Synapse Audio 升级沙丘合成器 DUNE 3 到 v3.5

Dune 升级到了 3.5

Dune 3.5.jpg

Synapse Audio has updated DUNE 3 to version 3.5.
This update adds drag&drop modulation, a new patch browser,
and a Genetics feature that automatically creates new sounds out of existing patches.​

Synapse Audio已经将DUNE 3更新到3.5版本。
此更新添加了拖放调制、新 Patch 浏览器和 Genetics 功能,
可自动从现有 Patch 中创建新声音
Further changes include:
Native VST3 version for Apple M1 computers added.
Improved look and feel of the MSEGs.
Maximum polyphony increased from 16 to 24.
Support for polyphonic aftertouch via the mod matrix.
New compressor mode, "Punch".
New patches added to the factory library.
Better memory usage. Each new plug-in instance consumes significantly less memory than v3.4.​

增加了用于苹果 M1 电脑的本地 VST3 版本。
改进了 MSEGs 的外观和感觉。
最大复音数从 16 增加到 24。
Availability: This upgrade is free for registered DUNE 3 customers, and can be downloaded from the user area.
New users can purchase the plugin from the Synapse Audio web site for $179.
A free 30-day trial version of v3.5 will be available soon.​

可用性:这个升级对 DUNE 3 的注册用户是免费的,可以从用户区下载。
新用户可以从 Synapse Audio 网站上购买该插件,价格为179美元。
