PSP BussPressor 是 PSPaudioware 一款很早就面世的经典压缩器插件,这款压缩器以特有的 VCA 特性而著称。
最近,PSP 将 BussPressor 更新到 2.0,全新的界面和素质使其更是一款值得拥有的现代 VCA 压缩器的插件!

最近,PSP 将 BussPressor 更新到 2.0,全新的界面和素质使其更是一款值得拥有的现代 VCA 压缩器的插件!
PSP BussPressor is a compressor optimized for group and master buss processing.
It combines the sound of classic VCA compression with wide tuning capabilities,
while it's extra controls allow you to adjust a side chain high pass filter or apply parallel compression with ease.
PSP BussPressor 是一款针对编组和主总线处理进行了优化的压缩器。
它结合了经典 VCA 压缩的声音和全面的调谐功能,
PSP BussPressor is part of our series of Zero Latency Processing plug-ins;
making it ideal for situations such as live monitoring,
live broadcast production, and managing levels while tracking.
PSP BussPressor 是PSP 零延迟处理插件系列的一部分;

2.0 New:
Completely redesigned GUI for a fresh look and improved usability.
Added high-frequency sidechain emphasis for more precision.
Introduced FAT quad-sampling for richer sound quality.
2.0 新功能:
引入了 FAT 四重采样,以获得更好的音质。
2.0 Changes:
Sidechain high-pass filter (s.c.HPF) now operates without frequency steps.
Gain, threshold, and makeup knobs are now stepless for smoother control.
2.0 改进:
侧链高通滤波器 (s.c.HPF) 现在无需频率控制即可运行。

2.0 New Presets:
Explore expertly crafted presets from top professionals Enrico De Paoli, Oleg "Yorshoff" Yershov,
designed to enhance your sound instantly.
2.0 新预设:
探索顶级专业人士 Enrico De Paoli、Oleg“Yorshoff”Yershov
2.0 Improved Compatibility:
Fixed minor bugs and enhanced stability, ensuring even better performance across various systems.
The new version is backward compatible with previous versions but requires a fresh iLok authorization.
2.0 改进兼容性:
新版本将兼容以前的老版本,但需要新的 iLok 授权。

PSP BussPressor 2 新买为 99 美元,目前没有首发促销,