UVI 更新播放引擎 UVI Workstation 4,具有音色预览与图片美观新特性!

UVI Workstation 一直是 UVI 为其音色库提供的免费播放器引擎,并附带了一些免费音色。
现在 UVI Workstation 4 更新到 4.0,简直美爆!而且可以在加载音色之前预听音色了!

UVI Workstation 4.jpg

UVI has released a major new version of the free UVI Workstation.
This update includes a redesigned browser, preset tags, audio previews, and the new UVI Starter soundpack.​

UVI 发布了免费 UVI Workstation 的重量级新版本。
此更新包括重新设计的浏览器、预设标签、音频预览和新的 UVI Starter 音色库。
UVI Workstation 4's updated browser provides a modern and fully-featured interface for users to navigate their sounds and presets,
with improved search, tags, favorites, and an optimized layout.
The addition of audio previews for every preset in the UVI catalog helps users dramatically speed up sound selection without disrupting creative flow,
while a comprehensive preset tagging system, with UVI's entire ecosystem of soundbanks and expansions now fully tagged, allows highly focused, cross-library searches with ease.​

UVI Workstation 4 的新版浏览器为用户提供了一个现代化且功能齐全的界面,可浏览其声音和预设,
UVI 目录中每个预设的音频预览的加入可帮助用户明显加快声音选择速度,而不会中断创作流程,
而全面的预设标记系统(UVI 的整个音色库和扩展生态系统现已完全做好标记)可轻松进行高度集中的跨库搜索。
Together, these enhancements help create a fluid and inspiring creative experience, making it easier than ever to explore the vast world of UVI soundbanks.​

这些增强功能共同帮助创造流畅且令人振奋的创作体验,使探索广阔的 UVI 音色库世界变得前所未有的轻松。


UVI Workstation 4 offers native 64-bit operation in stand-alone and plug-in formats and is compatible with all UVI and UVI-Powered soundbanks.​

UVI Workstation 4 提供 64 位的独立运行和插件格式,并与所有 UVI 和 UVI-Powered 音色库兼容。
UVI Workstation 4.0, and the included UVI Starter soundbank, are available as a free download, available immediately through the UVI Portal desktop app.​

UVI Workstation 4.0 和附带的 UVI Starter 音色库可免费下载,可通过 UVI Portal 客户端应用程序立即获取。


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