before finding the right balance and feature set.
The end result is a reflection of many years of work by a dedicated and impassioned team of creatives.
Bob Olhsson 带领着格莱美获奖工程师 Eric Schilling 在著名的 Motown Hitsville 工作室,
传奇鼓手 Joe Galdo 演奏了超过 150,000 个采样,这些都通过原版的 Neve 8078 调音台录制。

Intuitive Interface
Soul Drums comes arranged across 11 pages, with a global Mix page,
editors for Bass, Snare, Hi Hats, Toms, Cymbals, Percussion and Ambience, along with FX, Preferences, and the Sequencer.
Edit screens provide deep per-instrument control, including per-layer volume, pan, velocity, amplitude envelopes,
high and low-pass filters, and effect sends including a tape delay emulation and IR-based reverb.
Soul Drums 共有 11 个页面,其中包含一个全局混音页面、贝斯、军鼓、踩镲、通鼓、镲片、小打
A Modern Twist
For those in need of a distinctly modern edge, a digital dub layer is available on the Bass, Snare, and Hi Hats instruments,
giving you 150 add-on samples per element that can be substituted or blended in to taste,
and further tweaked via their own editors, allowing you to create totally unique results.
每个元素可以提供 150 个附加采样,可以替换或混音以改变音色,
Enter the Matrix
At the bottom of each edit page is the secret weapon for huge drum sounds, a comprehensive mic bleed matrix,
allowing you to manually adjust the mic bleed from each signal source to all other mics, while a global mic bleed level lets you manage the overall effect.

Hand-Crafted Kits
Soul Drums provides instant inspiration with hundreds of hand-crafted kits and sequences available to explore.
Browse the kits and sequences together or discretely,
and if you want to further develop or customize the patterns they can be easily drag-n-dropped to your DAW as MIDI.
Soul Drums 通过数百个人工鼓组音色和音序节奏快速为你提供灵感。
如果你想进一步开发或自定义节奏型,可以轻松地将它们拖放到您的宿主软件和 MIDI 轨上。
Studio Integration
In addition to the built-in pattern player, Soul Drums can be easily driven via MIDI from your favorite sequencer or DAW.
Soul Drums also has an integrated MIDI mapping matrix with presets for most popular electronic drum systems allowing you to play it live like the real thing.
除了内置的节奏型播放器之外,Soul Drums 还可以通过 MIDI 从你最喜欢的音序器或 DAW 轻松驱动。
Soul Drums 还具有一个集成的 MIDI 映射矩阵,其中包含最流行的电子鼓系统的预设,让你可以像敲打真鼓一样的现场演奏。
A deeply editable modern drum instrument with vintage roots and exceptional versatility,
Soul Drums is a powerful, creative, and inspirational rhythm machine.
Soul Drums 是一款可全面编辑的现代鼓音色,具有复古的背景和多样化的功能性,
Size: 12.66 GB (FLAC lossless encoding, was 41.25 GB in WAV)
Content: 153,024 samples, 1,281 patterns, 341 presets
Sample Resolution: 44.1 kHz. Recording at 88.2 kHz
License: 3 activations per license on any combination of machines or iLok dongles
大小:12.66 GB(FLAC 无损编码,WAV 为 41.25 GB)
内容:153,024 个采样,1,281 个节奏型,341 个预设
采样精度:44.1 kHz。 以 88.2 kHz 录制
授权:在任何机器或 iLok 加密狗组合上,每个许可证激活 3 次
正常价格 149 美元/欧元,5月1日之前首发促销 99 美元/欧元。