KV331 Audio 从前两年开始就一直在折腾 SynthMaster 3 了,经历了多次测试版的反馈之后,
正式版的 SynthMaster 3 终于面世,特性大幅度增强,能升级的就赶紧升级吧!
SynthMaster 3 is KV331 Audio's flagship all-around modular software synthesizer available in VST2, VST3, AudioUnits and AAX formats.
It features many different synthesis methods including VAnalog, Additive, Vector, Wavetable, Granular, Phase Modulation,
Phase Distortion, Frequency Modulation, Pulse Width Modulation, Ring Modulation, Physical Modeling and SFZ Sample Playback.
SynthMaster 3 是 KV331 Audio 的旗舰全能模块化软件合成器,提供 VST2、VST3、AU 和 AAX 格式。
相位调制、相位失真、频率调制、脉冲宽度调制、环形调制、物理建模和 SFZ 采样文件回放。

New Features in version 3.0
Modular Architecture:
Each SynthMaster 3 instance can have up to 16 Layers.
Each layer can have up to 16 modules, 32 modulation sources and 6 insert effects:
SynthMaster 3.0 新特性:
每个 SynthMaster 3 运行时最多可以有 16 个层。
每个层最多可以有 16 个模块、32 个调制源和 6 个插入效果:
Generator modules: Basic Oscillator, Additive Oscillator, Vector Oscillator, Wavetable Oscillator, VAnalog Oscillator, Granular Oscillator and Modulator.
Effect modules: Digital Filter, VAnalog Filter, State Variable Filter, Ladder Filter, Diode Ladder Filter, Bite Filter, Comb Filter, Phaser Filter, Formant Filter and Waveshaper.
Modulation Sources: ADSR Envelope, Multistage Envelope, LFO, Step LFO, Noise LFO and Scaler.
Insert FX: Chorus, Compressor, Delay, Distortion, EQ, Ensemble, FilterBank, LoFi, Phaser, Reverb, Tremolo, Vocoder.
调制源:ADSR 包络、多级包络、LFO 低频振荡器、步进低频振荡器、噪声低频振荡器和 Scaler。
New Factory Presets:
SynthMaster 3 comes with 900 new factory presets designed by a world class team of sound designers:
Arksun, Aiyn Zahev, BigTone, Cipryan Bot, Davide Puxeddu, Demis Hellen, Gercek Dorman, NatLife,
New Loops, Nori Ubukata, Selcuk Ergen, Xenos Soundworks, XTD and Yuli Yolo.
SynthMaster 3 配备了由世界级声音设计师团队设计的 900 个新的出厂预设:
Arksun、Aiyn Zahev、BigTone、Cipryan Bot、Davide Puxeddu、Demis Hellen、Gercek Dorman、NatLife、
New Loops、Nori Ubukata、Selcuk Ergen、Xenos Soundworks、XTD 和 Yuli Yolo。
Backwards Compatibility
SynthMaster 3 can load SynthMaster One and SynthMaster 2 presets.
SynthMaster 3 可以加载 SynthMaster One 和 SynthMaster 2 的预设。
Multiple View Types
SynthMaster 3 provides 3 different views to edit layer parameters:
Layer View: This view is used for editing a single layer's parameters.
Track View: This view is used for editing keyboard zones/velocity zones/voicing/unison/arp/seq parameters of multiple layers.
Mix View: This view is used for editing insert fx and fx send parameters of multiple layers.
SynthMaster 3 提供 3 种不同的视图来编辑音色层的参数:

Granular Oscillator
The new granular oscillator applies granular synthesis on a multi-sample to render its output.
The oscillator features up to 16 "voices" with each having up to 32 grains, resulting in up to 512 grains per oscillator.
Each voice can have different settings with the help of spread parameters for volume, pan, detune, position, grain length and grain start time.
Each grain can have randomization for volume, pan, detune, position, grain length, grain start time and playback direction.
振荡器具有多达 16 个 “声音”,每个声音最多有 32 个粒子,因此每个振荡器最多有 512 个粒子。
VAnalog Oscillator
The new VAnalog oscillator renders the oscillator shape in real-time using line segments to mimic how analog circuits generate waveforms.
It comes with many built-in shapes from well known analog synths. The oscillator features up to 16 "voices".
Each voice can have different settings with the help of spread parameters for volume, pan, detune, symmetry, x morph and y morph.
新的 VAnalog 振荡器使用线段实时呈现振荡器形状,以模仿模拟电路如何产生波形。
它带有许多来自知名模拟合成器的内置形状。振荡器具有多达 16 个“声音”。
每个声音都可以在音量、声像、失谐、对称性、x 变量和 y 变量的扩展参数的帮助下具有不同的设置。
WaveShaper Effect
The new Waveshaper effect in SynthMaster 3 comes with different types of distortion algorithms:
Soft Tanh, Soft ATan, Hevy, Fuzz, Fold Sine, Fold Tri, Fold Round, Rectify Full, Rectify Half, Clip and Bitcrush.
There is also a Custom algorithm which allows users to draw their own distortion curve.
SynthMaster 3 中的新 Waveshaper 效果带有不同类型的失真算法:
Soft Tanh、Soft ATan、Hevy、Fuzz、Fold Sine、Fold Tri、Fold Round、Rectify Full、Rectify Half、Clip 和 Bitcrush。

Phaser Filter
The new phaser filter effect is similar to the phaser effect in SynthMaster One/2.
However, as being a polyphonic effect it operates per voice.
It uses multiple allpass filters mixed with the input to create phasing effects.
新的移相器滤波器效果类似于 SynthMaster One/2 中的移相器效果。
Formant Filter
The new formant filter effect in SynthMaster 3 uses parallel bank of filters to create vowel sounds.
Users can select the initial and final vowels (formants) and morph between them.
SynthMaster 3 中的新共振峰滤波器效果使用并行滤波器组来创建元音。
Comb Filter
The Comb Filter effect in SynthMaster 3 is similar to the digital comb filter type in SynthMaster 2, but with more improvements.
The effect can operate in 2 different modes: Feedback and Feedforward.
The damping filters in the feedback loop of the comb filter effect can be set in multiple modes: Highpass / HighShelve, LowPass / LowShelve.
SynthMaster 3 中的梳状滤波器效果类似于 SynthMaster 2 中的数字梳状滤波器类型,但有更多改进。
该效果可以在 2 种不同的模式下运行:反馈和前馈。

Oscillator Unison
In SynthMaster 3; basic, wavetable, granular and vanalog oscillators have oscillator unison.
Mix Type, Mix Curve, and Pan Curve are new unison parameters in SynthMaster 3.
With the Mix Type parameter, different pitches (Octaves & Chords) can be selected for the oscillator unison voices.
在 SynthMaster 3 中,基本振荡器、波表振荡器、粒子振荡器和模拟振荡器均具有振荡器同音功能。
混合类型、混合曲线和声像曲线是 SynthMaster 3 中的新同音参数。
Oscillator Noise Types
The following noise types are new in SynthMaster 3:
Pink Noise, Brown Noise, Blue Noise and Violet Noise.
这些噪音类型是 SynthMaster 3 中的新噪音类型:
The KeyScaler in SynthMaster 2 is vastly improved in SynthMaster 3.
It is now called Scaler, as users can select another modulation source as its input (instead of Keytrack)
and use the scaler as a waveshaper for its input.
SynthMaster 2 中的 KeyScaler 在 SynthMaster 3 中得到了极大改进。
它现在被称为 Scaler,因为用户可以选择另一个调制源作为其输入(而不是 Keytrack),
并使用 Scaler 作为其输入的波形整形器。

Noise LFO
The new Noise LFO modulation source in SynthMaster 3 can be used to generate sample and hold noise.
SynthMaster 3 中的新噪声 LFO 调制源可用于生成采样和保持噪声。
Separate Arp / Sequencers
Each Layer in SynthMaster 3 has separate arpeggiator and sequencer.
The MIDI input signal first goes through the sequencer followed by the arpeggiator.
独立的琶音器 / 音序器
SynthMaster 3 中的每个层都有独立的琶音器和音序器。
MIDI 输入信号首先通过音序器,然后通过琶音器。
Arp / Sequencer Randomization
Each step in an arpeggiator / sequencer can have random values for trigger, hold, slide parameters.
琶音器 / 音序器随机化
琶音器 / 音序器中的每个节拍步骤都可以使用触发、保持、滑动参数的随机值。
Multi-Channel MIDI Out
Each layer has its own MIDI output channel so that users can
route the MIDI generated by the Arps / Sequencers to different tracks in their DAW.
多通道 MIDI 输出
每个层都有自己的 MIDI 输出通道,以便用户可以
将琶音器 / 音序器生成的 MIDI 路由到其 DAW 中的不同轨道。

Waveform Editor
SynthMaster 3 comes with a comprehensive Waveform Editor to edit single cycle waveforms.
Single cycle waveforms can be created either using line segments or with free hand drawing.
Spectrums of free hand drawn waveforms can also be edited with the editor.
SynthMaster 3 配备了全面的波形编辑器,可用于编辑单周期波形。
Wavetable Editor
SynthMaster 3 comes with a comprehensive Wavetable Editor to edit wavetables.
Wavetables can be created using single cycle waveforms or sample files.
7 types of wavetable effects are available to further sculp the wavetable sound:
Spectral Filter, Waveshaper, Modulator, Bender, Shifter, LoFi and Sync.
The generated wavetable can be saved in SynthMaster 3's own format,
or exported in WAV format to be used in other wavetable synths.
SynthMaster 3 配备了全面的波表编辑器,可用于编辑波表。
有 7 种波表效果可用于进一步塑造波表声音:
频谱滤波器、波形整形器、调制器、弯音器、移位器、LoFi 和同步。
生成的波表可以保存为 SynthMaster 3 自己的格式,
也可以导出为 WAV 格式以用于其他波表合成器。
Multi-Sample Editor
SynthMaster 3 comes with a comprehensive Multi-Sample Editor to edit multi samples.
The multi-samples can be saved in SFZ format, which is a well documented format to store multi sample metadata.
SynthMaster 3 配备了全面的多采样编辑器,可用于编辑多个采样。
多采样可以保存为 SFZ 格式,这是一种用于存储多采样元数据的文档齐全的格式。
正常价格 179 美元,9 月 15 日前首发促销 125 美元,
从 SynthMaster 2 升级到 SynthMaster 3 为 49 美元,
从 SynthMaster ONE 升级到 SynthMaster 3 为 89 美元,
从 SynthMaster Player 升级到 SynthMaster 3 为 99 美元,