Musical Sampling 发布独奏巴松管连奏音色库 Harrington Bassoon

Musical Sampling 之前已经发布了一系列连奏的独奏木管音色库,

Harrington Bassoon.jpg

Harrington Bassoon is a versatile, true-legato bassoon library performed by Kody Harrington,
principal bassoonist of the Victoria Symphony Orchestra in Texas.
Recorded at Orb Studios in Austin, our goal was to create a responsive, emotive,
and agile instrument capable of fitting into various orchestral contexts.​

Harrington Bassoon 是由得克萨斯州维多利亚交响乐团的
录制地点在奥斯汀的 Orb 工作室,Musical Sampling 的目标是创造
The Workhorse patch is the all-rounder, performed with a confident mezzo-forte dynamic.
Emotional delivers an expressive, lyrical performance at mezzo-piano, while also capable of softer, more jovial passages.
The Marcato Legato patch variations offer enhanced phrasing capabilities.
We’ve also included a polyphonic marcato patch with multiple dynamics.​

Workhorse 音色是全能型的,具有自信的中-强音动态演奏。
Emotional 可演奏出富有表现力、抒情的中-轻力度动态,同时也能演奏出柔和、欢快的乐段。
Marcato Legato 变奏音色提供了更强的乐句能力。
Musical Sampling 还额外加入了一个具有多种动态的复音强调音色。


Additionally, we captured a range of inhale breaths throughout the session,
adding realism when woven in before or between phrases.​

With the Workhorse and Emotional Legato patches, velocities 1-30 produce a softer attack,
31-114 triggers a more pronounced attack (with round robins), and 115-127 delivers an immediate vibrato following the attack.​

对于 Workhorse 和 Emotional Legato 音色,力度 1-30 可产生较柔和的起音,
力度 31-114 可触发更明显的起音(带循环),力度 115-127 可在起音后立刻产生颤音。
For Marcato Legato, velocities 1-30 will trigger a soft attack, 31-114 a faster attack,
and 115-127 activates the marcato articulation.​

对于 Marcato Legato,力度 1-30 会触发柔和的起音,力度 31-114 会触发较快的起音,
而力度 115-127 则会触发揉弦技巧。


Marcato Legato Pesante prioritizes the marcato sustain, triggered at velocities 31-127,
while a soft attack is activated at velocities 1-30.​

Marcato Legato Pesante 优先使用在力度 31-127 触发的连奏延音,
而在力度 1-30 处则触发柔软的起音。
The Breaths patch includes a collection of inhales captured throughout the session.
Incorporating these breaths before or between phrases can enhance your mockup, adding a sense of presence and authenticity.​

Breaths 音色包括整个演奏过程中捕捉到的吸气声集合。


• Versatile, legato bassoon
• Performed with natural, progressive vibrato
• Recorded close for mixing flexibility
• Adjustable reverb of custom hall impulse​

• 多功能连奏巴松管
• 演奏时带有自然、渐进的颤音
• 近距离录制,混音灵活
• 可调节自定义大厅脉冲混响
• Requires full retail version of Kontakt 5.8.1 or higher
• Free Kontakt Player NOT supported
• Recorded in 48khz / 24bit
• 1.7 GB compressed NCW format
• Receive watermarked product by Pulse downloader​

• 需要完整零售版 Kontakt 5.8.1 或更高版本
• 不支持免费 Kontakt Player 引擎
• 以 48khz / 24bit 录制
• 1.7 GB 压缩 NCW 格式
• 通过 Pulse 下载器接收带水印的产品


正常价格 79 美元,10 月 22 日前首发促销 49 美元,