
TAL Software 发布鼓机打击垫采样器插件 TAL-Drum
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TAL Software 以前发布过建模经典合成器、采样器和创意效果器插件,
这次发布了一个新的打击垫采样器插件,并且内置一堆鼓采样,与 Battery 非常相似。

TAL-Drum is an easy-to-use sampler for drums, short samples, and loops
inspired by the 80's drum samplers with a modern workflow.​

TAL-Drum 是一款易于使用的鼓、短采样和循环采样器,
灵感来自 80 年代的鼓采样器,具有现代工作流程。
Superfast workflow with sample, pad, and mapping drag and drop.
32 pads with 4 layers.
Up to 16 stereo outputs.
One LFO, spline envelope, amp AHDSR and two modulation AHDSR for every mapping.
Different time stretch modes (high quality Crisp or Smooth, Vintage AK4I Cycle mode)
Realtime LO-FI effects.
Slice editor.
Record audio and create samples directly in the plugin.
More than 20 Factory kits and more than 600 samples by Goldbaby, emptyvessel, Solidtrax and Saif Sameer (demo has one kit).
Most common audio formats supported (wav, aif, flac, ogg, mp3..).
Super lightweight. The installer only copies the plugin to the plug-in...​
VirHarmonic 发布全新的波西米亚小提琴 Bohemian Violin V4
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被认为是业界天花板级别之一的波西米亚小提琴在经历长久的跳票之后,终于放出了 V4 更新。
Bohemian Violin V4 更新的最大亮点显然是使用了全新的采样器引擎,从此告别龟速读取的噩梦。

Creating music has never been so easy, with the help of our Virtual Performer
making split second decisions based on your playing input, inspiring you to write lyrical lines like never before,
a Real Performance.​

Part of an expanding series of performers,
the Bohemian Violin was created to free you to perform real Violin Performances fast,
without the need to be a violinist yourself.​

To achieve realism, we recorded an unprecedented amount of...​
FeelYourSound 发布智能旋律生成器 ChilloutEngine
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ChilloutEngine turns your chord progressions into relaxed keys, smooth basslines, memorable hooks, and lovely arpeggios.
Feed ChilloutEngine with your chords and the plug-in generates authentic and professional MIDI patterns for you.
No fiddling around with mismatching MIDI packs anymore. All output will be in tune with your original chords!​

ChilloutEngine 将您的和弦进行转换为轻松的键、流畅的贝斯线、令人难忘的钩子和可爱的琶音。
用您的和弦输入 ChilloutEngine,插件会为您生成真实且专业的 MIDI 模式。
不再摆弄不匹配的 MIDI 包。所有输出都将与您的原始和弦保持一致!
New sparks of inspiration within seconds
Have you ever struggled with writer's block when you wrote a Chillout track?
Did the arpeggios feel lifeless? Were the keys "somewhat OK", and the melodies only so-so?
You can leave all this behind. ChilloutEngine is a plug-in (VST, AU)
that generates new relaxed keys, smooth basslines, and memorable hooks from your MIDI chord progressions automatically.​
Baby Audio 发布新一代混合算法混响插件 Crystalline
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Baby Audio 创意无处不在,再次打造新锐效果器插件。
Crystalline 被 Baby Audio 号称为下一代算法混响,为了帮你打造非真实的梦幻空间。

Make Space For Lushness
Crystalline is a new, state-of-the-art, reverb plugin with a pristine and modern sound.
Gives you unprecedented creative control to shape your reflections.
Lets you sync reverb start and decay times to your song's tempo.
An evolution of classic 20th century studio reverbs – fully upgraded for today.​

Crystalline 是一个新的、先进的混响插件,具有原始和现代的声音。
经典 20 世纪录音室混响的演变——在今天全面升级。


A Studio Reverb For The Current Era
A 'perfect algorithmic reverb' is often considered the holy grail of digital audio effects.
In fact, the idea can be traced all the way back to research papers from the 1960s.​

United Plugins 发布全方位的贝斯单块效果器箱 Bassment
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自从 United Plugins 的吉他单块效果箱 Electrum 大获成功之后,
旗下的 Muramasa 品牌这次为贝斯手带来了同类产品,
这个 Bassment 插件把贝斯手那一箱子单块都模拟插件化了!

Bass is the base
Of course, Bass is the fundament of music. And when guitarists got their Electrum, we simply had to create Bassment.
We built a multi-effect all-in-one one-screen bass solution around the most flexible bass amp that was ever made.
An amp that contains them all. You wish you could have this beast on stage.
Dream on, it won't happen. But you can still use it to get the most of your mixes.​

理所当然,低音是音乐的地基。 当吉他手拿到 Electrum 时,贝斯手现在也有了 Bassment。
一个包含所有这些的放大器。 你希望你能在舞台上看到这只野兽(硬件)。
做梦吧,这是不现实的。 但是你仍然可以使用它来充分利用你的混音。

Smart input setting
Hit Analyse Input Level button and hit the strings of your guitar as hard as you intend to play.
Bassment will set up the input level automatically to find the perfect...​
Waves 发布新的混音环境模拟插件 Nx Germano Studios New York
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Nx 系列是 Waves 一直在推广的虚拟工作室声学监听空间模拟系列,
自上次发布了著名的 Abbey Road Studio 3 之后,这次迎来了纽约著名的混音控制室:Germano Studios New York。

A Hit Factory in Your Headphones
Nx Germano Studios New York brings the A-list acoustics of the legendary NYC studio – originally known as The Hit Factory – to your own set of headphones.
Monitor your mixes in a precise model of the iconic control room, complete with its custom-built stereo and surround monitoring systems – so you can create better mixes, anywhere, anytime.​

Nx Germano Studios New York将传奇的纽约录音棚(最初名为The Hit Factory“金曲工厂”)的一流声学效果带到你的耳机当中。


From David Bowie, Stevie Wonder, the Rolling Stones,
Bruce Springsteen and Michael Jackson to Travis Scott, Kendrick Lamar, Rihanna, Post Malone, J Balvin and Kanye...​
Impact Soundworks 发布魅力女声乐句音色 Charisma Volume 1
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KONTAKT 平台大厂 Impact Soundworks 逐渐高产起来,
最新带来拥有众多乐句的小姐姐魅力影视风格人声音色 Charisma Volume 1。

Dive into bold cinematic experiences with Charisma Volume 1, where over a hundred ready-to-use, versatile vocal phrases await.
Featuring transcendently beautiful recordings in multiple keys, the phrases are easily searchable to quickly infuse your project with color and personality.
Written and performed by Elizabeth Zharoff, opera singer and founder of YouTube’s The Charismatic Voice.​

Charisma Volume 1 将带你沉浸在大胆的影视氛围中,其中有超过 100 个随时可用的多用途人声乐句等待着你。
由歌剧歌手兼某管魅力之声创始人 Elizabeth Zharoff 创作和演唱。
Opera singer and vocal coach Elizabeth Zharoff approaches every genre and style of singing with enthusiasm and an infectious joie de vivre.
We were immediately drawn to her pursuit of science-backed emotional impact through singing: getting deep into...​
Musical Sampling 发布怀旧抒情钢琴音色库 Memories Piano
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Despite an ocean of wonderful piano libraries available out there, we felt there was an important/useful flavor that is seldom explored.
Instead of capturing prestigious, perfectly tuned pianos – why not perfectly capture untuned, aged pianos?​

Between the unpredictable hammer action (oftentimes mandating 50+ takes per note),
carefully capturing useful piano ranges and selective/musical noise reduction – Atelier Series Memories Piano was no easy task to produce.​

仔细捕捉有用的钢琴范围和选择性/音乐降噪 - Atelier系列记忆钢琴的制作并不容易。
All of the aged intra-note tuning was left completely alone – but each note’s pitch/velocity was centered by ear in Kontakt.
What you end up with is a collection of three distinct pianos
that are perfectly suited for...​
ILIO 发布 Kontakt 钢锅鼓音色库 Andy Narell Steel Pans
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来自 Ellie Mannette 音源系列

The world’s foremost steel pan recording artist and the "father of the modern steel pan" have teamed up to create this definitive collection of Steel Pans.
There are five types of pans—each one a distinct voice of the steel orchestra.
In all, 22 instruments were recorded, presented in solo and ensemble combinations, and grouped to individual faders on the GUI console.
From steel band music to jazz, film scores to electro DJ music—Andy Narell Steel Pans
— The Ellie Mannette Collection will deliver authentic, beautiful sounding instruments.
Comes with Kontakt player engine, NKS compatible.​

总共录制了 22 种乐器,以独奏和合奏组合形式呈现,并在 GUI 控制台上分组到各个推子。
从钢带音乐到爵士乐,从电影配乐到电子 DJ 音乐——Andy Narell Steel Pans
——Ellie Mannette 系列将提供真实、优美的乐器。
使用 Kontakt Player 引擎,兼容 NKS。
Andy Narell Steel Pans — The Ellie Mannette...​
W.A.Production 发布饱和压缩器插件 Combustor
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COMBUSTER - Compression With Character
Presenting COMBUSTOR - a unique way to create personalized compressor timbres.
This inspirational effect features adaptive saturation processing
to add character and crunch to your audio, all within a single plugin.​

COMBUSTER - 有个性的压缩器
Every compressor, both hardware and software versions, has its own unique tonality.
This is due to the performance of the real-life circuitry or modelling in the virtual realm.
Now you can give your own audio the type of sweet saturation that your tracks deserve,
and create a bespoke character all your own.
COMBUSTOR features all the compressor controls you’d expect, and some surprises too,
with 5 different saturation models and generous options for sound shaping.
This plugin can add harmonics to bass lines, snap to...​
Evabeat 发布新一代 AI 智能旋律生成插件 Melody Sauce 2
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Melody Sauce(旋律调味酱)算是在专攻旋律方面的自动编曲插件中非常不错的了,
现在新一代的 Melody Sauce 2 面世,增加了更多的功能来帮助你自动生成旋律,并且无需再挂音色。

New Sounds, FX and Styles
Now a complete melody creation tool,
with a new Sound Engine of nearly 100 sounds and 3 built-in FX so you can hear melodies straight out of the box,
no need to route MIDI to other instruments.
Get instant results in your chosen style with the new Style Mode.
Choose from over 300 style settings for Hip Hop, Trap, EDM, House & Techno, Pop, Reggaeton and R&B.
Unique, unlimited melodies for your tracks in only a few clicks.​

具有近 100 种声音的新声音引擎和 3 种内置效果,因此您可以直接听到旋律,
无需将 MIDI 信号转接到其他的音色插件(1 代必须这么搞)。
从 Hip Hop、Trap、EDM、House & Techno、Pop、Reggaeton 和 R&B 的 300 多种风格设置中进行选择。
Never get stuck again
Designed by pros to help you level up your productions and smash through creative blocks. Fast!
Get creative...​
Martinic 升级 AX73 仿硬件建模合成器到 v1.1.0
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We have a new, updated version of the AX73 Synth plugin with added features!​

我们发布了一个新的、更新的 AX73 合成器插件版本,增加了一些功能!
In Version 1.1.0 of the AX73 plugin, we've added some exciting new features!
If you already own the AX73 plugin, you can download the latest version at the following links:​

在 1.1.0 版本的 AX73 插件中,我们增加了一些令人振奋的新功能!
如果你已经拥有 AX73 插件,你可以从以下链接下载最新版本。


In this new update, we've added:
The ability to navigate presets using the arrow...​
Toontrack 发布 EZKeys 电子音乐扩展音色库 Electronic Pop
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EZKeys 又有了新扩展,电子音乐专属音色。
EZKeys 从原本一个钢琴音源逐渐开始跨界,

EZkeys Electronic Pop presents an awe-inspiring patchwork of sounds specifically suited for modern electronic music production.
It features upwards of 200 individually crafted sonic textures engineered by Timofey Reznikov, DJ, producer
and composer from Belgium with cuts on platinum-selling albums by the likes of David Guetta, Regi and Dimitri Vegas.​

EZkeys Electronic Pop 呈现出令人惊叹的音色,特别适合现代电子音乐制作。
它具有超过 200 种由来自比利时的 DJ、制作人和作曲家 Timofey Reznikov 设计的单独制作的声音氛围,
以及 David Guetta、Regi 和 Dimitri Vegas 等白金销量专辑的编辑。
Covering anything from sounds based on hybrids of classic keyboards to creatively engineered effects, it was designed to offer a toolbox of the absolute go-to essentials.
The library includes 11 main categories of sounds which all feature its own unique selection of ready-made presets.
Expect a sonic palette of basses, leads...​
Initial Audio 发布部分产品 AAX 格式更新,包括 Heat Up 3
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Initial Audio 虽然被称为嘻哈音色之王,其产品精准定位编曲市场,似乎跟混音的 PRO TOOLS 没啥关系,
所以一直也没有支持 PRO TOOLS 专用的 AAX 格式,现在不一样了!嘻哈混音师上场,大量产品加入 AAX 支持!

we have just updated Heatup3, Slowmo and Reverse introducing aax plugin support and fixing minor bugs.
In order to download the updates login to my account at our website initialaudio.com
and navigate to the my updates tab at the left menu.​

我们刚刚更新了 Heatup3、Slowmo 和 Reverse,支持了 AAX 插件格式并修复了一些小问题。
为了下载更新,请在官方网站 initialaudio.com 上登录你的帐户,
Heatup3 - 3.4.0
*Introduces Pro Tools AAX plugin support​

Heatup3 - 3.4.0
*加入 Pro Tools AAX 插件支持
Reverse - 1.3.0 - 3.4.0
*Fixes an issue where the output could be mono in a certain format and daw
*Introduces Pro Tools AAX plugin support​

Reverse - 1.3.0 - 3.4.0
*修复了输出可能是某种格式的单声道和 daw 的问题
*加入 Pro Tools AAX 插件支持
Slowmo -...​
Best Service 携手 Sonuscore 发布影视配乐音色库 Dark Horizon
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Best Service 与 Sonuscore 两大巨头联合带来新的配乐音色库——Dark Horizon,
黑暗地平线风格、夹带大量的氛围、贝斯与实验电子音色,基于 KONTAKT PLAYER 使用。

The Cosmic Darkness
A journey into the future of sound turned dark and gritty fast.
In Best Service - Dark Horizon, by Sonuscore, Elysion’s famous ensemble engine has been hijacked, augmented, and vaporized.
With the drifting cosmic remains, Dark Horizon molds the future into a dystopian atmosphere of massive basses, cosmic arps, and drifting pads.
Turn simple chords into unreal, nightmarish space-scapes, while moving the mod-wheel bends time and transports you into the dark, disparate corners of eldritch furies.​

在 Sonuscore 与 Best Service - Dark Horizon 中,Elysion 著名的集成引擎已被劫持、增强和蒸发。
随着漂浮的宇宙遗迹,Dark Horizon 将未来塑造成一个由大量低音、宇宙琶音和漂移铺底组成的反乌托邦氛围。

Experience the diversity of 80 instantly...​
ProjectSAM 升级交响恐惧症二代 Symphobia 2 音色库到 V2.0
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自从 ProjectSAM 发布了 V2 引擎后,这些经典老产品一个个的在排队穿新衣,
今天终于轮到了著名的交响恐惧症 Symphobia 2,至此恐惧症 1 和 2 都已经完成 V2.0 进化。

Future proof. For Free.
Symphobia 1 and 2 version 2.0 are now both available!​

交响恐惧症1 和 交响恐惧症2 都已经升级到 V2.0 啦!


The new 2.0 versions of Symphobia 1 & 2 offer a completely modernized library experience,
with a new engine and design, all-in-one browser, new Multis, improved legato engine, envelopes and filters – and Adaptive Sync.
100% free update for all existing Symphobia 1 & Symphobia 2 users!​

交响恐惧症 1 和 2 的新 2.0 版本提供了完全现代化的音色库体验,
具有新的引擎和设计、一体化浏览器、新的多重复合音色、改进的连奏引擎、包络和滤波器 - 以及自适应同步功能。
所有现有 Symphobia 1 和 Symphobia 2 用户 100% 免费更新!

Native Instruments 发布随机化合成器 KONTAKT 音源 PLAYBOX
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音源巨头 Native Instruments 在 KONTAKT 平台再次带来创意现代音源 PLAYBOX,

A unique combination of handcrafted chords and multidimensional sound design
Over 200 chord sets give instant harmonic ideas that can be randomized and tweaked
Start and finish tracks with over 900 stunning samples, or load in sounds from any library​



Goodbye writers block, hello inspiration. Overflowing with samples, chord sets, effects, and presets, PLAYBOX comes loaded with everything you need to generate musical ideas.
From igniting your creativity, to providing the final layer to complete a...​
Native Instruments 宣布全新的授权管理工具 Native Access 2
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Native Access 是插件巨头 Native Instruments 的授权管理工具,
从现在起,全新的 Native Access 2.0 已经优先开放给订阅用户使用。

至发稿时为止,Native Access 2 还没有完全开放给用户下载使用,
据 NI 所述,当前的 Native Access 2 依然还是运行在一种最终的测试模式下,

本人拿到了 Native Access 2,并在自己的电脑上安装了。
我使用的是一台 PC 机,原本安装有 Native Access 1,
在安装 Native Access 2 时,安装程序会自动卸载 Native Access 1。

Native Access 2 Icon.png

Native Access 2 图标由最初的浅蓝色改为了浅紫色,

Native Access 2-1.jpg

进入 Native Access 2 后,你会发现使用的是全黑的配色,

Native Access 2-2.jpg

一项重要的改进,基于 KONTAKT 的音色库,以及基于 REAKTOR 的音色库,
这解决了一个大问题,一些对产品不熟悉的 KOMPLETE 用户在选择性安装的时候,

Native Access 2-3.jpg

当然,你甚至可以直接让它显示用于 KONTAKT 库的内容,
只显示 REAKTOR 音色库、
Nembrini Audio 发布箱头建模插件 Faceman 2-Channel Head
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专注于吉他箱头和机架处理器的专业插件品牌 Nembrini Audio 发布了 Faceman 2-Channel Head,
这是一款基于复古 Fender Bassman 1967 年的箱体建模插件,两个通道可以让吉他手和贝斯手和谐共处。

Faceman 2-Channel Head Guitar Amplifier plugin is based on a vintage Fender Bassman "blackface" year 1967
with rare 1x15 cabinet loaded with JBL* D130F speaker, made available by Rock 'n' Vintage musical instruments.​

Faceman 2-Channel Head Guitar Amplifier 插件基于 1967 年的老式 Fender Bassman “blackface”,
带有罕见的 1x15 箱体,装有 JBL* D130F 扬声器,由 Rock 'n' Vintage 乐器提供。
Though the original 1952 design was intended and marketed as a bass guitar amplifier,
guitar players all over quickly adopted these venerable amps as their own thanks to amazing breakup and beefy bottom end.
Two separate channels, each with its own distinctive sound.​

尽管一开始 1952 年的设计是作为贝斯放大器而生产的,但由于惊人的颗粒感和强劲的底频,

Cherry Audio 推出经典合成器综合建模插件 Dreamsynth
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Cherry Audio 推出的硬件合成器建模插件其凭借高水准低价格而备受赞誉,最新产品来袭!
这次与以前的不一样,以前每款 Cherry Audio 的合成器对应一个型号的硬件合成器,
这次的 Dreamsynth 根据 80 年代的几台著名的老合成器综合建模而成,可谓是多体合一的建模产品。

Cherry Audio's Dreamsynth is a tribute to the celebrated hybrid analog/digital synthesizers of the mid-to-late 1980s.
The innovative design blends flexible dual-wave morphing oscillators, stereo filters, fully polyphonic analog strings,
extensive and easy-to-use modulation, studio-quality effects, and MPE support, all in an elegant vintage-style synth interface.​

Cherry Audio 的 Dreamsynth 是对 1980 年代中后期著名的混合模拟/数字合成器的致敬。
全面且易于使用的调制、工作室级别的效果和 MPE 支持,所有这些都在优雅的复古风格合成器界面中。


An Era of Innovation
Dreamsynth draws its inspiration from renowned synths including the Ensoniq ESQ-1, the Kawai "K" series, and the Sequential...​