
AAS 发布 Lounge Lizard EP-4 全新空灵宇宙扩展库 Space Walk
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物理建模代表 AAS 为旗下电钢引擎 Lounge Lizard EP-4 加入了一套新的扩展音色库,
Space Walk 拥有大量飘渺空灵音色,适合大空间和宇宙音乐,也可以独立使用。

Prepare for a journey into the musical stratosphere with Space Walk for Lounge Lizard.
Crafted by long-time AAS collaborator Thiago Pinheiro,
these 100 presets take you on a sonic voyage through the stars
with otherworldly pads and keys, pulsing bells,
and soaring leads that will transport you to the far reaches of the universe.
Inspired by the boundless creativity of space exploration,
Space Walk stretches Lounge Lizard's capabilities,
thanks to clever use and abuse of the remarkable AAS effect rack section.
These sounds are both twisted and metallic, yet soft and emotional,
covering a wide spectrum of moods and tones.
Whether you're composing a cinematic score, producing ambient tracks,
or adding an otherworldly touch to your electronic music,
this constellation of sounds will take your creativity to new heights.
Embark on a...​
AcousticSamples 发布独奏木管系列音色库 VWinds Double Reeds
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AcousticSamples 在取得了建模和采样之间的技术融合精髓后先后发布了 VHorns 铜管和萨克斯系列,
现在,木管系列也来了,VWinds Double Reeds 包含了 4 类用于多种风格的木管独奏乐器。

After the VHorns Brass section and VHorns Saxophones, we’re delighted to be introducing the latest addition to the VSeries - VWinds Double Reeds!​

继 VHorns 铜管乐和 VHorns 萨克斯之后,我们很高兴地推出 VS 系列的最新产品:VWinds Double Reeds!

We sampled/modeled 2 Oboes, 2 English Horns (/Cor Anglais), 2 Bassoons and 1 Contrabassoon, each performed by different world-class musicians.
The two versions of the Oboe, Bassoon and English Horn are separately recorded individual instruments, to offer variety of tone and colour.​

我们采样/建模了 2 支双簧管、2 支英国管 (/Cor Anglais)、2 支巴松管和 1 支低音管,每支都由不同的世界级音乐家演奏。

Cherry Audio 发布老式电子管风琴音源 Novachord + Solovox
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Cherry Audio 这次将两个建模做到了一个产品中,
Novachord + Solovox 将为你带来经典的老式电子管风琴的音色!

The Novachord + Solovox collection emulates two early electronic instruments that were precursors of modern synthesizers.
Novachord is based on the revolutionary polyphonic instrument from 1939,
while Solovox replicates a related monophonic keyboard instrument intended to provide organ-style leads.
These exceedingly rare instruments set standards for tone generation
and synthesis techniques that continue to influence today’s electronic music instruments.​

Novachord+Solovox 系列模仿了两种早期的电子乐器,它们是现代合成器的前身。
Novachord 以 1939 年革命性的复音乐器为基础,
而 Solovox 则复刻了一种单音键盘乐器,从而带来管风琴风格的领奏。
Manufactured by the Hammond company from 1939 to 1942 and debuting at the World’s Fair,
the Novachord contained 163 vacuum tubes and over 1,000 custom capacitors.
Its divide-down oscillator architecture combined...​
Sampleson 推出多层演化音景配乐氛围插件 Sandstorm
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Sampleson 自从上次推出了外星人题材的配乐音源后,这次继续推出了末世沙漠风题材……
Sandstorm 是一个多层演化音景配乐氛围插件,适合创作不断变化的声音景观氛围。

SANDSTORM is a massive soundscape and atmosphere creator that produces huge and evolving ambients and textures by stacking up to 17 high-quality layers of sound.​

SANDSTORM 是一个巨大的音景和氛围创造器,它通过堆叠多达 17 个高质量的音色层来产生巨大且不断变化的环境和氛围声。
From Orchestral Instruments to Analog Synths, Granular and Wavetable modules, SANDSTORM can create impressive textures and ambients in seconds.​

从管弦乐器到模拟合成器、粒子合成器与波表模块,SANDSTORM 可以在几秒钟内渲染令人印象深刻的氛围和环境。


SANDSTORM can create unique multi source sounds that will allow you to rapidly try many variations and ideas for a movie passage or game scene.​
Sonuscore 发布凯尔特竖琴 KONTAKT 音色库 Celestial Harp
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Sonuscore 带来了一款基于 KONTAKT 的凯尔特竖琴音色 Celestial Harp。

For many people who grew up playing video games,
their first experience really listening and taking pleasure in harp music
may have been from the Legend of Zelda games,
where the Celtic harp played a prominent role in Koji Kondo’s soundtracks.​

The Legend of Zelda games are now considered as having been one of the biggest influences on game music,
setting the sound for fantasy soundtracks across the board.
From A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time to the latest Breath of the Wild,
Kondo’s, and later Eric Bucholz’s, scores served to not only advance the in-game playing experience,
but also to define the fantasy soundtrack genre itself.​

Soundtoys 发布建模了 5 种硬件的超级板式混响插件 Superplate
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备受欢迎的插件行业知名品牌 Soundtoys 历经好几年终于出新,
SuperPlate 是一个建模了 5 种经典板式混响的全新插件,号称 “ 超级板式”!

Electromechanical Plate Reverb
Five classic plate reverb models. Infinite possibilities.​

SuperPlate brings the unique tonal character of five classic electromechanical plate reverbs into your studio.
without the massive investment and back-breaking weight of the originals.
Its advanced algorithms capture a level of unmatched realism and versatility and create luscious, expansive effects.​

SuperPlate 将五种经典电气板式混响的独特音色特性带入你的工作室。
At the core of SuperPlate are meticulous models of the EMT 140, EMT 240, Audicon, Stocktronics RX4000, and EcoPlate III reverb units.
Its three different flavors of analog coloration – Tube, Solid-State and Clean – can be used in combination with any of...​
Evabeat 升级 MelodySauce 到 V2.1.0,带来众多新功能!
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Melody Sauce(旋律调味酱)算是在专攻旋律方面的自动编曲插件中非常不错的了,
现在新一代的 Melody Sauce 2 面世,增加了更多的功能来帮助你自动生成旋律,并且无需再挂音色。
Evabeat在最新的免费更新中添加了一系列新功能,使 Melody Sauce 2 更加用户友好。

There are now 3 general modes to select from:​

现在有 3 种通用模式可供选择:
CREATE mode: this is Melody Sauce’s current standard operation
- create melodies or play the melodies you have created inside the plugin.
Melodies will play via the internal midi-generation engine using the plugin’s sounds.​

CREATE模式:这是 Melody Sauce 当前的标准操作
- 创建旋律或播放您在插件中创建的旋律。
旋律将使用插件的声音通过内部 midi 生成引擎播放。
DAW MIDI mode: this new mode allows Melody Sauce 2 to play incoming midi from your DAW,
so any midi placed on the same track as Melody Sauce 2 will be played by the plugin’s sounds.
This means you can drag midi melodies from the plugin to your DAW and Melody Sauce 2 will play these directly from the DAW.
This also allows you to use...​
Slate Digital 发布 Scott 签名多功能效果器插件 Storch Filter
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Slate Digital 继续傍上格莱美大师 Scott Storch 搞出又一款签名插件 Storch Filter,
Storch Filter 是一个带有多重效果的易用型效果器插件,其理念是结合滤波器玩出新花样!

Born out of a dynamic partnership between Slate Digital and Grammy®-nominated, multi-platinum record producer Scott Storch,
Storch Filter is a must-have production tool that makes adding excitement and freshness to your sound easy.​

Storch Filter 诞生于 Slate Digital 和获得格莱美奖提名的白金唱片制作人 Scott Storch 之间充满活力的合作伙伴关系,

With five built-in effects, an autofilter, and presets crafted by Scott himself,
Storch Filter instantly streamlines your workflow.
Whether you’re working on a thumping hip-hop track or a silky R&B ballad,
Storch Filter is the perfect tool to inspire creativity without compromise.​

Storch Filter 具有五种内置效果、一个自动滤波器和由 Scott 亲自制作的预设,
PSound 发布 Fazioli F278 型三角大钢琴音色库 Gran Coda
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做手风琴音色库起家的 PSound 突然放出一猛货:Fazioli 法奇奥里三角大钢琴音色库 Gran Coda!
Gran Coda 基于 UVI 引擎,拥有多个位置的麦克风采样,并且号称是 Fazioli 官方唯一授权音色库。

GRAN CODA is a new approach in making a virtual grand piano.
For the first time a virtual instrument was created in collaboration with the manufacturer:
Fazioli Pianoforti (Sacile, Italy).​

GRAN CODA 是一个全新制作的虚拟三角钢琴音源。
Fazioli Pianoforti(意大利萨西尔)。

GRAN CODA was recorded in Sacile at the Fazioli Concert Hall and the piano was prepared by Fazioli technicians.
The selected model F278 is the resident Grand Piano of the Fazioli Concert Hall
and it was inaugurated in 2005 by a great italian pianist: Aldo Ciccolini.​

GRAN CODA 是在 Sacile 的 Fazioli 音乐厅中录制的,钢琴由 Fazioli 技术人员提供。
所选型号 F278 是 Fazioli 音乐厅的驻场三角钢琴,
由一位伟大的意大利钢琴家 Aldo Ciccolini 于2005年揭幕。

Boz Digital Labs 发布新一代 Big / Little Clipper 2 修剪器插件
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Clipper 是用于修剪峰值信号的特殊工具,即可以扩大母带响度也能打造失真音色。
Boz Digital Labs 已将 Big Clipper 和 Little Clipper 升级到 2 代, 增强了失真能力。
Little Clipper 2 是精简版,直接购买完整版 Big Clipper 2 则还会获得精简版。

Distortion is one of the most powerful tools in an engineer’s toolbox.
When used subtly, it can enhance even the cleanest acoustic instruments.
When used with a heavy hand, it can increase aggression and loudness.
But like all powerful tools, if you use it wrong, it can have disastrous consequences.​

Big Clipper gives you the tools to hone in your distortion to give it just the right flavor of harmonics.
From a soft, warm overdrive to crushing, bitey clipping, Big Clipper does it all and lets you easily dial it in.​

Big Clipper 为你提供了磨练失真的工具,为声音提供恰到好处的谐波染色。
从柔和、温暖的过载到破碎、强烈的削波,Big Clipper 都能做到,让你轻松驾驭。

Zynaptiq 发布新一代声码器插件 Orange Vocoder IV
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知名声音设计插件品牌 Zynaptiq 发布了新一代的声码器产品 Orange Vocoder IV,
Orange Vocoder 多年以来一直是一款标杆级的声码器插件,这次更新会更加强大!

ORANGE VOCODER IV: Vocoding, zynaptified.
Combining the most comprehensive and best-sounding set of vocoding algorithms available today with laser-like pitch control effects,
a powerful synthesizer, audio freezing, a super fun and efficient workflow, and tons more,
ORANGE VOCODER IV is - quite simply - the ultimate vocoder plug-in.​

ORANGE VOCODER IV:声音编码,经由 Zynaptified 出品。
ORANGE VOCODER IV 将目前最全面、最好听的声码算法与激光般精确的音高控制效果,
很明显,ORANGE VOCODER IV 是目前最出色的声码器插件。


When it comes to creating that new vocal sound, making far-out sound effects and organic* robot and creature voices,
sculpting colourfully mutated music grooves, or whatever else you can dream up: this...​
Soundiron 发布教堂气动管风琴音色库 Orrville Pipe Organ
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Soundiron 总是在各种地方寻找乐器采样,我已经数不清这是他们采的第几台管风琴了。
Orrville Pipe Organ 是由古老的尚茨管风琴公司于 1963 年为俄亥俄州奥维尔第一长老会教堂建造的。

Orrville Pipe Organ is a classic pneumatic pipe organ
with 1,224 pipes, 21 ranks, 3 divisions, 2 manuals, 18 stops and 31 registers.
It was built for the First Presbyterian Church of Orrville, Ohio in 1963 by the venerable Schantz Organ Company.​

Orrville Pipe Organ 是一款经典的气动管风琴,
具有 1,224 根管子、21 个音列、3 个分区、2 组手挡、18 个音栓和 31 种音栓组合。
它于 1963 年由著名的 Schantz Organ Company 为俄亥俄州奥尔维尔的第一长老会教堂建造。


With a robust and mighty sound, it's a much more elaborate and powerful instrument than you'd typically expect to find in a smaller rural church like this one,
allowing the sound to completely fill the space with an epic presence and grand tonal body.
However, that all might be explained by the fact...​
Pulsar Audio 发布建模 GML 8200 EQ 均衡器插件 Pulsar 8200
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GML 8200 EQ 是一款著名的硬件均衡器,现在已被 Pulsar Audio 精确建模,
除开一贯的高品质还原原始硬件外,Pulsar 8200 还加入了更多的原创功能。

Pulsar 8200 is a faithful emulation of the legendary GML 8200 designed by George Massenburg*,
the inventor of the parametric EQ. Full EQ control is a formality today, but it was a dazzling novelty back in the days.​

Pulsar 8200 是对参量 EQ 的发明者 George Massenburg 设计的传奇 GML 8200 的忠实建模。
完全的 EQ 控制在今天是一种形式,但在过去却是令人眼花缭乱的新奇事物。
Just like the original machine, Pulsar 8200 gives you a tight and solid low end, a crystalline high end, and surgical control over the frequency spectrum.
He perfectly replicates the all-discrete, Class-A analog electronics that made the original machine famous in the 80s, and still used today.​

就像原始硬件一样,Pulsar 8200 为你提供了高密度而结实的低频、晶莹剔透的高频以及对频率的手术级精密控制。
他精确地复制了使原始硬件在 80 年代闻名并至今仍在使用的全分立式 A 类模拟电子设备。
Its parallel topology...​
Musical Sampling 发布情感连奏尼龙吉他音色库 Nylon Rustique
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Musical Sampling 再次带来独奏声学乐器音色库,这次是古典吉他 Nylon Rustique。
Nylon Rustique 是一个适合于表达慢速情感音乐的音色,可以通过力度和调制轮来控制演奏法。

Nylon Rustique is an emotional legato nylon guitar library for Kontakt.
We wanted to produce an instrument that would suit delicate, emotional lines for slower/moderate-tempo contexts;
all housed in a keyswitchless patch.​

Nylon Rustique 是 Kontakt 上的一个情感连奏尼龙吉他音色库。

To achieve this, we captured three legato types – each activated by velocity.
The primary range plays the plucked natural legato performances,
the high velocity range triggers the slides with no pluck samples (up to a whole-step for these) ,
and the lower velocities activate the slides with pluck articulation– the speed of which can be controlled by the modwheel.​

Rob Papen 发布新一代建模模拟合成器的新版本 B.I.T. 2.0
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历史悠久的合成器插件专业户 Rob Papen 曾经在几个月前发布 eXplorer-8 时提到过,
旗下的建模模拟合成器插件 B.I.T 将会迎来 2.0 全新版本,此升级版本现在已经放出。

BIT stands for Back In Time… and now we move to time travel level 2!
Instead of combining the best of analogue modeling with hybrid synthesis in which you can see with the other Rob Papen synthesizers,
BIT-2’s main focus is on analogue Modelled Synthesis.​

BIT 代表 Back In Time(回到过去)现在我们要进入第二阶的时光旅行!
BIT-2 并不像其他 Rob Papen 合成器一样将建模模拟与混合合成的优点结合起来,
The idea behind BIT-2 is that the classic analogue type of synthesis has its own charm
and simply has not yet been covered in this form by the Rob Papen brand.
Although BIT-2 has no patch cables, it is modular by all means!
The Modulation Matrix is used for the patching, however also included is the smart ‘advanced’ panel below the Oscillators.
With these advanced features (accessed by switching the ADV switch),
you can quickly make several...​
UVI 发布卡哇伊合成器和鼓机的采样库 KAWAI Vintage Legacy
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KAWAI 作为一家著名的乐器制造商,在早年曾经发布过一系列经典的电子乐器(合成器与鼓机),
现在 UVI 将他们做成了音色库,一共采样了 5 个经典型号,以 KAWAI Vintage Legacy 之名推出。

4 synths and 1 drum module explore the vintage sounds of KAWAI
1,400 presets deliver the authentic analog sounds of real hardware
Rich and charactered sounds - play, edit, layer, or design your own!​

探索 KAWAI 4 个合成器和 1 个鼓机的复古之声
1,400 个预设提供原始硬件的真实模拟音色
丰富而有个性的声音 - 播放、编辑、叠加或声音设计!
KAWAI Vintage Legacy is a collection of 5 instruments, featuring hand-crafted synthesizers and a drum module, created for music production of any style.
Based on vintage KAWAI synthesizers from the 1980s, these instruments may not be as well-known today,
but their sounds feature a distinct character and unique edge that make them a true hidden gem for today's producers and composers.​

KAWAI Vintage Legacy 是 5 种乐器的集合,具有精心制作的合成器和鼓机模块,专为任何风格的音乐制作而创建。
它基于 1980 年代的老式...​
United Plugins 发布双声道信号分离延迟插件 Pluralis
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United Plugins 旗下的 Soundevice Digital 发布了一个狠货:可以做信号分离的延迟插件 Pluralis。
它能基于多种方式对信号进行分离延迟,例如让中间的人声跑 4 分音符延迟,两边的吉他跑 8 分音符延迟。

Out of one, many
Pluralis is a delay plugin like no other.
With Pluralis, you can get delays and effects you might only have dreamed about in the past.
It features a unique layered delay design with several modes to split the signal.
You can apply different delays to different parts of your audio and get results previously unheard of.​

Pluralis 是一个与众不同的延迟插件。
使用 Pluralis,你可以获得曾经梦寐以求的延迟和效果。
Two regular delays
As well as its unique signal-splitting actions and delay design,
Pluralis features two regular delays with standard controls for Time, Feedback, Colour and more,
so you can get exceptional mix-ready delays too.
So, get fantastic, standard delays when you need them, or…​

Baby Audio 发布首款 CS01 建模模拟合成器插件 BA-1
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新潮效果器插件品牌 Baby Audio 居然搞起了音源插件的生意,
第一款 Baby Audio 音源插件 BA-1 建模了 80 年代模拟合成器 CS01。

A Synth With A Soul
BA-1 is our modern re-imagination of a cultish 1982 analog synth that looked like a toy but sounded like a beast.
It brings you pure and authentic textures that are fast to program and dripping with color.​

BA-1 是对 1982 年流行的模拟合成器的现代重新想象,它看起来像玩具,但听起来像野兽。

BA-1 is based on a portable 1980s synth with a toylike appearance and a gritty sound.
Despite its small size, it left a big mark on music history, while still flying somewhat under the hype radar.
The original has been used as a secret weapon for bubbly synth textures by some of Sweden’s most successful pop producers of the past two decades.
It was also a staple of 1990s digital dancehall and beloved by the indietronica scene for its raw lo-fi quality.
Toontrack 发布全新一代的自动演奏钢琴音源 EZKeys 2
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Toontrack 的拳头产品之一:EZKeys 现在马上迎来全新的第 2 代!
这款全新的 EZKeys 2 将包含新采样的法奇奥里大钢琴作为核心音色。

In May, we open the door to the next generation of EZkeys.
Ready to write, play and create?
Welcome in and meet your new piano player.​

五月份,我们将为你打开 EZkeys 的下一代大门。


Fully resizable and scalable interface
Bandmate: Get chords and grooves based on your own audio or MIDI
Onboard grid editor with humanization, scale matching, timing features and more
Tap2Find: Get grooves based on the rhythm and notes you input
An all-new grand piano recorded using a wide range of microphones and ambiences
Mix-ready presets for a broad range of styles and sounds
An all-new MIDI library covering different playing styles and music genres
New business model: Software...​
Soundiron 发布独奏杜杜卡笛 KONTAKT 音色库 Solo Duduk
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Soundiron 这次带来了一个很好听的新音色库:Solo Duduk(独奏杜杜卡笛),

Solo Duduk is an ancient double reed wind instrument made from aged apricot wood.
This wood is traditionally chosen for its soft pleasant feel and rich, warm resonance,
perfect for creating mournful timbres and expressive dynamics that subtly mimic a wailing voice.
Indigenous to Armenia, the duduk is among the very oldest double reed woodwinds, with earliest instruments made entirely out of bone or cane.​

Solo Duduk 是一种古老的双簧吹奏管乐器,由陈年杏木制成。


It is commonly played in pairs: while the first player performs the melody, the second holds a steady drone called dum.
The sound is similar to an English horn, with a...​