维也纳 VSL 的 Synchron Concert D-274 可以说是全世界最逼真且采样最精密的斯坦威 D 型钢琴采样音源,
其巨大的体积和高昂的价格让人却步,现在这款 Concert D-274 Essentials 轻量级版本完全降低了入门门槛。

其巨大的体积和高昂的价格让人却步,现在这款 Concert D-274 Essentials 轻量级版本完全降低了入门门槛。
Essence of Greatness
Experience the pinnacle of piano perfection with this software instrument that delivers the legendary Steinway & Sons sound straight to your studio and DAW.
By focusing on the core tonal characteristics that make the D-274 a favorite among pianists worldwide, this edition offers all the nuances this instrument is famous for in a streamlined, accessible virtual instrument.
Handpicked by virtuoso Stefan Mendl of Vienna Piano Trio fame, our very own Concert D-274 ranks among the best sounding pianos in Vienna.
Expertly sampled to perfection in the lush Hollywood-proven ambience of our acclaimed Stage A, this iconic concert grand fascinates with its warm, resonant, and detailed tone.
Unleash the immense power and rich tonal depth of the D-274 in a sleek, efficient package at an attractive price point.
这款软件乐器可将传奇的施坦威钢琴音色直接传送到你的工作室和 DAW,让你体验钢琴的完美巅峰。
通过专注于让 D-274 成为全球钢琴家最爱的核心音色特征,该版本以精简、易用的虚拟乐器形式提供了这款乐器闻名的所有细节。
由维也纳钢琴演奏大师 Stefan Mendl 精心挑选,VSL 自己的 Concert D-274 是维也纳音色最好的钢琴之一。
这款标志性的音乐会大钢琴在 VSL 备受赞誉的 Stage A 的好莱坞声音空间中经过专业采样,完美呈现,其温暖、共鸣和细腻的音色令人着迷。
以极具吸引力的价格,以美观、高效的包装诠释 D-274 的巨大力量和丰富的音色深度。

The essence of the Steinway sound
Handpicked Steinway & Sons D-274, Hamburg Model
Realistic playing feel, full of expression
Hollywood-proven ambience of Stage A at Vienna Synchron Stage
Mix-ready sound with Room Mix and close mic
Pre-configured presets: “Concert”, “Intimate”, “Player”, “Pop”, “Ambience”, “Mighty”
Sympathetic resonance and body resonance
Upgrade path to Synchron Concert D-274
精心挑选的施坦威 D-274,Hamburg 型号
维也纳 Synchron Stage Stage A 的好莱坞声场氛围
可以升级到 Synchron Concert D-274 高级版本

Piano Power, Precisely Sampled
The Concert D is a masterpiece of both sound and design.
To capture its full range of nuances, our engineers developed a highly precise motion-control system featuring a solenoid-operated, noise-free “robot finger.”
This micro-controller moves the finger with superhuman precision, allowing for flexible curvatures in both key down-strokes and release movements.
While offering fewer velocity layers than the premium Synchron Concert D-274 collection, this “Essentials” version delivers breathtaking realism.
Recorded in the exceptional acoustics of the expansive main hall of our Vienna Synchron Stage – renowned for its warm, transparent, and natural sound – this space serves as the perfect backdrop for the majestic D-274.
Please note that the Concert D-274 Essentials is included as a bonus library in the Studio Special Edition Vol. 1.
Concert D 是声音和设计的杰作。
为了捕捉其全部细微差别,VSL 的工程师开发了一种高精度运动控制系统,该系统具有电磁操作、无噪音的“机器人手指”。
虽然与高级 Synchron Concert D-274 系列相比,此“Essentials”版本提供的力度层较少,但它提供了令人惊叹的真实感。
录制于 VSL 维也纳 Synchron Stage 宽敞主大厅的卓越音响效果中,该空间以其温暖、透明和自然的声音而闻名,是雄伟的 D-274 的完美声场。
请注意,Concert D-274 Essentials 作为附加库包含在 Studio Special Edition Vol. 1 中。

Your Steinway Sound
Whether you’re practicing Chopin études or composing a song, achieving a finely tuned sound is key to creating a memorable performance –
and we’ve got you covered with masterfully crafted presets that you can shape to create your individual Steinway tone.
From adjusting resonance and shaping individual key dynamics to filtering specific ranges or even tweaking individual notes,
the intuitive interface of the Synchron Piano Player puts unparalleled creative control at your fingertips while offering a natural, hyper-realistic playing experience.
Adjust the body resonance, add algorithmic reverb for extra depth, and refine your sound with ease.
This versatile library gives you access to all the essentials of the full Concert D-274 edition – at an entry level price, but with a priceless sound!
VSL 为你提供了精心制作的预设,可以对其进行调整以创建你个人的施坦威音色。
Synchron Piano Player 的直观界面可以随时进行无与伦比的创意控制,同时提供自然、超现实的演奏体验。
这个多功能音色库可让你访问 Concert D-274 版本的所有基本功能 - 只需入门级价格,但音质无价!

Presets - Concert
Character: A grand spatial representation of the Steinway & Sons D-274 at Vienna Synchron Stage
Perspective: Conductor, with the instrument at its original recording position in the center.
Mix: Additional Reverb on the Close and MID microphones, with a 35 ms runtime delay on the Room Mix channel.
Recommendation: Piano concerts
预设 - Concert
特征:维也纳同步舞台上 Steinway & Sons D-274 的宏大空间表现
混音:近距离和中距离麦克风上的附加混响,房间混音通道上的运行时间延迟为 35 毫秒。
Presets - Intimate
Character: Close, charming sound with attenuated treble register and added Body Resonances.
Perspective: Player, centered
Mix: Little reverb on the Close microphone, with a 33 ms runtime delay on the narrowed Room Mix channel.
Recommendation: For intimate ballads and low, mighty chords.
预设 - Intimate
混音:近距离麦克风上的小混响,缩小的房间混音通道上的运行时间延迟为 33 毫秒。
Presets - Player
Character: Natural, close sound without any additional EQing and a soft touch of the room. Immediate response with the full stereo width of the keyboard. The real Steinway & Sons playing feel.
Perspective: Player, centered
Mix: Very little additional reverb on the Close microphones, with dampened high frequencies and a 21 ms runtime delay on the narrowed Room Mix channel.
Recommendation: Ideal recording preset
预设 - 演奏者
混音:近距离麦克风上几乎没有额外的混响,高频减弱,缩小的房间混音通道上有 21 毫秒的运行时间延迟。
Presets - Pop
Character: Powerful and assertive, with reduced MIDI sensitivity, accentuated low and high frequencies and a short reverb.
Perspective: Player, centered
Mix: Little additional reverb on the MID microphones, with bolstered deep and high frequencies and a 21 ms runtime delay on the narrowed Room Mix channel.
Recommendation: For the modern songwriter, for live solo peformances and within a band context.
预设 - 流行音乐
特性:强大而自信,MIDI 灵敏度降低,低频和高频突出,混响短暂。
混音:中距离麦克风上几乎没有额外的混响,深高频增强,缩小的房间混音通道上有 21 毫秒的运行时间延迟。
Presets - Ambience
Character: Spacious, roomy, washy, with soft attacks. Assertive sound even in the background of a mix.
Perspective: Conductor, with the instrument at its original recording position on the right.
Mix: Much reverb on all microphones and a 27 ms runtime delay on the Room Mix channel.
Recommendation: Soaring melodies, lush arrangements, film scores.
预设 - 氛围感
混音:所有麦克风都有很大混响,房间混音通道的运行时间延迟为 27 毫秒。
Presets - Mighty
Character: Bouncing, echoing sound with a distinctive slapback.
Perspective: Conductor, with the instrument at its original recording position in the center.
Mix: Much reverb on all microphones, with EQ adjustments. The slapback is created with the runtime delays for the Mid microphone and Room Mix channel. You may adjust it to fit the tempo of your music.
Recommendation: Scenes with cinematic landscapes, wide fields, industry halls or concrete walls.
预设 - Mighty
混音:所有麦克风都具有大量混响,并具有 EQ 调整。回声是通过中置麦克风和房间混音通道的运行时间延迟创建的。你可以调整它以适合你的音乐节奏。
Concert D-274 Essentials 正常价格 139 欧元,3 月 3 日前首发促销 89 欧元,
期间内,所有 VSL 的 Synchron Pianos 都在打折,包括 Synchron Pianos Bundle,
Concert D-274 Essentials 也可以升级到 Synchron Concert D-274 标准版和完整版甚至是套装。