Patchpool 发布用于 UVI Falcon 格式的扩展音色库 Crotales


Crotales - 1.jpg

Crotales are rare orchestral percussion instruments not often used in classical music,
the instrument sampled for this library ranging from C5 – C7 (C3 – C5 in classical terms).
Tuned chromatically its distinct and very bright bell-like sound cuts through even at low velocities.
For this soundset the instrument was multi-sampled with 2 articulations, bowed (violin bow) and beaten (special mallets with a metallic tip).
There are also tempo-synced loops, improvised textures and tremolos,
these samples were then used as a starting point for producing tonal soundscapes, musical beds and more experimental sound textures,
often involving Falcon’s multi-granular oscillator and combining it with FM, pluck, wave-table and analog synth oscillators.​

Crotales 是在古典音乐中不常使用的稀有管弦打击乐器,
为该库采样的乐器范围为 C5 – C7(古典术语为 C3 – C5)。
对于这个音色,该乐器使用 2 个发音进行了多重采样,弓(小提琴弓)和敲击(带有金属尖端的特殊木槌)。
通常涉及 Falcon 的多颗粒振荡器并将其与 FM、pluck、波表和模拟合成器振荡器。


Up to 20+ Macros and switches are installed in each patch,
some patches also use aftertouch, providing detailed and creative control over volume envelopes, filtering, amplitude-
and pitch modulations, dynamics, stereo animation, layer leveling and more.
All patches use some sort of background image in the UI, split patches have colored key-zones in the Falcon keyboard for easier navigation.​

每个音色组中安装了多达 20 多个宏和开关,
所有音色组都在 UI 中使用某种背景图像,拆分音色组在 Falcon 键盘中具有彩色键区,以便于导航。
The included samples were mostly borrowed from my sound libraries Aureus Ventus for HALion
and Colliding Worlds for Groove Agent (distributed exclusively by Steinberg),
users holding a license to Aureus Ventus can purchase Falcon Singles - Crotales at a 40% discount.​

包含的样本大部分是从我的声音库 Aureus Ventus for HALion
和 Colliding Worlds for Groove Agent(由 Steinberg 独家发行)中借来的,
持有 Aureus Ventus 许可证的用户可以以 40% 的折扣购买 Falcon Singles - Crotales。
23 patches (including 1 variation).
936.2 MB of samples (stereo/48 Khz/24 Bit), 3 wavetables, and 2 background images for the interface. Library size in total: 943.3 MB unzipped.
Content is not encrypted, the samples and wavetables can be used in other samplers and synths or directly in a DAW.
Price: € 22 EUR. (40% discount for license holders of Aureus Ventus = € 13.20)
Delivery: Download (zip 791.1 MB).
Requires the full version of Falcon 2.5.3 or higher, does not work with the UVI player.​

23 个音色组(包括 1 个变体)。
936.2 MB 样本(立体声/48 Khz/24 位)、3 个波表和 2 个界面背景图像。库总大小:解压后 943.3 MB。
内容未加密,样本和波表可用于其他采样器和合成器或直接用于 DAW。
价格:22 欧元。(Aureus Ventus 许可证持有者可享受 40% 的折扣 = 13.20 欧元)
交付:下载 (zip 791.1 MB)。
需要 Falcon 2.5.3 或更高版本的完整版本,不适用于 UVI 播放器。

售价:22 欧元。(Aureus Ventus 许可证持有者可享受 40% 的折扣 = 13.20 欧元)