UVI 发布两款 Falcon 节奏扩展 Pulsacion 和 Modular Drums,现在买一送一!

UVI 旗舰音源平台 Falcon 现已升级到 3.1,并推出两款新的扩展音色:
现代拉丁节奏 Pulsacion 和 模块化鼓节奏 Modular Drums。
Falcon 3 本身顺势拥有半价促销机会,其所有扩展全部买一送一!


- Pulsacion -​

The Heat of Modern Latin Music
Expand Falcon with 105 expertly crafted presets
20 construction kits with sounds and sequences for seamless production
Deep editing capabilities of Falcon allow limitless customization​

以 105 个精心制作的预设扩展 Falcon
20 个包含音效和音序的结构套件,可实现无缝制作
Falcon 的深度编辑功能可实现无限定制


Bring the pulse of modern Latin music into your productions with Pulsación,
an exciting Falcon expansion inspired by reggaeton and Latin pop.
Pulsación delivers 105 presets that encapsulate the vibrant energy and rhythmic drive of Latin music,
including everything from thumping basslines to melodic keys, and infectious drum grooves.​

使用 Pulsacion 将现代拉丁音乐的脉搏带入你的作品中,
Pulsacion 是一款令人兴奋的 Falcon 扩展,灵感来自雷鬼和拉丁流行音乐。
Pulsación 提供 105 个预设,覆盖了拉丁音乐的活力和节奏驱动力,


Explore 20 hand-crafted construction kits each with its own selection of presets,
and find everything you need to build tracks from scratch including bass, drums, keys, and sequences -
all designed to make it easy for you to craft cohesive songs with a modern Latin flair.​

探索 20 个手工制作的结构套件,每个套件都有自己的预置选择,
Whether you’re looking to capture the authentic rhythms of reggaeton or craft your own Latin pop anthems,
Pulsación brings a fresh, vibrant sound to your production workflow.​

Pulsacion 都能为你的制作工作流程带来新鲜、充满活力的声音。

- Modular Drums -​

Delve into the world of modular synthesis with Modular Drums,
and explore 100 kits packed with electrifying drum sounds, cutting-edge percussive textures, and inspiring sequences,
all hand-crafted with a distinctive modular aesthetic.​

使用 Modular Drums 深入模块化合成的世界,
探索 100 套鼓,它们包含激动人心的鼓声、时髦的打击乐纹理和另人振奋的节奏,


Each preset contains five essential drum elements; kick, snare, hi-hat, percussion, and cymbal, all playable in a standard GM layout.
Every preset also features a built-in sequence, triggered with a single note (C3), providing instant rhythmic patterns
that can be altered in realtime using a pitchwheel for instant beat-repeat madness, creative stutters, glitches, and more.​

每个预设包含五个基本鼓元素:底鼓、军鼓、踩镲、打击乐和镲片,所有这些都可以在标准的 GM 布局中演奏。
每个预设还具有一个内置音序,由单个音符 (C3) 触发,提供实时节奏模式,


Organized into five categories, including Atmospheric, Glitch, Heavy, Minimal, and Textured,
you will find a vast range of sonic possibilities, from abstract and glitchy textures to hard-hitting, minimalistic beats.
With Falcon’s powerful macros and modulation options, each drum kit can be easily tweaked, morphed, or reshaped to fit your production style,
whether you're lacing together intricate IDM rhythms, experimental electronic beats, pulse-pounding electro, or beyond.​

借助 Falcon 强大的全局控制和调制选项,每个鼓组都可以轻松调整、变形或重塑以适合你的制作风格,
无论你是将复杂的 IDM 节奏、实验性电子节拍、令人心跳加速的电子乐还是其他音乐结合在一起。


两款扩展每款定价 39 美元,11 月 4 日前买一送一,
此外,Falcon 3 在此期间内也以半价 149 美元供应。