
Musical Sampling 发布双重小号领奏音色 Atelier Orb Trumpets
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Musical Sampling 的 Atelier Series 系列将是一系列精彩的乐器/人声独立音色库,
Atelier Series Orb Trumpets 是一组由两把小号组成的齐奏音色,适合领奏旋律。

Orb Trumpets is a proof-of-concept release that is created entirely out of performances.​

Orb Trumpets 是一个新概念音源,完全根据演奏创建。
Recorded in Orb Studios in Austin, TX – the goal was to create a trumpet patch
that took our Adventure-style programming techniques to a more natural-sounding level using samples derived from phrases.
It’s trickier to program and hone, but the resulting fluidity is compelling.​

在德克萨斯州奥斯汀的 Orb Studios 录制 - 目标是创建一个小号音色库,
使用从乐句中派生的采样将我们的 Adventure 风格编程技术提升到更自然的水平。


Like our larger orchestral releases, the Adventure-style programming requires no keyswitching.
For quicker notes, you’re...​
LANDR 发布虚拟吉他演奏素材音源插件 LANDR Guitar
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LANDR 显然要在 Loop 素材工具的道路上越走越远,现在已经开始为单独的乐器提供专用插件了,
LANDR Guitar 是继风格素材插件 Chromatic 之后,第一个专注于吉他演奏素材的音色插件。

The Multi-Genre Guitar for All Producers
Use this virtual instrument to seamlessly incorporate guitar riffs recorded by top session and headline guitarists into your music.
You can quickly find and create the ideal guitar flourishes for your track thanks to the carefully curated loops, embellishments,
and effects that cater to a wide range of musical genres and playing techniques.
A wide variety of top-notch sounds are available and waiting to be discovered, played, and effortlessly included into your next masterpiece,
helping you to quickly and easily bridge the gap between idea and reality.​

The LANDR Guitar's straightforward yet...​
ISW 吉他天团再添猛将!新品 Shreddage 3 Telos 骨折上货中!
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再次谈起 Impact Soundworks 吉他天团!


这个月,Impact Soundworks再给吉他天团增添一员猛将:Shreddage 3 Telos。
它来自于著名的Fender Telecaster电吉他采样。
虽然我们知道在吉他天团中已经有一个Fender琴采样是Shreddage 3 Stratus,
并且Shreddage 3 Stratus也是整个吉他天团系列里面卖得最好的一款。
不过绝对明确的讲,Shreddage 3 Stratus与Shreddage 3 Telos虽然都是Fender,

几十年来,Telecaster 一直是摇滚、蓝调、乡村、爵士、放克等音乐的御用琴。
现在,通过 ISW 强大的 Shreddage 3.5 引擎,
Shreddage 3 Telos 为你的作品带来了经典的声音,具有逼真的界面和轻松的工作流程。
Shreddage 3 Telos精心录制了这个摇滚传奇的每一个细节,
如果你只选择一把虚拟吉他,那就选择 Telos。

Shreddage 3 Telos 细节

Telecaster 在摇滚、蓝调、朋克、乡村和爵士乐中的突出地位怎么强调都不为过。
Tele 一直是 ISW 的 Shreddage 系列中的一个长期要求的补充,
现在 ISW 很高兴为你带来 Shreddage 3 Telos。
凭借其巨大的声音多样性,Telecaster 成为众多流派的主力并非偶然。
如果你是 Shreddage...​
Presonus 发布 Studio One 6.1 更新!
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Presonus Studio One 更新到 6.1,

Industry-Leading Lyrics Integration Add lyrics to your scores, songs, productions, and live performances.​

行业领先的歌词整合 将歌词添加到您的乐谱、歌曲、作品和现场表演中。
Whether you’re creating lead sheets with the Score Editor
or adding lyrics as guideposts to your audio productions, you’ll find a use for the Lyrics Track.
Lyrics can even be transferred to the Show Page to use during rehearsals or on those long-haul performances.​

歌词甚至可以传输到 Show Page,以便在排练或长途表演中使用。


Studio One Remote is now fully compatible with Studio One 6,
supporting all new features and offering even tighter integration.
Studio One Remote is available for iOS, Android, and...​
Sonible 发布 Pure Comp 和 Pure Verb,三款插件凑成 Pure Bundle
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Sonible 在去年发布了主打简单易用的 Pure Limit 风格创作限制器插件后,
现在又为这个系列新增了压缩器 Pure Comp 和混响器 Pure Verb,
这三款插件也被组成了一个套装 Pure Bundle 并进行首发促销。

pure:limit effortlessly tames peaks, balances dynamics and finds the right level for your mix – all at the touch of one button.​

pure:limit 简单轻松的驯服峰值、平衡动态并为你的混音找到合适的电平——所有这些都只需按一下按钮。
Polishing without the grind . Optimize for all genres of music including podcasts
pure:limit is the right limiter when your time, focus or workflow requires a tool that delivers straightforward results.
No matter whether your mix features soulful vocals, bass heavy samples, distorted guitars or a smooth podcast voice.
pure:limit has got you covered with its selection of intelligent, genre-based profiles.​

更加丝滑 优化所有类型的音乐,包括主播
当你的时间、注意力或工作流程需要一个能够提供直接出效果的工具时,pure:limit 是正确的限制器。
pure:limit 都能为你提供智能的、基于风格的配置文件选择。...​
Soundiron 发布 Iron Pack 5 Baritone Guitar 中音吉他音色库
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Soundiron 继续将 Iron Pack 进行重新升级,这次轮到了 Iron Pack 5:Baritone Guitar。
Baritone Guitar 也叫中音吉他,是一种罕见的介于吉他和贝斯之间的特殊吉他。

Iron Pack 5 uses electric baritone guitar multi-sample recordings, with 12 plucked 6-string notes, pads and atmospheric instruments.
The natural plucked sustain presets encompass the guitar's natural range, while the ambient presets take you to another world.​

Iron Pack 5 使用中音电吉他多采样录音,带有 12 个以 6 弦吉他弹拨为基础的大气铺底音色。


The Iron Pack series is a line of compact, affordable, unique
and great-sounding virtual instrument libraries for Kontakt and universal SFZ formats.​

Iron Pack 系列是用于 Kontakt 和通用 SFZ 格式的

Boz Digital Labs 发布算法脉冲双模式弹簧混响插件 ReCoil
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Boz Digital Labs 以独特的视角开发混音和音频特效插件,这次新作品是一个弹簧混响 ReCoil。
ReCoil 的特点是带有算法和脉冲双模式,并且可以选择 3 个不同种类的弹簧来塑造弹簧混响声。

ReCoil gives you the authentic sound of real spring reverbs without the hassle, noise or limitations.​

ReCoil 为你提供真正的弹簧混响的真实声音,没有烦恼、噪音或限制。
Spring reverbs have always had a bit of a sketchy reputation in the music world.
They are untweakable, noisy, physically delicate and make clanky sounds when you kick your guitar amp.
But despite their shortcomings, one thing is for sure: their characteristic boingy sound has cemented their place in history.
Love them or hate them, spring reverbs instantly give any instrument an undeniably vintage vibe.​


UVI 发布现代创意型全参数移相器插件 Phasor
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UVI 继续完善旗下的效果器插件产品线,这次带来了强大的移相器插件。
与那些兄弟产品一样,Phasor 是一个具有特色的现代移相器,美观且强大。

Advanced phaser with exceptional sound quality
Multimode design with fully-parametric LFO
Easy-to-use interface with helpful visualization​

Phasor is a powerful and dynamic studio tool, offering up a broad palette of modulation, filtering,
and distortion effects thanks to its unique multimode design and deeply configurable parametric LFO.
From buttery stereo field enhancement, to rhythmic reinforcement with tweakable LFO waveshape and swing,
to more creative and specialized effects utilizing min and max frequency range, feedback, and drive,
Phasor is featured and easy-to-use, delivering exceptional sound quality across a wide range of sweet spots.​

Phasor 是一个强大的动态工作室工具,由于其独特的多模式设计和可自由配置的参数低频振荡器,
DDMF 发布特别优化线性相位的旗舰级均衡器插件 GrandEQ
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这应该是 DDMF 发布的第 5 个 EQ 插件了,按照 DDMF 所说,这个将代表着 DDMF EQ 的终极水平,
其说法是,GrandEQ 能够在数字领域面临的低采样率超高频问题上提供一种优化曲线以带来相位优势。

GrandEQ is nothing else but the culmination of what we here at DDMF have learned in the years since the first software EQ was released back in 2006.
It represents the state of the art of equalizer algorithms.​

GrandEQ 是我们 DDMF 自 2006 年发布第一个软件 EQ 以来多年来所学知识的结晶。


The goal in digital equalizer design is always to reduce the amount of digital artefacts which are introduced due to the necessarily finite sampling frequency.
In its minimum phase setting, GrandEQ manages to do just that to an extent larger than most other EQs,
and notably both in the amplitude and in the phase domain, while introducing only a very small amount of latency.
The result is a very open and clear...​
Antares 发布智能人声压缩插件 Auto-Tune Vocal Compressor
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大名鼎鼎的 Antares 再次凭借 Auto-Tune 的影响力扩展效果器的覆盖面,
在 Auto-Tune Vocal EQ 大获成功之后,Auto-Tune Vocal Compressor 压缩也随之而来!

Dual-Stage Vocal Compression With Machine Learning
Auto-Tune Vocal Compressor combines the most popular vocal compression styles and controls into one powerful plug-in.​

Auto-Tune Vocal Compressor 将最流行的人声压缩风格和控制组合到一个强大的插件中。


Introducing Auto-Tune Vocal Compressor
Auto-Tune Vocal Compressor is an advanced dual-stage compressor for modern vocal production.
Key compression styles driven by next-generation machine learning make finding the best compression settings fast and easy.​

介绍 Auto-Tune Vocal Compressor
Auto-Tune Vocal Compressor 是一个用于现代人声制作的高级双级压缩器。

AAS 发布 Strum GS-2 现代嘻哈吉他扩展音色包 Hop Riffs
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物理建模代表 AAS 带来了一个基于 Strum GS-2 引擎的新吉他扩展音色包 Hop Riffs,
Hop Riffs 拥有时髦的吉他音色,用于现代嘻哈风格非常合适,是不可多得的优质扩展!

Get ready to add some serious guitar goodness to your hip hop production with ease, no guitar playing skills required.
Resident sound designer Niall McCallum returns with Hop Riffs—a Strum GS sound set
tailored to discriminating hip hop beatmakers and producers in dire need of guitar flavor.
Feel the groove take over your arrangements with this laid-back collection inspired by the modern wave of LoFi hip hop flooding the internet,
as well as pioneers of the genre's classic 90s boom bap period.
Hop Riffs features 12 hip hop sub-genres, 84 guitar presets, and 84 strumming patterns playable with your own chord progressions.​

常驻声音设计师 Niall McCallum 带着 Hop Riffs 回归——这是一套 Strum GS 音色库,
通过这个嘻哈的音色感受节奏接管你的编曲,灵感来自现代 LoFi 嘻哈浪潮充斥着互联网,
以及该流派的经典 90...​
Cherry Audio 发布精确建模经典 Jupiter-6 合成器插件 Mercury-6
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在 Mercury-4 大获成功之后,Cherry Audio 继续致敬 Roland 经典合成器 Jupiter 系列,
这款新插件名为 Mercury-6,显然,这款插件致敬的是经典的 Roland Jupiter-6 合成器。

Mercury-6 is a meticulous recreation of the Jupiter-6 analog synthesizer, just in time for its 40th anniversary!
Sandwiched between the earlier Jupiter-4 and Jupiter-8 models in name only, the sophisticated Jupiter-6 has sometimes been considered a sleeper release.
These days, it has persevered to become one of Roland's most notable and coveted classic synthesizers due to its distinctive dark and complex character.
Mercury-6 captures all that is exceptional in this treasured polyphonic classic, boosts its extraordinary feature set for today's DAW production and workflow,
and celebrates the ground-breaking innovation from the era that changed music forever.
If you've long yearned to explore the Jupiter-6, you'll love Mercury-6!​

Mercury-6 是 Jupiter-6 模拟合成器的精确再现,正好赶上它的 40 周年!
仅在名称上夹在较早的 Jupiter-4 和...​
Gforce 发布新版 Minimoog 合成器建模插件 Minimonsta 2
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Gforce Software 早在 15 年前就发布了 Minimoog 合成器建模插件 Minimonsta,
在经过了如此长时间的岁月冲刷之后,最新版本的 Minimonsta 2 来了!

When we first released it, the original Minimonsta gained heavy praise from fans and critics
alike for providing an extraordinarily accurate sonic replication of the legendary Model D®.​

当我们首次发布时,最早的 Minimonsta 获得了粉丝和评论家的一致好评,
因为它提供了对传奇 Model D® 极其准确的声音建模。


But it went much further, augmenting the simplicity of the original design
with a host of new features that allowed the deeply familiar tones to be pushed into previously unexplored sonic realms.​

Minimonsta2 retains the fundamental architecture at...​
Synthogy 发布象牙钢琴 3 代第一款琴 Ivory 3 German D
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曾经声名大噪的采样钢琴之王象牙钢琴 2 在征战了十余年之久后终于更新到了第 3 代!
Synthogy 刚刚发布了第一款 3 代采样象牙钢琴音源 German D,并且目前只支持 Mac 系统。

The debut product for the Ivory 3 platform features the custom RGB Engine, a powerful, expressive new technology that behaves like modeling, yet with the realism of digital sampling.
All new recordings of an exceptional German Steinway® D Concert Grand, beautifully captured in multiple microphone perspectives, are brought to life here in the Ivory 3 engine.​

象牙 3 德式钢琴代表 D
Ivory 3 平台的首款产品采用定制 RGB 引擎,这是一种功能强大、表现力强的新技术,其行为类似于建模,但具有数字采样的真实感。
出色的德国施坦威® D 音乐会三角钢琴的所有新录音,以多个麦克风视角精美采样,在 Ivory 3 引擎中栩栩如生。
Introducing Ivory 3 German D, the debut product in our newest generation of Ivory software instruments.
Ivory 3 represents a major leap in virtual piano recreation, and the platform offers some truly ground-breaking tech and features.
At the heart of this technology is our new RGB engine...​
Soundiron 发布古希腊综合音色库 Ancient Greek Compendium
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Soundiron 曾经发布过几款古希腊地区的民族音色库 Ancient Greek 系列,
包括弦乐、管乐、打击乐,现在他们全部融合成一个完整的库:Ancient Greek Compendium。

Ancient Greek Compendium is a grand trio of products: Ancient Greek Strings, Winds, and Percussion.
Explore the oldest roots of Western musical traditions, stretching back thousands of years – and likely with roots that easily predate all of recorded history.
Each instrument was handcrafted using period-accurate methods, building materials, and tools by the Athens-based historical research group LyrΑvlos, led by Panagiotis Stefos.
LyrAvlos played each instrument, all recorded in exquisite detail by producer John Valasis.​

Ancient Greek Compendium 包括了三套产品:Ancient Greek Strings、Winds 和 Percussion。
每件乐器都是由 Panagiotis Stefos 领导的雅典历史研究小组 LyrΑvlos 使用准确时期的方法、建筑材料和工具手工制作的。
LyrAvlos 演奏了每一种乐器,制作人约翰·瓦拉西斯 (John Valasis) 对所有这些乐器都进行了精密的录音。

UVI 发布八声部民族打击乐节奏音色库 Percussion Factory
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在 UVI 的八声部电鼓节奏音源 Drum Designer 大获成功之后,UVI 继续带来一个类似理念的产品。
Percussion Factory 就是以民族打击乐为样本的音色库,用于快速制作强大的民族打击乐节奏。

Advanced 8-part engine with innovative smart features
Over 500 hand-crafted presets and 1000+ percussion sounds
Expressive instrument with performance keys and real-time modifiers​

具有创新智能功能的高级 8 声部引擎
超过 500 个设计的预设和 1000 多种打击乐音色

Creativity first.
Percussion Factory was designed to be a modern all-in-one solution for creative percussion sounds, sequences,
and performance equipped with an advanced engine offering intelligent preset generation, real-time sequence modifiers, morphable groove, a creative topology outfitted for sound design,
over 1,000 percussion sounds, 4,000+ sequences capturing traditional music styles from around the world, native user sample support, and much more.​
Soundiron 发布老旧立式钢琴音色库 Old Busted Granny Piano
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Soundiron 现在推出了一套这样的钢琴音色,Old Busted Granny Piano 让你演奏出岁月的味道。

Our old busted Granny Piano captures the heart and soul of an old, run-down upright piano with rickety keys,
a few broken strings and many decades of hard use and abuse.
Sure, there are plenty of other great upright piano libraries out there, with their shining lacquer and pristine strings,
but none of them ever captured the authentic beauty of a cheap, dusty, beat up, rusting, long untuned upright piano.
This is the kind of upright you remember from your grandma's house.​

Soundiron 的 Old Busted Granny Piano 抓住了一架破旧立式钢琴的核心和灵魂,


We captured 3-4 velocity...​
United Plugins 发布复古颤音合唱滤波机器插件效果器 Retronaut
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联合插件 United Plugins 旗下的 JMG Sound 又带来了一款新插件 Retronaut,

Explore the past
Humanity has travelled the world and all the seas. The sky is not the limit for us; we even reached the moon and beyond.
But we were never able to explore the past (before). Only Retronaut, our LoFi Nostalgia Machine, may take you there.
Fasten your seatbelts. The expedition through history starts now.​

人类已经走遍了世界和所有海洋。 天空不是我们的极限; 我们甚至到达了月球和更远的地方。
但是我们永远无法探索过去(从前)。 只有我们的 LoFi 怀旧机器 Retronaut 可以带你到那里。
系好安全带。 穿越历史的远征现在开始。
LoFi Nostalgia Machine
Retronaut is a multi-voice vibrato and chorus with LoFi effects.
It is inspired by old analogue gear such as bucket brigade chips, tape cassettes, vinyl records and voltage-controlled filters.​

Retronaut 是具有 LoFi 效果的多复音颤音和合唱效果器。
Vibrato to Chorus
Soundiron 发布复古电子风琴 KONTAKT 音色库 Fatty 311
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Soundiron 向一台一百年前的电子风琴致敬,虽然这是一台电子风琴音色,

FATTY 311 honors the tonal legacy of the Conn Prelude 311 organ.
C.G. Conn Ltd., sometimes called Conn Instruments or commonly just Conn, was an American manufacturer incorporated in 1915.
Its early business was based primarily on brass instruments manufactured in Elkhart, Indiana.
During the 1950s, its best seller became the electric organ.
After the household organ craze died down (50-70), Conn went bankrupt and was eventually bought by Steinway in 2000.​

FATTY 311 是向 Conn Prelude 311 风琴的音色遗产致敬。
C.G. Conn Ltd.,有时称为 Conn Instruments 或通常简称为 Conn,是一家成立于 1915 年的美国乐器品牌。
在 1950 年代,它的畅销产品成为了电风琴。
在家用风琴热潮消退后 ( 50-70 年代 ),Conn 破产并最终于 2000 年被 Steinway 收购。


Charles G. Conn was a Civil War...​
Audiomodern 升级 Loopmix 到 1.1,并提供免费扩展 Blend II
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大受好评的 Loopmix 更新至 1.1.0

What’s new?
Smooth Control: Cross-fades to eliminate sharp transients
Pan modules for individual tracks
Custom Sample Library location (desktop version)
ALT+DRAG in re-arrange tab to swap slices (desktop version)
Double-click on track button to randomize its effects
Track lock prevents audio files from being randomized
Fixed crash on MIDI devices disconnection
Supported file types: WAV, MP3, AIFF, OGG, FLAC, BWF
Various bug fixes & performance improvements​

在 re-arrange 标签中用 ALT+DRAG 来交换切片(电脑版本)
修正了 MIDI 设备断开时的崩溃
支持的文件类型:wav, mp3, aiff, ogg, flac, bwf


此外,一个新的 Loopmix 官方扩展音色库 Blend II 提供免费下载: