Antares 发布自动调谐采样器 Auto Tune Slice,这是一款专用于人声的采样器。

A hybrid of a precision sampler and flexible synthesizer, Auto-Tune Slice is more than just a sampler.
It’s a dimension of infinite musical expression where you can play voices like instruments and turn endless samples into songs.
Auto-Tune Slice 是精密采样器和灵活合成器的混合体,不仅仅是一个采样器。

Many Choices For Many Voices
Optimized for vocals—but equally powerful for beats and instruments—turn any sample into a playable instrument that automatically maps to your controller.
Auto-Tune At the Core
Auto-Tune Slice is the only sampler in the world with Auto-Tune baked into its DNA.
Direct integration lets you harness the power of Auto-Tune without ever leaving the Auto-Tune Slice environment.
核心来自于 Auto-Tune
Auto-Tune Slice 是世界上唯一一款将 Auto-Tune 融入其 DNA 的采样器。
直接集成让您无需离开 Auto-Tune Slice 环境即可利用 Auto-Tune 的强大功能。
Auto-Tune Slice 是世界上唯一一款将 Auto-Tune 融入其 DNA 的采样器。
直接集成让您无需离开 Auto-Tune Slice 环境即可利用 Auto-Tune 的强大功能。
Moving Music To Make Moving Music
Automagically slice up vocals with advanced transient detection that could only come from the creators of Auto-Tune.
Play slices in order or rearrange them to create new phrases and patterns.
使用高级瞬态检测自动切片人声,这些检测功能来自 Auto-Tune 的创建者。
Create With the Best
Explore a comprehensive and constantly updated library of exclusive vocal presets and samples from A-List producers and cutting-edge artists like Aaron Dessner (Taylor Swift, The National) and Bon Iver.
探索来自 A-List 制作人和前沿艺术家,如 Aaron Dessner(Taylor Swift,The National)和 Bon Iver 不断更新的独家人声预设和采样。
Altered States Of Sound
14 onboard effects including vintage analogue tube saturation, lush chorus, mutative ring modulation, and vocal doubling enable endless possibilities for manipulating samples.
14 种内置效果,包括复古模拟电子管饱和、浓郁的合唱、可变环形调制和人声叠加,为处理采样提供了无限可能。
14 种内置效果,包括复古模拟电子管饱和、浓郁的合唱、可变环形调制和人声叠加,为处理采样提供了无限可能。