DDMF 发布限制器 NoLimits 的升级版本 NoLimits 2

DDMF 将他们经典的 NoLimits 限制器插件进行了升级,
全新的第2代 NoLimits2 是一个可以选择干净或者进行不同饱和染色的限制器。

DDMF NoLimits 2.jpg

What is it?
At the end of a long day at the mixing desk, when everything has finally fallen into place, comes the best moment (just before pouring that glass of whisky):
load an instance of NoLimits2 at the end of the chain, turn that big gain knob, lean back and enjoy.
Its predecessor, NoLimits, was certainly a highly acclaimed limiting plugin already and did a very good job for many years,
but NoLimits2 definitely takes it to another level.
From ultraclean to tastefully saturated, NoLimits2 will make your mixes louder in style.​

在链的末端加载一个 NoLimits2 实例,将那个大增益旋钮,向后靠,享受。
它的前身 NoLimits 无疑已经是一个广受好评的限制插件,并且多年来一直做得非常好,
但 NoLimits2 无疑将它提升到了另一个层次。
从超干净到雅致饱和,NoLimits2 将使您的混音风格更加响亮。
a comprehensive set of 4 different limiting algorithms
all of them follow entirely different limiting strategies, giving you a choice of really unique sounds
from clean to nicely saturated, it’s all there
further control over attack, release and lookahead times allow for even more finetuning
up to 8x oversampling to keep all harmonics of the more colourful modes in check
stereo channel linking
State-of-the-art LUFS loudness metering, compliant to all the latest standards​

一套全面的 4 种不同的限制算法
高达 8 倍的过采样,以控制更多色彩模式的所有谐波
最先进的 LUFS 响度测量,符合所有最新标准
Free for NoLimits v1/All Plugins Bundle/Full Bundle users!
Good news for owners of a NoLimits v1 license (which includes All Plugins Bundle and Full Bundle owners):
Santa has decided to make NoLimits2 free for you! You will find the full version installers + license files in the login section as usual
(please note that NoLimits v2 is entirely separate from NoLimits v1 so you can continue to use the old version in older projects, but v2 will not reload any projects created with v1).
For the rest of you, NoLimits2 is available with a 50 % introductory discount until the end of the year, after which the price will be $59.
You are welcome to check out the free demo version which should convince you in no time that NoLimits2 is a plugin that you simply cannot miss in your arsenal.​

NoLimits v1 用户 / All Plugins Bundle 用户 / 全家桶用户免费!
对 NoLimits v1 许可证(包括所有插件包和完整包所有者)所有者的好消息:
圣诞老人决定为这些用户免费提供 NoLimits2! 您会像往常一样在登录部分找到完整版安装程序 + 许可证文件
(请注意,NoLimits v2 与 NoLimits v1 完全分开,因此您可以继续在旧工程中使用旧版本,但原本使用 v1 的工程不会自动更换为加载 v2 版本)。
对于其他人,NoLimits2 在年底前可享受 50% 的首发折扣,之后价格为 59 美元。
欢迎您查看免费的演示版本,它会立即让您相信 NoLimits2 是一个不能错过的插件。


