基于 ENGINE 引擎的 ERA 系列音色库一直是制作古老欧洲奇幻题材的首选音源,
Dark ERA 这款黑暗题材的中世纪音色库主打战争元素,具备战鼓 Loop 和号角之声,
Dark ERA 现已迁移到新版本的 Engine Player,以适应最新的系统需求。

Dark ERA 这款黑暗题材的中世纪音色库主打战争元素,具备战鼓 Loop 和号角之声,
Dark ERA 现已迁移到新版本的 Engine Player,以适应最新的系统需求。
The Engine Player Version of Dark ERA features optimized patches,
automatic tempo adjustment, and a CPU-friendly convolution reverb for stunning spatial sound.
The high-resolution user interface ensures smooth performance.
Dark ERA 的 Engine Player 版本具有优化的音色、
自动节奏调整和低占用 CPU 的卷积混响,可产生令人惊叹的空间声音。

Dark ERA features over 50 instruments with 20,000 samples, including string, wind, and percussion instruments.
It includes True Legato, versatile articulations, and stunning effects for maximum expressiveness.
Plus, it comes with 100+ atmospheric soundscapes and animated sound textures.
Epic Loops and Rhythmic Pads offer flexible, tempo-synced rhythmic arrangements.
Dark ERA 拥有超过 50 种乐器和 20000 个采样,包括弦乐、管乐和打击乐器。
此外,它还带有 100 多种大气音景和动画声音纹理。
Epic Loops 和 Rhythmic Pads 提供灵活、可与节拍同步的节奏型织体。

Free Update: Existing users can find the update in their account on bestservice.com.
免费更新:现有用户可以在 bestservice.com 上的帐户中找到更新。

Engine Player 1.2.0
Added new features for upcoming products.
Fixed issues with higher sample rates.
Improved streaming performance and file handling.
Optimized UI.
Engine Player 1.2.0
Dark ERA 正常价格 259 美元,3 月 26 日前首发促销 179 美元,
拥有 ERA II、ERA Vocal Codex、Ancient ERA Persia、Celtic ERA 2 的用户
在该首发促销期间可享交叉优惠 139 美元,