一系列高品质的阿拉伯打击乐器系列现在已经登录最新的 ENGINE 新采样器,
Arabic Percussion 包含了一系列共 5 套各种中东打击乐,可购买合集。

Arabic Percussion 包含了一系列共 5 套各种中东打击乐,可购买合集。
Arabic Percussion Collection – The Heartbeat of the Desert
Dive into the rhythmic magic of the East with the Arabic Percussion Collection by Bassam Ayoub – a journey through the rich tradition of Arabic percussion.
This extraordinary library, inspired by the bustling markets, endless dunes, and lively celebrations, captures the essence of Arabic percussion in its purest form.
Arabic Percussion Collection——沙漠的心跳
通过 Bassam Ayoub 的阿拉伯打击乐合集,沉浸在东方的节奏魔力中——这是一场穿越阿拉伯打击乐丰富传统的旅程。
13 authentic instruments, each with its own story, tone, and soul,
come together to form a collection that effortlessly brings traditional rhythms and modern compositions to life.
13 种正宗乐器,每种都有自己的故事、音色和灵魂,

The authentic sound of oriental culture
Hear the delicate ringing of the Sajat, the dramatic resonance of the Daf, the deep tones of the Katem, or the distinct melodic accents of the Darbuka.
Each instrument tells of traditions passed down through generations and brings the rhythms of the East to life.
聆听 Sajat 的细腻铃声、Daf 的戏剧性共鸣、Katem 的深沉音色或 Darbuka 的独特旋律。

The Arabic Percussion Collection is more than just a sample library.
It is the gateway to a world where rhythms weave stories, sounds shape emotions, and rhythms turn into images.
Arabic Percussion Collection 不仅仅是一个采样库。

Craftsmanship and precision
With up to 16 round robins, unparalleled attention to detail, and up to 60 articulations per instrument,
this collection has been carefully and passionately created by Bassam Ayoub,
a master of Arabic music. Every hit, every ring, and every resonance has been meticulously recorded
to create a sound that is as vivid and dynamic as your music.
该系列拥有多达 16 个循环音色、无与伦比的细节关注度以及每个乐器多达 60 个技法,
由阿拉伯音乐大师 Bassam Ayoub 精心打造。

The integrated MIDI grooves, composed and performed by Bassam Ayoub, capture the typical movements of oriental rhythms
and provide you with an immediate tool to create authentic arrangements.
由 Bassam Ayoub 创作和演奏的集成 MIDI 节奏捕捉了中东节奏的典型动作,

A collection, many possibilities
Whether in the studio or on stage, the Arabic Percussion Collection is your faithful companion.
With its simple, beautiful interface, the instruments inspire you to explore both traditional rhythms and modern genres.
This library will become an essential part of your creative tools.

Arabic Percussion Darbuka
The Rhythmic Voice of Arabic Percussion
The Darbuka (also known as the Doumbek) is a key instrument in Arabic music,
famous for its sharp, melodic tones and versatile rhythmic potential.
With its iconic goblet-shaped body, typically made of ceramic, metal, or plastic,
the Darbuka is perfect for a wide range of playing techniques – from sharp slaps to deep, resonant bass sounds.
Arabic Percussion Darbuka
阿拉伯打击乐的节奏之声 达布卡(也称为 Doumbek)是阿拉伯音乐中的关键乐器,
非常适合各种演奏技巧 - 从尖锐的拍击到深沉、共鸣的低音。

Arabic Percussion Dufouf
The Resonant Soul of Arabic Percussion
The Arabic Percussion Dufouf is part of the Arabic Percussion Collection, produced by Bassam Ayoub.
This library features four distinct Dafs and a Katem, offering a rich palette of deep, resonant tones and dynamic rhythmic possibilities.
Arabic Percussion Dufouf
阿拉伯打击乐 Dufouf 是 Bassam Ayoub 制作的阿拉伯打击乐系列的一部分。
该库包含四个不同的 Dafs 和一个 Katem,提供丰富的深沉、共鸣的音调和动态的节奏可能性。

Arabic Percussion Khashkash
The Pulse of Arabic Percussion
The Arabic Percussion Khashkash is part of the Arabic Percussion Collection, produced by Bassam Ayoub.
It features the Mazhar and two distinct Tambourines, offering a versatile range of traditional sounds ideal for enriching any musical arrangement.
Arabic Percussion Khashkash
阿拉伯打击乐 Khashkash 是 Bassam Ayoub 制作的阿拉伯打击乐系列的一部分。
它以 Mazhar 和两个不同的铃鼓为特色,提供多种多样的传统声音,非常适合丰富任何音乐编曲。

Arabic Percussion Riq
The Heartbeat of Arabic Rhythms
The Riq is a traditional Arabic tambourine-like instrument, known for its sharp jingles and vibrant rhythms.
Played with fingers and palms, it adds a lively texture and dynamic melodies to both folk and classical music.
Its distinct sound and versatile technique make it essential in Arabic music ensembles, whether in solos or larger compositions.
The Riq is a key instrument for exploring the rich traditions of Arabic percussion.
Arabic Percussion Riq
Riq 是一种传统的阿拉伯铃鼓类乐器,以其尖锐的叮当声和充满活力的节奏而闻名。
Riq 是探索阿拉伯打击乐丰富传统的关键乐器。

Arabic Percussion Sajat
The Essence of Arabic Percussion
Arabic Percussion Sajat is part of the Arabic Percussion Collection, produced by Bassam Ayoub.
This library is perfect for bringing shimmering, metallic accents and unique rhythmic textures to your music – ideal for any composition or performance.
"Sajat" refers to a family of cymbal instruments widely used in Arabic music.
Arabic Percussion Sajat
阿拉伯打击乐 Sajat 是 Bassam Ayoub 制作的阿拉伯打击乐系列的一部分。
“Sajat” 指的是阿拉伯音乐中广泛使用的钹乐器系列。

Engine Player Version 1.1.0 required
macOS 10.15 - macOS 15 / 64 bit: Stand-alone, AU, VST3, AAX (native Apple Silicon or Intel)
Windows 10 or newer / 64 bit: Stand-alone, VST3, AAX / Intel Core Processor
RAM: 4 GB (more recommended)
需要 Engine Player 1.1.0 版本
macOS 10.15 - macOS 15 / 64 位:独立运行、AU、VST3、AAX /(原生 Apple Silicon 或 Intel 处理器)
Windows 10 或更新版本 / 64 位:独立运行、VST3、AAX / Intel Core 处理器
RAM:4 GB(推荐更多)
Arabic Percussion Collection 五合一合集为 199 欧元,
可以单独购买其中之一的部分,每单件价格从 29 欧元到 99 欧元不等。
之前购买过 Arabic Oud / E-Oud / Qanun 的用户买合集有优惠价格 149 欧元。